Month: February 2022

Tennessee General Assembly 2022: HB 2521 – Redefining Gun Free Zones

HB 2521: As introduced, revises various provisions governing the prohibition or restriction of weapons at meetings or on property owned by a private or government entity, including eliminating the prohibitions a local government can place on possession of a handgun in certain locations such as libraries, child care agencies, buildings containing a law enforcement agency, and facilities that administer a Head Start program; removes the limitation of the concealed carry restriction to only persons with an enhanced handgun carry permit; makes other related changes. – Amends TCA Title 39.

Read the text. 

And I have forgotten before: IANAL WARNING!

To put it in a very simple way, the way I see it, it puts the onus of being a Gun Free Zone on the owners/managers wanting their locations to be Gun Free Zones. You are asked to leave or secure your weapon outside if you are caught armed in a GFZ and at most, you are hit with a $50 fine for being ornery and refusing the first time (Don’t, just leave). Governments must provide withplaces to secure the weapons at no cost (like this very much) under the care of a LEO. There are some other stuff that seems OK to me, but I await your input.

The Media is not used to this.

They are not accustomed at being challenged. And sure as hell they are not used to being told they are on the side of evil. I wonder if they are finally grasping that their intended target no longer trusts them and sure as hell do not respect them. Then again, they have the credibility of the Mumbai Phone Farms that call you wanting to talk about your extended car warranty or how to increase your Medicare Benefits according to your zip code/.

I really don’t see a problem

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — Are the new Tennessee license plates being sent to motorists across the state invisible to some license plate recognition cameras being used in some cities?

That’s a question state officials and local law enforcement agencies are now asking.

By now, you have undoubtedly seen Tennessee’s newest license plate. It’s blue with white letters with the state seal in the middle.

On Wednesday, Feb. 2, around 1:51 am, Holman said thieves broke into numerous cars around his home. He went to his LPR cameras to see if he could find some license tags so the police could investigate.

Holman said he knew the time of the crime, but when he checked his system, nothing was coming up.

He did a more thorough check, and that is when he discovered that at night the new Tennessee license tags are blurry or even invisible to his LPR system.

Possible flaw in new TN license plates under investigation | What’s the concern? (

And just when certain locales in TN approved License Plate Readers for their police departments. Ain’t that a shame?

Wokeness into coma stupid

Who actually thought this was the right way to go?

Full disclosure, I am a devout fan of the 1950 Cyrano De Bergerac starring Jose Ferrer. I believe no other version or attempt can improve on that on. And I am sorry to say this is possibly one of the stupidest ideas for a remake ever made?

“But Miguel, you don’t think Mini-Cyr can love a woman like her and his love corresponded?” Of course it can happen, hell, I dare you to Google Midget Porn and start there. But the original play by Edmond Rostand. and subsequent movies (Not Steve Martin’s, that does not even qualify) Cyrano is portrayed as a warrior who has been in great many battles, killed many men and carry the scars to prove it. There is no way I can suspend my disbelief in such a monumental amount as to swallow that Mini Cyr just did not get punted to the sidelines after the first encounter with the enemy in those days of close contact fights. In God’s name, the only thing that needs to happen is to have somebody trip and fall on top of him to kill him.

But hey, wokeness must prevail. Anyway, it is their money to lose.

PS: Can we have a remake of The Color Purple starring Rebel Wilson or how about Mandigo starring Justin Beiber?