Month: February 2022

Just a few points on the Ukrainian situation

The very first and most important thing to remember is that many things can be true at once and not be mutually exclusive.

In no particular order:

It is absolutely wrong for Russia to invade Ukraine.

There is a long history of Russian oppression of Ukraine under the Soviet Union, not the least of which was Stalin’s genocide of Ukrainians through and engineered famine called the Holodomor.  Consequently, there is lots of bad blood between the Ukrainian people and Russia.

There are regions of Ukraine that are ethically and linguistically majority Russian that want independence from Ukraine.  That is a matter for international peace negotiation, not justification for Russian invasion.

Members of the Ukrainian government and national oil company did bribe Hunter Biden with a make work job for $50,000 per month.

That occurred under the previous Ukrainian administration.  The current president of Ukraine is new and took office in May of 2019 after Hunter left Burisma, and the current president has worked to clean up the corruption of the previous administration.

Despite the immoral act of Russia invading Ukraine, the US should not get involved militarily.  Our military just suffered a defeat in Afghanistan after 20 years if war.  We are demoralized and need to sit this one out.  Not to mention the risk of fighting an enemy that has nuclear weapons.

The entire Russian collusion/Trump is a Putin Puppet thing was a fabrication of the Hillary Clinton campaign to undermine Trump, justify spying on his campaign, and ultimately explain why she lost an election she thought she was entitled to win.

Many Democrats bought that bullshit fully as dogma and it has metastasized into “the GOP are Russian assets” or some equivalent thereof.

Trump’s policies, including US energy independence, were effective in holding back Russia while Obama and Biden’s policies resulted in Russian aggression towards their neighbors on both their administrations.

I fully believe that the only reason people on the Left are supporting Ukraine is that they have been reflexively trained to associate Russia with Trump and they hate Trump that much so ergo they hate Russia.

In a just and sane world everyone involved in spreading the fake Russian collusion story for four years should be forced to face the ditch for the damage that story did to this country.

Just because current Democrats have accidentally landed on the right answer of “Russia should not invade Ukraine” doesn’t mean they landed on it for the right reason or that their moral compass is properly functioning.

The Democrats who had landed on “Russia should not invade Ukraine” are about to destroy any good will or credibility they have as they are starting to use Ukraine as a cudgel to bash Americans.

You can be a patriotic American who cheers on Ukrainians defending themselves from Russia and not wanted to Americans to be sent to Ukraine to fight.

Is this the worst take today?


Ukrainians are fighting off a Russian invasion, which is good.

Canadians are peacefully protesting their own increasingly tyrannical government, and that somehow makes them whiney and pathetic.

I keep saying, I cannot share a country with these people. Their values are just too terrible. The fact their moral compass landed on true north on Ukrainians defending themselves is not a plus for them.

I’ll tell you what I see


I don’t care about her race or her gender.

I care about Biden nominating another privileged shit-weasel from Harvard and Harvard Law who clerked for a Leftist Supreme Court Justice.

The “full talents and greatness of our nation” means Ivy League graduates.

They can pick people of whatever skin color and sexual organs they want, because as the end of the day the only Americans they care about are the tiny percentage who are from their elite university bubble.

War in Europe but no mean tweets