Month: February 2022

It is OK when the government does it

When the government-imposed shutdowns and a shitload of regulations that killed many small businesses, Karen here probably did not utter a whisper of pity for them because it was for the greater good. But when her Amazon delivery of Tofu Monthly and Granola News gets affected by Civil Disobedience, it is all care for the little people:

Eff Her and her kind.

Harvard elitist wants to hurt the working class for refusing to be obsequious to the elite

Harvard professor and CNN analyst:

Please do this, I beg you.

I cannot imagine anything better than the elite who shut down the world because they were afraid of the air and could work from home on Zoom Stepping on the necks of working people by destroying their ability to make a living.

I want to see a million US trucks blocking every street from DC to NYC, turning the Acela Corridor into a honking gridlock.

Starve them out and prevent them from escaping.

I want to see the elite trapped in their apartments, unable to get Door Dash or Instacart for days and weeks on end, with only the ceaseless honking drowning out the rumblings of their empty stomachs.

Our energy sector is so f*cked

I saw this and I couldn’t believe it:

This has to be a joke, right?



It’s true.

I had to investigate.  How could this person end up at the DOE.  Every top Google search of him is LGBT activism against conversion therapy.

I found the answer.

He has a BS in nuclear engineering in 2011 and a MS in nuclear engineering from 2013.  He has 8 months internship experience at Idaho National Lab and three months internship at Argonne.

His longest job was at The Trevor Project.

He’s had a few other jobs at DC think tanks.

I looked for publications he was quoted in for nuclear energy but all I found was an article in Metro Weekly about men who do puppy play fetish kink. (NSFW. Scroll down to the 5th photo)

Understand that this position requires a DOE Q level clearance, which is equivalent to a DOD Top Secret level clearance.  It used to be (and probably still is) a disqualifying condition to be a public pervert like this to have a TS clearance.  Any information that can be used to blackmail you will get your clearance denied.

Likewise, all of his interviews are about conversion therapy.


So when our Department of Energy needed a nuclear waste expert this is who they chose.

Not a person with decades of experience in nuclear power plants or the nuclear fuel industry.

No, they found a gender-queer activist who dresses like a goth hooker and fucks men who dress like dogs, who has less than a year’s worth of internship experience at national labs doing nuclear energy research.

We are now in full balls to the wall diversity hire mode in America.

The people in government who will be making every policy and decision will have the most marginal qualifications in their field but have copious identity credits.

And we will be absolutely fucked for it.


Our military knew it was poison and drank it anyway

We are so fucked.

No they are not.

Unit cohesion, esprit de corps, and the ability to kill people and break shit are necessities.

But it’s so much worse than that Tweet.

Our military has known for over a decade how bad all of this is and embraced it anyway.

This next part shocked even cynical, black-pilled me.

I’m going to pull out this paragraph for you to read again:

The Chinese accurately diagnosed our problem in 2013 and it was captured in a 2013 DOD report.

Again, I’m going to pull out a critical paragraph:

I must interject at this point to remind you that this is central to Chinese propaganda against the US.

“How dare they US criticize us about the Uyghers/slave labor/other human rights violations when they have BLM protests and fight over voting rights.”

The Left ceded any moral high ground we had by constantly attacking America as systemically racists and blowing our race problems hugely out of proportion.

Since 2013 China got a lot closer to Nazi Germany with putting an ethnic minority on rail cars, taking them to slave labor camps, and sterilizing them.

In 2013 the DOD commissioned a report to attack China for being an authoritarian ethno-state, that believes in its own ethnic superiority and that superiority justifies its right to dominate the world.

This report recognized that the Chinese saw us as a strong opponent when we were united under our traditional Liberal values founded under the enlightening Anglo-Saxon tradition. As we embraced multiculturalism and the corrosive perversion of extreme individualism we have weekend ourselves.

We accurately diagnosed both China and the United States a decade ago and all we did is accelerate into it.

We have allowed China to be more aggressively racist and colonial with their Belt and Road program, and we haven’t been as weak on the international stage since pre-WWI isolationism.

We drank the poison, knowing it was poison, and committed suicide.  Partly out of a suicidal ideology and partly due to the actions of leaders who sold out America for million in thirty pieces of silver Yuan.

I have a particular beef with Tennessee drivers

Is there some sort of special reason why some Tennesse drivers just love to tailgate people? Seriously, it drives me nuts, not only because it is a probability of an accident but also, I am used to treat that behavior as a prelude to an attack and I get a wee bit nervous when I have to go to DEFCON 2.

Seriously, y’all need to back off.

You are going to need alcoholic beverages to deal with this much Woke

I never played Cards Against Humanity, but I have seen t referenced all over Social Media. I am just wondering if there is a Woke equivalent that helps “people” like this come up with what they say and believe.