Month: February 2022

Comments disappearing and re-appearing.

I have no idea why. Only thing I know we were doing fine yesterday and WordPress sent one of its regular updates. After that, we started to have the issues. It maybe the platform itself or incongruency/incompatibility with the theme. In any case, I have no idea how to fix it and I am waiting for either one pf them to issue a patch/update/correction.

We cannot accept distractions. We need retribution.

This is starting to happen just about everywhere.

Metro Nashville Public Schools lifting mask mandate after spring break (

And it has nothing to do with “winning the battle against COVID” but that Dot Govs from assorted local, state and even countries are smelling blood in the water and realize it is theirs. Why? Information is coming out and it does not bode well for the Covid Theater of Horror.

CDC is refusing to publish data it has collected on booster effectiveness for those aged 18-49 | Daily Mail Online

CDC virus data not seen by public; agency says it’s not ready, cites fear of misinterpretation (

And more stuff like this is coming out.

In about 5 to 10 years from now when real scientists and statistician finally have gone through the data and publish the results of the true death numbers that came about the COVID panic we will probably see hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths because governments in their lust for control and power, diverted resources to combat a nasty flu with a 98% survival rate rather than make sure that patients with cancer, heart and other deadly maladies received the treatment they needed and making the rest of the people fat couch potatoes by forcing them to isolate at home.

And I would not mind that all the assholes in this collective health massacre ended up visiting gallows and taking that one las tall step into deserved justice.

LawDog’s latest PSA: “You can’t tell your parents about this” is a Red Flag!

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but:
Anytime someone who is not a blood relative tells your child, “You can’t tell your parents about this” that should be an immediate red flag.
Your child should immediately be removed from that person’s influence, and that person should be driven from their position of power.
Yes, I am talking about teachers. And doctors. And priests. And nurses. And politicians. And police.
There can be an innocent reason for a blood relative to want parents not to know about a forbidden movie, or a dessert, or a range trip, or a thrill ride, or any number of other things.
There can also be terrible reasons for blood relatives to want parents not to know, but those aren’t the point of this post.
People who request that of your children are a threat, and your children are not safe in their presence.
Period. Full stop. End of story.

Nothing to add from this side.