Month: November 2021

You will live in a pod

This is a glimpse into the future:

They are just acclimating these kids to life in an airless pod at the behest of a sociopathic billionaire.

That’s the future they want from us.  Live in a pod and eat bugs so they can be richer than ever before.

At least the school is being honest about it.

And the supply chain problems intensifys

Oh gee, more trucking problems.

This one is going to be huge.

I wonder if Buttigieg will come off paternity leave for this or will the Administration continue to bumblefuck this up?

Who am I kidding, never underestimate Biden’s ability to fuck things up.

Eco-Gulags are coming

War like footing and military campaign against who?

Against what?

An invisible gas produced by nearly every industrial process and animal on the planet.

How do you go to war against that?

You go to war against people.

This thinking ends up with a Smart Grid of Bones where countless dissidents are worked to death to build a renewable power infrastructure to keep the homes of the elites a comfortable 72 degrees year round.

Disenfranchising millions of people because of their race has never backfired ever

More and more companies are comfortable saying that they are going out of their way not to hire qualified white men.

Recently here in North Carolina, a hospital executive was fired for being a white man and replaced with two diversity hires.  Literally.  He had enough evidence to win a lawsuit.

But many don’t.

So what is the end result.  Qualified white men are denied jobs.  Others decide to drop out of the workforce or don’t even bother to become qualified in the first place.

For the Woke, this might seem like a victory.

But it will only be a temporary one.

Disenfranchising and disaffecting a large portion of the population never ends well.

It never has.

This is how revolutions and civil wars start.


Can we start another oil war

Let’s invade Canada.

Both for oil and for retribution for the War of 1812.

They think we’ve forgotten, we haven’t.