Month: February 2022

Who had the South Park movie as reality in 2022 on their bingo card

Looks like we’re going to war with Canada, boys!



I’m going to leave this here

I have a nagging feeling.

I saw a bit of a press conference by Trudeau. He mentioned he spoke with Biden and agreed on some things.

Biden is about to get involved in that mess. Probably will attack fundraisers here over the weekend socking them with federal charges.

Will the US truckers get involved? They don’t have to block anything, just pull over the side of the road and watch the shit show they can create come alive.

Did a bit of training last night

I got recertified in Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED at the local Red Cross. My first CPR class was in 1973 0r 1974 when you were supposed to do like 13 steps to perform it. We are down to about 4 steps while humming “Staying Alive” (OK, that is American Heart Association and not Red Cross.)

Good news: if you want to take classes, the “theory” is done online and brings down the actual class time to 2 hours or less depending on how many people are attending. My only complaint is taht choke (unchoke) training can be done “contactless” because of covid. You basically mime the procedure. Silly if you ask me as you cannot mime a piece of food out of somebody who is chocking for real.

I did learn a new way to do CPR on babies. The old one (still valid) is what I call the Kung Fu touch of Death where you use the index and middle finger to do compressions.

The latest version I like because it uses gross motor skills and natural squeeze with the hands:

Goes without saying I would recommend you take the class, especially if you never had one. Just like basic CCW training, it teaches you the “pew-pew” on its most basic form and you get started on the path of lifesaving skills.


Our Administration ladies and gentlemen:

That is right.

Our senile, corrupt, pedophile, old fucking bastard of a President who currently has a 58% disapproval to 33% approval rating is calling on the Canadian Federal Government to go all Jackboot on the Canadian truckers, farmers, and working class people protesting for their civil rights.

The Canadian trucker protest is the most significant and honorable civil rights protest in North America since the Desegregation/Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s.

And Biden has chosen the side of Bull Conor and George Wallace.

Of course he has, he’s a Democrat.

This America should not and cannot abide.

This shouldn’t wait for midterms or the 2023 Presidential election.

Shut DC and the Acela Corridor down until they cry mercy.


Eff you and the Woke Llama your rode in on.

AWA sent me this:

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — The Washington state Senate has voted to ban the manufacture, distribution and sale of firearm magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

The Seattle Times reports if the bill passes the House and becomes law, the ban would limit not just magazines for rifles that hold 20 or 30 rounds, but for a host of semiautomatic pistols, which often carry more than 10 rounds.

The late Wednesday vote on Senate Bill 5078 by the Senate’s Democratic majority marks the first time such a bill has passed a floor vote at the Legislature.

Whether Democrats can get the proposal through the House by the end of the legislative session — which concludes March 10 — remains unclear.

WA Senate OKs ban on sales of high-capacity gun ammunition | KOMO (

And while there surely are people fighting this in the Washington State House, the worse-case scenario protocol has been engaged: The Ballistic Streisand Effect is now engaged.

I’m actually fine with this – Update


Forget Amir Locke for a second – which I think was a bad shoot – no-knock warrants were originally intended to be used only in the most extreme circumstances but have become the norm.

For Amir Locke specifically, he had a CCW, his name was not on the search warrant, and from the time to door was kicked in to when he was shot was a few seconds.

Too many people get killed needlessly with no-knock warrants.

The justification always is “the safety of the officers.”  That has become a bullshit catch-all.

Our Constitution was specifically written to prioritize the safety of innocent people over the government.

We need to reestablish that principle in law enforcement.


Based on a comment I will add that Judges who rubber stamp no-knock warrants also should be subject to the same vibe check as cops.  To be fair.