Month: February 2022

When this backfires she’ll claim she’s the victim of racism


She says she has the urge to pantomime randomly jumping white people to scare them.

What happens when she does it and discovers that the person she does this to fights back legitimately believing they are under attack?

All this TikTok does is pile on the evidence that Progressivism doesn’t want tolerance or harmony, it’s just violent grievance revenge fantasies.

Old News: Again, Don’t Mess With Mom.

I read this and I see the insidiousness of the cultural shift where rather than teaching gun safety, we were indoctrinated into surrendering our safety with a fake promise of State sponsored security. Mom once would have the tools and the courage to defend their children and now we have moms demanding to be disarmed and let their children be victims.

San Francisco Homeowners are being asked to house the homeless.

Homelessness in the Bay Area has become such a problem people are being urged to give their spare rooms over to the homeless.

Some charities have urged local families – who are sick of seeing the homeless crisis on their doorsteps – to do something about it personally by taking unhoused people into their own homes and spare rooms – and some schemes have little to no compensation.

Christi Carpenter, executive director of East Bay nonprofit Safe Time, which places homeless families and college students in spare bedrooms for one-to-six months, told Mercury News: ‘This is something that someone can do when they just feel that despair of ‘oh my gosh, I just can’t stand seeing these poor people on the streets near my home

Homelessness in the San Francisco Bay Area is now so bad residents are being asked to house a homeless person in their OWN HOMES: Politicians and charities claim locals want to be part of the solution

I have no problem with people on their own accord and philosophy to help others in trouble, especially if the help empowers them to stand on their own. But this is California, and you know damn well first they start asking and then they start forcing.

The mayor of the Richmond, located in the East Bay county of Contra Costa about 20 miles from downtown San Francisco, has set up a program to match homeless people with local landlords who have empty apartments.

Funded by private donations, it will pay the landlords a year’s rent up front to encourage them to forgo the usual credit, employment and background checks for tenants.

‘That’s the carrot,’ Mayor Tom Butt told, adding that they were paid the market rate.

And there is no mention of “the stick” but you do not have to be a genius to see it is implied and you will get it if you do not “volunteer.” There is more justice that way, da?


Because according to Gun Control Activists, Good Guys with Guns do not exist.

Young ignored the deputies’ commands and opened fire on them instead, the Bellingham Herald reported.

One deputy was shot in the head and fell to the ground.

The second deputy put himself between Young and the wounded deputy and returned fire, the Bellingham Herald reported.

Young opened fire on the second deputy and shot him, too.

Police said that was when good Samaritans armed with their own weapons stepped forward and fired multiple shots in the direction of Young to provide cover for and protect the wounded deputies, the Bellingham Herald reported.

The good Samaritans told KING that they were military veterans and they weren’t going to sit still and watch law enforcement officers be murdered so they took their children inside their homes and came back out with their own guns.

Other neighbors jumped in to assist the first good Samaritan and they were able to pull the wounded deputies into a garage and out of the line of fire.

This did not make the national news. It contradicts too many points of The Narrative: from defund the Police to Armed Civilians are felonies waiting to happen.
Good for the neighbors and hope the asshole gets it in court.

Hat Tip Harv7Footer

Worldwide Protests against COVID Mandates

Asian woman murdered in NYC. NBC mentions “unidentified male.” But we “know” it has to be a White Supremacist, right?

An unidentified adult male was taken into custody with charges pending, police said. As of Monday morning no charges have been filed yet. The investigation is ongoing.


Woman, 35, fatally stabbed after being followed into her NYC apartment (

In the same article we come across this paragraph:

Police also confirmed the man was seen following Lee into her building behind her. The New York Post obtained video footage showing the alleged suspect follow Lee in.

Clicking in the link, it takes us to the NYP article which has video of the “unidentified suspect,” a photo of said unidentified suspect after being arrested in taken in handcuffs and, oh yes! his name!

Responding cops found the suspect, identified by sources as Assamad Nash, 25, inside the apartment and covered in blood. Nash allegedly tried to flee the grisly scene via the fire escape before barricading himself inside — prompting the NYPD’s Emergency Service Unit to bust down the door, according to sources.

“There was a male inside refusing to exit the apartment,” a police spokesman said Sunday.

Hell, even the Daily Mail has a video of the “unidentified suspect.”

I wonder why NBC refuses to give any indication or identifier of the suspect.  Oh wait, at the end of their opwn article is the answer:

A rally is scheduled for Monday morning in wake of Lee’s death to speak against violent hate crimes against Asian American New Yorkers. Police haven’t stated if Lee’s murder is a hate crime.

Her death comes as crimes against Asian Americans have soared in the coronavirus pandemic. In December, the NYPD reported that incidents targeting Asians rose by 361 percent.

I guess Trump and White Supremacists will be blamed and NBC cannot allow any discrepancies against The Narrative.