Month: December 2021

The anti-LGBT backlash is going to have me buying stock in Morbark and Vermeer

I’m old enough to remember when the gay community – before it became the LGBTIAQ+ alphabet soup – was adamant that they were not pedophiles and groomers out to convert your children into being gay.

It was that argument that helped normal middle Americans accept gay rights.

It’s amazing what two decades of victories has done to embolden the LGBTAIQ+ activists.

Now they are bragging online how they have infiltrated the schools and are grooming little kids to be trans/queer/etc.  That all little kids will either be non-conforming or allies.

Make no mistake about this, this is psychological child sex abuse.

The backlash is coming.  It’s inescapable.

When happy boys and girls go off to a school at the beginning of the year and by midterms are demanding puberty blockers and double mastectomies while threatening suicide, not every parent is going to be proud to show off their allyship on Facebook.  Some will want answers why Johnny is below proficiency on math but knows all about his preferred pronouns.

And I am excited to sell those parents the drum chippers they will want to get those answers.


The Original Cancel Culture

1) Public humiliation for not following the “approved” protocols of conduct, followed by 2) the loss of what is precious to you and eventually 3) a nice long stay at a re-education camp or 4) a very short one in a tiled room with a big drain in the middle.

I figure we are fighting with parts 1 and 2 so they do not get to see that parts 3 and 4 are dangerous to their health.

It’s time we bring back asylums

Anyone who needs their gender validated by a baby and criticizes that baby for being transphobic when the validation does not happen is mentally ill and needs to be locked away.

Instead, these are the people who work in schools and daycare facilities with children.

We need to bring back asylums and use them.

Southwest Florida Blogshoot – Important Update

Passing the word. Copy/paste as usual

We are confirmed for Saturday, January 15 at Manatee Gun Club in Myakka City, FL. The club is now under new management so there will be a few changes from previous shoots.  Please do not arrive prior to 10:30am.  Do not stop in the office, just follow the signs to the end of the road where our range is.  Prior to January 15, please review and follow the 6 easy steps below.

Manatee Gun and Archery Club, 1805 Logue Rd, Myakka City, FL 34251

  1. The Gun Club has an online waiver that everyone will need to fill out.  If you don’t fill this out online you’ll have to fill out a paper form when you get there which will be a bit of a pain for everyone.

2, Please forward an email to me (at borepatch at gmail dot com) listing your actual name, your blog name (if applicable), your email address, and how many are in your party (we collected some of this info previously but the royal scribes seem to have misplaced it).  This needs to be done, even if you’ve left a comment that you will be attending because we have to verify everyone’s forms have or will be completed.

3. IMPORTANT: We need to have some NRA certified Range Safety Officers.  If any of y’all are certified RSOs and would volunteer, please send me an email and attach your credentials so we can clear it with the club that we have the required RSOs.


4.  When you get to the range, follow the signs that say “Borepatch Blogshoot” to the private range at the end of the road.  We have that reserved just for us.  Shooting stands are covered, and there are 180 yard rifle and 25 yard pistol ranges.

  1. We’re asking everyone for $20 to cover range costs.  As usual, TQOTW will cater lunch which is included in the cost.
  2. Lastly, bring whichever guns you want to.  Last time we had enough firepower to invade Canada.  We will have targets and stands, but the more targets, the merrier.  Of course, bring eye and ear protection.  Also, bring clips to attach the targets to the stands since no staples are allowed at the range.

Many of you may be interested to know, we have some different out of town visitors this time:


Co-blogger and my brother-from-another mother ASM826, down from North Carolina

Long time commenter Libertyman, down from New Hampshire

(tentatively) B from In The Middle Of The Right, from Indiana (I am looking into airports and will email you shortly)


Me too, also the practicality of feet and inches

I second this opinion.

Also the practicality feet and inches is superior to metric.

You can take your “but metric is divisible by ten” and cram it up your ass.

I’m. 6 foot 3 inches, that’s 1.90 meters. My buddy is 6 foot 4 inches, he’s 1.93 meters.

For everyday measurements (a person’s height, the width of a couch, the size of a TV) you either have to be accurate to the second or third decimal place for meters or work in hundreds for centimeters.

Meters are fine for the same scale you might use yards for, like a football field.

But it’s much more convenient to think about a 2x4x8 than a 40x90x2440.


The Waffen NYPD are out checking papers

You better be sure you’ve has both shots and your booster and you have your proof of vaccination and booster on you at all times for everyone in your family over the age of five or masked men with guns will throw you out of a business open to the public.

“The old principle: who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced by a new one: who does not obey shall not eat.” – Leon Trotsky Bill de Blasio

Biden Admits COVID Defeat

And the usual handwringers are desperately trying to address this admission in a way that does not make Pederast In Chief look any worse, but they are going to fail. And you may hear the scrams and lamentations from the Left, but if you pay close attention, mixed in all the wailing, you can also hear the muttered curses of the Non-Lefty Never Trumpers (Both Republican and “Libertarian”) who will rather cut their tongues out rather than admit President Trump was doing things right (mostly, he did keep Mini Dr. Mengele) by not interfering at state level and just providing help as it was requested from the Feds.

I would go in Social Media and poke fun at my Never Trumper acquaintances, but I believe all of them either blocked me or dropped me from their access as I was politically “impure.”

And the gales of laughter you hear coming from points south?