Month: December 2021

F**k Joe Biden, that disrespectful old bastard

This was Biden’s White House Menorah Lighting.

“You know, when we light this menorah in the White House, when Jewish families place menorahs in their windows, we are proclaiming liberty. We’re exercising the freedom that the Maccabees sought to simply practice their faith. And we’re showing that there is still light, that even the most fragile flame can be sustained in a tradition and nourish the soul of a people.  That little bit of light — that little bit of light, wherever it is found, can dispel the darkness and illuminate a path forward. And whether it’s in the Temple in Jerusalem or a temple of our democracy, nothing broken or profaned is beyond repair. Nothing.  We can always build back better or perhaps build back brighter.  So, thank you all for being here as we proclaim the light and liberty that this is all about.”

What a piece-of-shit son-of-a-bitch that old fucking bastard is.

Hanukkah is about the re-dedication of the temple and refusing to be assimilated by the Greeks.

He talks about light and then uses it to sell his bullshit “build back better” slogan.

He has to shoehorn his fucking agenda into the menorah lighting.

Disrespectful old bastard.

See this Jews?  See how the Democrats mouth pieties to us then disrespect us to our faces?

Fuck Biden!

Ghostbusters: Afterlife. Much better than I ever hoped for.

After 2 decades, the missus and I finally took the chance of actually going to a movie theater to see a movie again. Ghostbusters: Afterlife was the one we decided to take the chance on dealing with people on their phones, screaming and acting the fools. We did avoid all that by going to an early showing in the middle of the week.

But what about the movie itself? Holy shit, it was magnificent. You knew what it was about, but still managed to grab you by the emotions and drag you around. I admit I clapped, cheered and even dealt a little bit with the sudden high pollen count inside the theater a couple of times.

And the best of all, other than a couple of slight references to fracking, more related to the possible cause of events, there are no political bullshit added to the movie. Reitman Jr. was smart enough to make a fun movie for most everybody rather than ticking all the Hollywood’s Left required checkboxes of inclusivity and social justice.

Go watch the movie. That is all I am gonna say.

And please, stay for the credits. You will get a smile and chuckle.

And so it begins: Saving the career of Alec Baldwin whatever the cost.

Including a slew of lies.

He “opened his soul” so we could see how much he is suffering and we pity him into forgiveness. And that is not even a decent performance, but it should be enough to start his pat to P.R. redemption.

Bubba, you had a single action gun. That means you not only pulled the trigger but you had to cock it before that.

He won’t be serving any jail time. He won’t be suffering any legal or civil consequences. And he will probably be hosting the Oscars or at least presenting an award in the future.


Hat Tip MarkC

Congress is just a sh*t show of awful people and hypocrisy

Yeah… that voice-mail was terrible but I seem to remember the Democrats watering down condemnation of Omar’s antisemitic tirade with a bullshit platitude about “anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, racism and other forms of bigotry” that didn’t name any names.

As for security, when a Republican’s office was attacked by an Antifa member with an axe, he got probation and his axe back.

This is infuriating.

It’s an utter shit show of awful people doing whatever they can for social media exposure.

Fuck ’em all.

Paging John Wick

Two things can be true at the same time:

One: Without effective policing cities will dissolve into chaos, like in San Francisco and New York City, where mass looting, violent street assaults, and quality of life crimes have rendered those cities into shitholes.

Two: This is an obscenity.  There was absolutely no reason for a cop to attack a dog like that on the dog’s home porch.  That was vicious and unnecessary, and the officer should be punished for that.

This is the sort of shit that turns me against cops.

It’s not just possible but reasonable and  moral imperative to say “the Left’s ‘defund the police’ is bullshit but this here cop needs to be tossed out like the piece of shit that he is.”

If we don’t, we have nobody to blame but ourselves when we lose the normies.


A buddy sent me this, I didn’t know Twitchy had covered it.

I’m not walking anything I said back because I am quite familiar with the Terre Haute Police Department and holy shit, they are some of the worst cops in Indiana.  They were a small town Police Department that absolutely hated every college kid at both ISU and RHIT and used every excuse to hassle college kids.  A truly fuck-ass awful department.


Look what I found in my mailbox: The Law of Self Defense Principles by Attorney F. Branca.

Andrew was kind enough to send me “The Law of Self Defense: The Indispensable Guide to the Armed Citizen for review back when he was doing the Zimmerman Trial live feed. You bet that issue is pretty well thumbed over. I got his Tennessee Seminar before we moved here and now, I will sit and go over this one since may have changed a bit or two in the last eight years.

It is hollow point ammo of knowledge for your brain. Review forthcoming.

Australia has returned to its roots. (UPDATE: Escapees captured; plot thickens)

Northern Territory police say they don’t believe three teenagers who allegedly absconded from Darwin’s Howard Springs COVID-19 quarantine facility this morning came into contact with members of the community.
At a COVID update press conference, NT Chief Minister Michael Gunner confirmed the teenagers, aged 15, 16 and 17, tested negative for the virus yesterday.
He said all three were from the Binjari community near Katherine and had been sent into quarantine as close contacts of positive cases.

Teenagers from remote NT community arrested after escape from Howard Springs COVID quarantine facility – ABC News

Binjari is a small town in the Northen Territory of Australia and populated by Aborigines.

Yes, the Australians are sending Aborigines to “health” (concentration) camps. When do they start asking for sharpshooters to come hunt them with long distance rifles?

UPDATE:  The original posted story changed and it comes now with an exquisite twist.

Let me make it bigger:

Three Aborigine teenagers who were not infected escaped from a “health” detention camp and chased after like they were Australia’s Most Wanted.

The question begs why were there in the first place?

No comment found about this from BLM Australia or equivalent.