Month: February 2022

New Zealand: What comes after Gun Control?

According to the Zentrale Stelle in Germany (Zst. II 204 AR 1218/70), these Jews were collected by the German Gendarmerie and Ukrainian Schutzmannschaft during the liquidation of the Mizocz ghetto, which held roughly 1,700 Jews. On the eve of the ghetto’s liquidation (13 October 1942), some of the inhabitants rose up against the Germans and were defeated after a short battle. The remaining members of the community were transported from the ghetto to this ravine in the Sdolbunov Gebietskommissariat, south of Rovno, where they were executed. Information regarding this action, including the photos, were acquired from a man named Hille, who was the Bezirks-Oberwachtmeister of the Gendarmerie at the time.


Naked Jewish women, some of whom are holding infants, wait in a line before their execution by German Sipo and SD, with the assistance of Ukrainian auxiliaries.


I do not want to return to normalcy I want retribution and blood

As the Left is backtracking on COVID-19 restrictions and pretending like they are taking a reasonable stance and not reacting to Biden’s crashing poll numbers.

Jesse Kelly asked people to tell their Covid lockdown horror stories.

Two broke me.

It’s what was done to the children that is unforgivable.

It was the first time in the history of the civilized world I can think of where the elderly fought to keep themselves safe by sacrificing the children.

I do not want to to let bygones be bygones and go back to normal.

I want every one of these Covidians to suffer and pay for what they’ve done.


More Democrat back tracking

I think the Trucker protest in Canada has them scared.

They are watching people pushed to the limits bring down a government in real time.

Now imagine that plus 400 million guns.

It’s no wonder emboldened Leftists are backing down.

We owe the Truckers a debt of gratitude.

Do not let Fudds run your business model


Here is the memo:

With that sort of marketing they are going to make hundreds of dollars a year…

Zeiss optics are high end.

With international Covid restrictions, who is going to buy a Zeiss safari optic and go to Africa?

Let me put it this way: The CZ550 was considered hands down the best big game safari rifle you could buy without it being a five-figure custom gun.  It was discontinued in 2021.

How many Zeina optics are being sold for domestic deer hunts?

It’s the competition and tactical long range that is driving the optics markey right now and Zeiss looked at that and said “fuck it.”

When they sell maybe two dozen scopes this year they’ll change marketing strategies in 2023.

Get a barrel full of ammo

Reader Ratus sent me this to share with all of you.

If any of you suckers win, I expect at least a couple of hundred rounds for Ratus and I’ll take 90 for 3 mags 🙂