Month: February 2022

Venezuela: When you are desperate for relevance and the need to cover your screw ups.

This is browser translated, so it reads funky as hell.

Let’s go to the map.

The red line indicates the shortest distance between Argentina and Venezuela. According to Google Maps, that is close to 1,700 miles. But not only 1,700 miles but there is one detail: There are no roads that connect directly or indirectly because simply there are no roads. The Argentinian Army would have to trek first through some of the highest altitudes of the continent (Between 10,000 and 12,000 feet of elevation) to then drop into a nice little tropical garden known as the Amazon jungle with all its swamps, rivers and pestilence.

But that is not all. Maduro says they are going to come via Colombia which only adds an extra 500 miles or so or the same jungle and elevations not as high as before, but 6,00 to 9,000 feet.

Why will Argentina be invading? Who the hell knows what’s in the mind of that asshole other than trying to distract the worst economy and human rights fuck up since Zimbabwe. But dude, not everybody is dumb and you just made a D&D game look like a true viable scenario that can happen tomorrow.

Copying the Sins of the Progressives is never a good strategy.

Letting accused killers out of jail on low bond is something relatively new to Tennessee but its impact is being felt by victim’s families and communities.

One rural middle Tennessee district had as many as 8 accused killers and child rapists walking freely in the community waiting for trial. For many it just didn’t feel safe. District attorney Matt Stowe can lock them up, he can prosecute aggressively. but he can do nothing when judges let those violent criminals out.

8 violent criminals, accused killers, drug cartel members, kidnappers and child rapists have all walked out of jail on 50,000 bond or less. You only have to put up ten percent of your bond so those 8 people got out for 5,000 each.

Eight people facing decades in jail with little or nothing to lose back out in the communities they victimized.

Low bond jeopardizes public safety in Middle Tennessee | WZTV (


How come this stupidity is affecting Tennessee? And do you really want to know how stupid? From the same article:

Look no further than Derek Grooms, Grooms confessed to emptying a gun into his young wife Ashley Fullerton while she held their baby.

“When they were walking him out he had to step over her to come out and he kept telling them its a mistake, tell them them its a mistake, tell them Amanda, tell them Amanda its just a mistake. And of course the baby is there in the house, he unloaded a clip with the baby in the house, he was completely covered in her blood. I mean completely. I mean it took days to get all the blood off under his nails, caked in his ears,” said Parks.

Grooms bond was set at 1 million dollars, he had a history of domestic violence with women, he was a confessed killer, with a rage problem.

But now retired Judge Creed Mcginley dropped his bond to 50,000 he was out the same day.

This did not happen in Nashville’s Davidson County where Liberal Democrats do their best to make the city into a Los Angeles with a Southern Accent. This judge was in charge of the  Twenty Fourth Judicial District which comprises five small counties in east  West TN, but not that close to the official shithole of Memphis. But I guess the BLM virus has been spreading more effectively than COVID and making the alleged smart people dumb as granite.

In less enlightened times, the family of the deceased would have found Mr. Grooms and invited him to a private party somewhere in a dark alley or visit a remote cave or dry well somewhere.

And nobody would have missed the bastard.

Fidel Jr is really going to spice up Canada

Prime Minister Justin Castro-Trudeau gave a speech today regarding the use of Canada’s Emergencies Act.

(I’ve posted the video twice at the relevant start times)

His speech:


And his questions and answers:


So, he’s given himself emergency powers.

He’s going to freeze truckers’ bank accounts and crown funded donations.

He’s also going to “compel” tow truck drivers to tow protesting truckers’ rigs.

He’s also going to to force Canadian Provinces that don’t want a federal government intervention to accept it.

And lastly, he is subsidizing the pro-mandate, anti-freedom people on his side.

This petulant little tyrant is cranking the tyranny up to 11 because that’s all he knows how to do.

The truckers are not going to back down now and I don’t know how the tow truck drivers will allow themselves to be compelled.

Canada is going to get spicer.

Watching Canada turn turn into a Communist dictatorship



This is why you don’t give up your guns.

They’ll freeze your bank accounts when you protest requiring papers to travel inside your own country.