Month: December 2021

Holy Crap, that was me!

A photo taken by the missus Christmas Day 3 or 4 years ago I did not remember, versus today.

And I was feeling guilty because I murdered the diet this morning. There were pancakes and biscuits made from scratch and bacon and sausage and maple syrup and butter…. so, I said, “Screw it, go for it.”

I don’t feel as bad now. I’ll go back to the diet next year.

Gym? Tomorrow.

A member of The Cult of Covid attacks a Senior Citizen during a flight.

I love the irony of her “righteous” indignation demanding the old man to put on a mask while she is not wearing hers.
And for the record, at the face-scratching part, she would have gotten slapped hard enough to have her lower jaw chew 90 degrees off center.

This COVID injustice had made me angry

I mean very, very angry.

Unvaccinated cancer patient fired from job at ULA

A cancer patient lost his job at United Launch Alliance in Decatur, after refusing to get the COVID vaccine.

Last year Nickie Greer was diagnosed with cancer and is still taking medicine to battle leukemia.

Greer showed WAFF the doctor’s notes, where he was warned about possible side effects of the COVID vaccine impacting his compromised and weak immune system.

“The doctor who truly handles my treatment, when she found out that ULA was mandating the vaccine, she told me that I may want to give that a second thought. That it would not be good with my treatment and it would interfere with my treatment,” said Greer.

He says for several months, he was granted exemptions, until this week when the last exemption expired on Tuesday.

Greer says he doesn’t want to sue, he just wants businesses including ULA to listen to doctors.

“I don’t have any problem with the vaccine. It’s not that I have any issues, political issues, or otherwise, but I have to choose between my health and a job,” said Greer.

He may not want to sue but I hope he does and I hope his layer burns ULA to the ground and bends Tory Bruno over and assfucks him.

When a doctor says that a person who is immunocompromised due to chemotherapy shouldn’t get a COVID shot because of the risk of side effects, that should trump everything else.

I’ll be honest, I take this personally.  I was both a cancer patient and laid off a couple of days before Christmas (albeit not at the same time) so I have nothing but sympathy for this guy and a intense burning hatred for the people that did this to him.

I hope every single one of them gets a helicopter ride for Christmas, those motherfuckers.

I do and it’s wonderful

The best pizza I have ever eaten had, hands down and without question is at The Big Cheese in Miami.

Every pizza I’ve ever had in New York City, times I’ve been taken by New Yorkers to their local favorites, hasn’t been great.

Like everything else in that city, their pizza is overrated by New Yorkers who probably have never left the city and thinks that outside of NYC all there is are Dominos and Sabarros.

But you know what the best part of pizza outside of NYC is?  Not worrying about getting shoved in front of a subway while going to get your pizza.


The Popsicle Shot.

Stolen from LawDog’s Facebook page for your reading pleasure:

Since the statute of limitations has run out, here’s the back-story behind the “Popsicle Shot” meme:
So. There I am, in the Wal-Mart parking lot earlier, taking deep breaths before venturing into the Heart of Darkness, when I notice a smartly-dressed young lady, probably college-aged, moving with a rapid stride down the centre of the driving section of the parking lot.
This strikes me as a bit odd — most people walk closer to the bumpers of the parked cars — and as I take a closer look, I notice that she has her right hand buried forearm-deep in her purse.
Oh, ho, think I, we have three anomalies here …
And then Chew Toy Of Interest #1 pops out between two pickups, spins her half around by her upper left arm whilst bellowing something that sounded suspiciously like, “You mucking bore!”, before Our Wee Damsel grabs the collar of his sweatshirt with her left hand, jerks a hot-pink Comtech Stinger out of her purse (rather than the pistol I was expecting), and hammers it into his taint area with three lovely looping uppercuts.
As an aside, being a dilettante in the Sweet Science, I have a great deal of admiration for the loving papa or uncle who taught her how to put her weight into her punches. Damn.
Anyhoo, apparently getting punched in the gooch by a healthy girl with some skill will turn out the lights, because he dropped like a sack of dead trout and laid there for at least five minutes longer than it took her to hurry into the store.
Looks like the Christmas holiday this year is getting off to a rollicking start.
Oh yes, this is the Comtech Stinger.