Month: February 2022

Allow me to make a counter argument

I, somehow, was able to watch all of that without vomiting or having a stroke.

So here is my counter argument:

It’s not obvious to me that it is in fact wrong to murder pedophiles for sport.

Pedophiles take pleasure in physically harming living human beings (children).

I take pleasure in harming living human beings (pedophiles).

If pedophilia is a sport like kickball then what I want to do to pedophiles with power tools is a hobby like woodworking or yard care.

If pedophilia is sometimes beneficial to children and therefore we should err on the of liberty, and we know that in most (presumably all) cases pedophilia actually hurts children, then murdering pedophiles benefits children and we should err on the side of liberty.

I think there is a much more reasoned argument to be made that murdering pedophiles should be more legal than pedophilia itself.

The people pushing the legalization of pedophilia should hope and pray that they never get what they want.

The day that the law says “it’s fine for a grown man to have sex with your minor child and there is nothing we will do to stop it,” is the day that organized civilization ends.  If society cannot protect children from predation then there is no reason to have society.

On that day the pedophile hunting parties will begin and what is done to pedophiles will make a life sentence in gen-pop feel like a day at the beach.

I can say with absolute certainty, the only regret I would ever have killing a pedophile is that their death would cut short the suffering I was making them undergo.

Do not let New Yorkers move to your state and get elected

Having solved every other problem in the state of Colorado, this state legislator wants to ban restaurants from giving you plasticware and condiments with your takeout unless you ask for them.

This is the summary of the bill from the text of the bill in the link in the above Tweet:

The bill specifies that, commencing January 1, 2023, a retail food establishment or third-party food delivery service (service) may provide a customer with single-use food serviceware or a single-use condiment that accompanies food ordered for delivery or carryout only if the customer requests single-use food serviceware or a single-use condiment or confirms that the customer wants single-use food serviceware or a single-use condiment when offered, with limited exceptions.

The bill also “encourages” bulk condiment dispensers in self serve areas.

So when you go to a Colorado Rockies baseball game you will have to use the mustard and relish pump that everyone else has touched and touched their hot dog to and has the dried mustard stalactite hanging from the tip of the nozzle.

This person is unhappy that he has a drawer full of takeout plasticware and condiments and now wants to pass a law.

This person is from New York, moved to Colorado, and got elected.

Clearly New Yorkers are neurotic meddlesome tyrants.  The trick is not letting them get a foothold in your state, and definitely don’t elect them to office.

I need to make sure my kids’ pediatricians don’t have TikTok

These people are actual pediatricians.

Is this intended to convince anyone of anything?  Other, perhaps, of finding their kids a new doctor?

It’s time to update a meme:


Also, to the people I’ve seen on social media arguing that only medical doctors should be called “doctor” in public and we PhD’s are not entitled to that privilege…

If these two dipshits get to be called “doctor” after this embarrassing display of ignorance and condescension then SO THE FUCK DO I!

At least I never destroyed the credibility of my profession for likes on a Chinese spying app.

Same Crazy, Different Location.

If this happened in Florida, nobody would have even blinked.


LAS VEGAS (KVVU) – A man accused of intentionally driving the wrong way on Las Vegas’ 215 beltway told a judge that the ghost of NASCAR driver Dale Earnhardt Sr. told him to do it.

Daniel Asseff, 51, faces charges of attempted murder, driving under the influence and battery with a deadly weapon after vehicle crashes reported Jan. 28 in the area of Lake North Drive and Fort Apache Road, near Sahara Avenue, KVVU reports.

In a court hearing Tuesday, Asseff told Judge Ann Zimmerman that Earnhardt’s ghost told him to drive the wrong way on the freeway in order to get the mayor’s attention and bring NASCAR back to Las Vegas.

Crash suspect says Dale Earnhardt’s ghost told him to drive wrong way

Then again, maybe the true pandemic is not COVID but Stupidity.

Tennessee General Assembly 2022: HB 2004 & SB1896 – Illegal Transfer of Firearm

House Bill 2004 by Representative John Ray Clemmons  (D) and companion Senate Bill 1896 by Senator Heidi Campbell (D)

Read the Text

SECTION 1. Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 39-17-1316, is amended by adding
the following as a new subsection:
(1) It is an offense for a person to knowingly give, loan, or transfer a firearm to
another that the person knows or reasonably should know is prohibited by state or
federal law from possessing a firearm.
(2) A violation of subdivision (s)(1) is a Class A misdemeanor.
SECTION 2. This act takes effect July 1, 2022, the public welfare requiring it.

The “reasonable” part is what gives me pause: Who defines “reasonably should know”? A politically driven prosecutor? A cop with some axe to grind? I have to hard pass on this one. I bet you hard cash that this bill will be touted as a solution for Straw Purchases, but it is going to end up affecting Aunt Rosie who may end up serving up to 11 months, 29 days in jail and / or fines up to $2,500.00. because he loaned Cousin Pedro a shotgun she had, and the sumbitch has a conviction for drugs.