Month: February 2022

Your daily reminder that our government is owned by the Chinese Communist Party

Things the Democrats will defend or encourage athletes doing from the sports fieldor podium:

Kneel during the anthem? Check

Disrespect the American flag? Check

Call America “Amerikkka” and a racist, genocidal, white supremacist country? Check

Call the former President “orange Hitler?” Check

Criticize China’s many documented human rights abuses?  No, that will cause the Speaker of the House to violate your First Amendment Rights by warning you from the Speaker’s desk to shut the fuck up and play ball.

Is it any more obvious that our political elite are whole owned by the Chinese Communist Party?

Canadian Truckers vs the military, a play in three acts

On Wednesday, the Ottawa government considered ordering in the military to deal with the Freedom Truckers.

Then the Canadian Army announced it would change the name of its ranks to be more gender inclusive.


Then Trudeau decided that sending in the military to deal with the Freedom Truckers was a bad idea.

I don’t think Fidel Castro’s bastard love child has any moral qualms about crushing the truckers with the military if he could.

I think he realized that the truckers and farmers blockading Ottawa are probably more than the Woke soldiers of the 3rd Pansexual Gender-Queer Preferred Pronoun brigade could handle.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.



When you don’t want to face the consequences of your Party’s politics.

Reading about the new “butch” steps that Biden wants to take on “Gun Violence” (read MOAR GUNZ CONTROL!), I found this little paragraph illustrating.

Biden came to New York a day after the funeral for the second of two New York City police officers shot and killed during a call Jan. 21.

Biden steps up battle against gun violence

I am guessing his handlers thought being booed or having this many cops turn their back to POTUS would have been a horrible public relations nightmare. Local Democratic politicians are catching enough crap with the consequences of supporting the Defund the Police movement and the brutal spike in violent crime. Add to that Black Lives Matter cannot account for the millions received and even Liberal states are demanding to see their books, specially after being found out their leaders are in a shopping spree buying fancy real state all over the US and even Canada.

The basis for Biden’s “presidency” is collapsing at an accelerated race. Desperation will set is as we get close to the midterm elections and expect the D Party to start doing desperate things to remain in power.
Why do you think the Feds suddenly came out with the charges of Seditious Conspiracy against people that were not even at the Jan 6 Festivities?

Emergency Powers | Brennan Center for Justice

If they feel they can’t cheat their way out of a loss in the polls, I do believe they are willing to assert what in Latin America is called “Auto Golpe” AKA Self Coup De Etat.

Some people deserve a long and painful execution., Part 2.

The suspect in the deaths of Danielle Hoyle and 2-day-old Kennedy Hoyle turned 25 the day he allegedly shot Hoyle, took Kennedy, his daughter, and placed her small body in the Mississippi River.

Brandon Isabelle was arrested by Memphis police Wednesday on suspicion of two counts of first-degree murder, murder in perpetration of aggravated kidnapping, especially aggravated kidnapping and tampering with evidence.

Police: Suspect confesses to killing woman, infant

It is not that I have lost faith in the Human Race, I haven’t. But some people do test my abilities to the breaking point and confirm the need for Miguel’s House of Execution by 1,000 Knives.

When God pulls a South Park on me.

I don’t share a lot about my personality, but this one need to be told. Among my many flaws it is known by the closest ones to me that I can hold a grudge for a very long time. Mind you, not for stupid petty stuff, but if your wronged me or mine purposedly, you can count to be in my shit list till amends are made or other stuff happens to the wrongdoer.

I think this has to be 1970, not sure. I am in the first row. You get to guess which of the angelical faces is yours truly.

And that brings us to the story. In elementary school I was the torture subject of four bullies. Pretty much since the day I started elementary school I would get pushed, punched, spit on, my stuff thrown all over the place in a weekly basis just because these assholes found it funny. To say they made my life a living hell would be accurate. Amazingly and I guess due to having inherited the stubbornness of my Galician Mountain men forefathers, I outlasted the Four Assholes of the Apocalypse in elementary school. They eventually left the school for various reasons including family bankruptcy, drug and behavioral problems, etc. But the four assholes were deeply embedded in my brain and I wished them to suffer as I did. Karma happened to two of them, I won’t be specific, but one became a shadow of a human and the other had his family collapse in a spectacular manner. The third one I met again in a high school outing, but by then I was no longer the little mousy kid but actually taller than this idiot. He grabbed my ass (A mortal sin back then) and suddenly found himself having to go to the ER to get some stitches in the scalp after somehow a mysterious force tried to shove his head through the window of a school bus. I don’t know, magic? Avenging spirits?

I lost track of the last guy. He was a particularly vicious individual and even though through the years I asked several people who went to school with us, nobody knew other than knowing he was still alive and moved to the western part of Venezuela. I figured that since two of the other bullies had already been dealt by Lady Karma, chances were that this guy may have suffered a similar faith, but the bug of not knowing was always there.

Fast forward 5 decades. This past December, the South Park people released “Post Covid: The Return of Covid” which happens in the future and then in our present. One of the shockers is that notoriously antisemite Eric Cartman is now a Rabbi with a loving family he is trying to keep safe.

And now you know what is going to happen to me, right? This week I finally found about my fourth bully whereas I had to laugh and shake my head at the absurdity: He had become a Catholic priest.

I don’t know the details, but from what little I could gather, he has been one for a long time and is still doing God’s work. I had to look up to the Heavens and say to Him: “You do have a truly twisted sense of humor, don’t you? Not only you gave The Calling to an asshole but waited for me to watch the South Park thing before I finally found out whatever became of him and you got a good chuckle.”

Anyway, that officially closes my oldest page in the grudge book. I will say it feels good to finally have exorcised that part of my life.