Month: February 2022

I believe Alec Baldwin is officially a free man

Two items on the news. One from 2 days ago:

Santa Fe D.A. Mary Carmack-Altwies told Vanity Fair, “You can pull the hammer back without actually pulling the trigger and without actually locking it. So you pull it back partway, it doesn’t lock, and then if you let it go, the firing pin can hit the primer of the bullet.”

Alec Baldwin May Not Have Pulled Trigger in ‘Rust’ Death, D.A. Says (


And today:


Faith Rhodes, a real estate broker involved in the deal, told the local Bennington Banner newspaper that the historic farmhouse had been built shortly after the Revolutionary War and includes a guest cottage and other outbuildings, including horse stalls.

“There are 50-something acres, and it’s just gorgeous … just gorgeous,” she told the paper. “That part of Arlington is very old and historic. It dates back to the Green Mountain Boys. It’s a really beautiful part of the village.”

Alec Baldwin buys farmhouse in tony Vermont ski town | Fox Business

Nobody does a big buy of real estate or any kind if they are expecting to get in serious legal trouble (Unless it is witnesses or pay the lawyers.) At the end, he does not go to jail, at the most, he gets to act in a bullshit court appearance where his skills as an actor will have him playing weepy and remorse whereas he will be given a slap on the wrist and found guilty of littering or some other crap, a small fine and probably 100 of community service, suspended. The insurance will settle on any lawsuit against him, and everything will be forgotten, and he will be revendicated by production for Fall season next year.

Never forget that while Russia was preparing for war.

Our intelligence and investigative services were concentrated in the “real” threat to the US: Parents standing for their kids at school board meetings, anybody who is white straight and not voting Democrat and any POC who dared step outside the Liberal Plantation.

If I may make a suggestion, Could we send to Ukraine all those new military people with special adjective and pronouns with training in Gender Fluidity and Anti Transphobic legislation who are supposed to be better than true soldiers? The proof is in the pudding or rather, the battlefield.

To hell with the “experts”

I have read several Tweets and OpEds from people who are supposed to be political and policy experts, all of which are absolutely adamant that Russian incursions into Ukraine under Obama and Biden, but not under Trump, is proof positive that Obama and Biden were tougher on Russia and Trump was just Putin’s lap dog.

See, ackchyually, Putin didn’t invade Ukraine when Trump was President because Putin wanted to go easy on his puppet.

It doesn’t make sense but it’s not supposed to.

This is usually followed up with the accusation that anyone on the right who doesn’t want to go to war with Russia on behalf of Ukraine is a traitor and a Russian asset.


Put a carrier strike group in the Black Sea and watch Russian hypersonic anti-ship missiles sink it in a matter of minutes.

Watch as a squadron of MiG-35s bring down our F-16s and leave us without air superiority.

Watch as their T-95s and T-14s obliterate our armored divisions.

Sure, we will score some casualties too no doubt.

But we haven’t fought a peer-to-peer war since WWII.

Were not used to taking tens of thousands of casualties in a single battle.

To put it in perspective, we lost fewer than 7,000 troops in the 20 years of the GWOT.

There are approximately 5,000 sailors on a single aircraft carrier.

We could lose more personnel and equipment in one day against Russia than in two decades of Iraq, Afghanistan, and the rest of the Middle East combined.

Live, on CNN.

Fuck it.

I have medical issues that exclude me from the draft.

Let America have the shock to the system of absorbing 10,000 casualties in a day.

Lay that at the feet of the Biden Administration and the experts.

Let them explain why we needed to do that for a country that has virtually no effect on ours, save to pay the President’s crack head son millions in fees.

I hope when the bodies come home the families of those who died take their revenge on the experts pushing us into war.


The chipper is hungry

This nation is absolutely overrun with pedophiles and worse, people who are soft on pedophiles.


The Democratic Peoples Republic of Canada


The Canadian Prime Minister has extended his emergency powers permanently and said that anyone who didn’t support this measure is essentially anti-government and a traitor.

The Canadian capital us full of checkpoints and the capital city Police will be investigating dissenters for months to come.

Business who supported the dissenters, even when it was legal are being shut down and their business licenses threatened.

People are having their accounts seized and frozen.

Police are getting violent with peaceful protesters.

If this was happening in some Latin American, Eastern European, or Southeast Asian country, we would be calling it a dictatorial takeover.

But it’s Canada turning into Cuba so we’re fine with another Western nation turning into am authoritarian state because the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

My suggestion is that the Canadian truckers raise another $20 million in crowd sourcing to hire Hunter Biden as a consultant.

With 10% for the big guy, maybe we would actually promote freedom and democracy in a foreign country that values it for a change.


I don’t know if this is true….

But the jokes write themselves.

“From the same company that brought you The Clapper, now comes “The Grabber.”

And you can drive through a neighborhood at night and a quick glance at the windows will tell you who is having fun by the pulsating lights shining brightly.