Month: November 2021

Recon Medical Bleed Kits (UPDATE)

(Black Friday Update: At check out, use promo code 25OFF2021 and get a 25% in qualifying items)

You guys know I built my “Oh Sh**!” kits around the tourniquets of Recon Medical because they are the good stuff without having to pay up the ass. I got an email from them and they have their kits at a very good price and free shipping to boot.

Bleed Kits™ Archives – Recon Medical


Recon Medical® Bleed Kit™ -Includes Recon Medical® GEN 4 Black Tourniquet Kevlar, Titanium Trauma Shears, Trauma Bandage, Compressed Gauze, Emergency Blanket, Chest Seal, and Red Canvas Bag, First Aid Tactical SWAT Medic Pre-Hospital Life Saving Hemorrhage Control

If you still go around without fast access to a kit like this, you have no more excuses. And if you are looking for a gift to give to somebody in our same mindset, this does not get any better. It is cheaper than most boxes of ammo and as equally or more life-saver.

And I am going to say this once (again)(And updated, Video added)

Citizen’s arrest is dumb.

”You are not sworn to endanger your life to apprehend a dangerous criminal, nor you are paid to do it.”
Jim Cirillo

I am quoting myself from the discussion in the comments section.

Legal use of Deadly Force for self-defense is a last option action, it means other ways have been exhausted or are not available. Even though there is the possibility of legal issues down the road, the other options are either ICU or a slab in the morgue
Citizens Arrest is optional. If you act, you are liable to whatever happens if the arrest goes sideways. If you don’t act, the possibility of you getting in trouble goes almost to zilch.

Why borrow trouble?

Because arrests never go sideways, right?


They will try to change the law against us, we should change it first against them

The law says that a person can use force, including lethal force, to prevent imminent grave bodily harm or death.

In the Rittenhouse case, that grave bodily harm came from a guy who weighed close to twice what Kyle did, with a history of violence, trying to take his gun, another man hitting hil with a skateboard in the head, and a third pulling a pistol on him.

They will try and change the law to make sure that a man like Kyle cannot defend himself against a Leftist mob.

They want to be sure the next time Antifa rampages through a community, Antifa can beat people with impunity and those who defend themselves against the mob go to prison.

It’s not enough to prevent that.

We need to advance.

I keep saying, the mob should be treated as a collective.

Kyle should not have to prove those three individuals were a threat to him.

He should only have to prove the mob was a threat.

Yes, I absolutely and unequivocally believe that when a mob attacks a person, indiscriminately firing into the mob should be legal and is morally justified.

The defender should not have to be purposeful in selecting specific targets in the mob who pose a threat, the mob as an entity is the threat and all members of the mob are equally culpable and therefore are equally valid targets.

Consider this.

How do you pick the man with the bike lock out of the crowd as a target?

You can’t and under current law,  all the people he was hiding behind are not legitimate targets.

I want to change that.

Every person in the crowd who was a shield for bike lock man should be a legal target.

It should be perfectly legal to empty the mag into that mob and shoot bike lock man and his human cover.

If you really want to stop Antifa, do that.

“I was attacked by a person in the black bloc so I shot everyone in black bloc facing me” should be a perfect defense.

And because I’m a man of principle, I’ll make it explicit, if a bunch of Klansmen showed up at a black man’s house, again, mob rules, every person in a white robe could get shot as a member of the mob.

I propose the “Kill The Whole Mob in Self Defense Act.”

Because we’re all getting the Israeli treatment

It’s really simple:

The Left is a bunch of Jew-haters.  They hate Israel so don’t report on Palestinian attacks on Israel, only Israeli counter attacks on Palestinian terrorists.

That creates a one sided world view where the entirely defensive Israelis are perceived as the perennial aggressors.

The Left now hates working and middle-class white people, especially conservatives, nearly as much.

Terrorist attacks against them (us) will be downplayed or unreported.

Defensive actions against them will be reported as attacks.

This is exactly what you saw in the Rittenhouse trial.

No mention of the history of violence and abuse by Kyle’s attackers and Kyle’s defensive shootings called murder.

It’s the same tactic used over and over again.

We conservative Jews have been watching it used against Israel for years, so I recognize it when it’s used against fellow Americans.

That was the whole point of the Rittenhouse trial and why so many were invested in i

That was the whole point.

The state had to convict Rittenhouse to protect their unofficial Brownshirt thugs in Antifa.

The people needed him acquitted so that Antifa knew we could defend ourselves from them.

The people won and Antifa is shitting itself.


The Left wanted us to have to cower in fear of Antifa.

The Rittenhouse verdict defies that.

I hope every time some Antifa thug assaults someone they get blasted.