Month: February 2022

How can they say stuff like this with a straight face?

Canada’s parliament has pretty much crowned Trudeau as the King of the North and Putin has given the go ahead and invade Ukraine. But this is what Liberal Pundits actually come up with.


The only way I reconcile what he said with reality is if this is the adult chair he is talking about.

Which I believe fits the current resident of the White House.


UPDATE: A meme for your sharing pleasure.

America’s literacy rates are not a bug, they are a feature


Because if we teach kids that white people are inherently racist and defective, and how America is a racist country built on white privilege, then reading levels in this country will improve.

Everyone loves to sit down with a good book about how all problems in society stem from whiteness and capitalism.

Progressives are like Bond villains, they love to tell you their plan white they carry it out.

One question, which side has been running the school system for the last half century?

It seems like a lot of that illiteracy predates Conservatives trying to ban CRT from being taught in classrooms.



When they just throw words together to fill a political quota.

PaulK Sent me this:

“The notion of “freedom” was historically and remains intertwined with Whiteness, as historian Tyler Stovall has argued. The belief that one’s entitlement to freedom is a key component of White supremacy.”

The Ottawa trucker convoy is rooted in Canada’s settler colonial history

So, if you are White, you are for freedom and that is a bad thing. Isn’t this a roundabout way to say Slavery is good for Blacks? Or that servitude is cool for Asians? “Dear People of Color: Do not seek Freedom. Freedom is DoublePlusUnGood! Choose submission to the government!”

The more they open their mouths, the more you can see the KKK robes wrapped around their souls.

DeSantis Derangement Syndrome “Oh Noes! He does not respect Private Businesses!”

Really? You are going with that? So that means as a private business I can demand my Black employees to wear chains and every female who wants to remain employed must give blow jobs to management in a regular basis?  And if you don’t like it, you can always get a job somewhere else were probably have other similar conditions to work and must be allowed because “Private.”
These are the same class of assholes that yell “NO COMPROMISE” and achieve zero in advancement of Gun Rights.