Month: February 2022

I told you Ukraine would be a cudgel


Ukraine is not my country.

I have no desire to fight and die in the defense of Ukraine, and it seems like the Ukrainian people are doing a decent job of defending themselves.

I own weapons for the very same reason that the Ukrainian government has been handing out machine guns, to defend myself and my nation from tyranny.

So please continue to insult me and call me names for owning guns here and not flying to Ukraine to fight overthere.

And please keep telling me that I shouldn’t complain about wearing a mask or obeying every other demonstrably useless Covid restriction because Ukrainians are defending themselves from invasion.

I don’t know what you hope to accomplish but I don’t think it will work.

British experts are just as dumb as American experts

This was written by Daniel Hannan, who according to Wikipedia:

Daniel John Hannan, Baron Hannan of Kingsclere (born 1 September 1971) is a British writer, journalist and former politician serving as an adviser to the Board of Trade since 2020.

So he is an expert.

This is from his article in The Telegraph.


I’m not an expert but I remember when there was war in Yugoslavia, Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia, and Herzegovina.

Those wars led to the breakup of the Balkans and the word Balkanization entering the lexicon.

I’m pretty sure the Balkans are in Europe.

I was in middle school when they started and high school when they ended.

Baron Hannan is in his 50s.  He should remember them.

Then there were The Troubles in Northern Ireland.  That’s also Europe and pretty close to England too.

I’m not sure if that was technically a war but it involved the British military.

For what it’s worth the Berlin Wall came down when I was a kid, but that was a Cold War so maybe that doesn’t quite count.

I have a picture on my wall of my grandfather in a US Army uniform standing somewhere in France.

That’s in Europe.  True, two generations remove from me but it still happened.

I guess I know enough history to know that war doesn’t just happen in remote areas to impoverished people.

But maybe the Europeans are just very good as blanking all the violent history that took place in their own back yards from their memory and now it shocks them.

Exploiting Dead Astronauts for Fun and Profit.

The video (which probably will be taken down soon)




I know. This is more a lack of teaching history than an actual idiot thinking it would be cool having an Eastern Egg in the commercial. But I bet they check-marked all the Critical Race Theory and Social Justice points when doing the filming.

Boy howdy that’s a take


This person is a global affairs analyst for CNN.

Trump wanted Germany to carry it’s weight in NATO.

Germany hasn’t done that for years on the assumption that Russia wouldn’t actually roll tanks into Europe like everyone thought the Soviets would do.

Biden’s incompetent bumble-fucking emboldened Putin to roll tanks into Europe.

Germany clenches its asshole in the sudden realization that the US can’t be counted on as a counter to Russian expansion and starts spending the defense money it needed to all along.

New Yorker Magazine and CNN writer does the mental gymnastics to look at this and say “Putin got Germany to do what Trump couldn’t.”

That’s like saying “having both feet amputated got the diabetic to do what his doctor had been telling him to do, manage his sugar levels better.”

Holy fuck.

The tragedy is that the takes are only going to get worse as they try to reclaim the narrative that this isn’t more evidence of how bad Biden is failing at everything.



I cannot verify this but it feels true


After the story about his pay-to-play, the terrible job he did a mayor, and his bumble-fucking of his duties as Secretary of Transportation, the idea that Buttigieg  signed up to use veteran status as a credential for political ambitiou while being a POS officer overseas just feels so on the nose.