Month: February 2022

Guns stolen in LA train robberies are a perfect example of anarchotyranny

Scores of guns stolen from trains cause more problems in L.A.

In August, Los Angeles police officers arrested two people in Lincoln Heights carrying a pair of shiny new .22-caliber handguns.

The guns were clean, as though they came right off the shelf — not at all like the ones typically found following arrests. Just days later, officers patrolling in neighboring Northeast L.A. arrested a person with a similar handgun, in the same pristine condition.

A trace of the weapons revealed they came from a batch of 36 handguns reported missing as they were being shipped by train to Tennessee, Los Angeles Police Department officials said.

One of the suspects arrested revealed that he had bought the weapons on the street — and that they had come from cargo trains in the nearby Lincoln Heights rail yards. He casually mentioned that he could not afford the price of a shotgun being offered for sale, police investigators said. Shortly afterward, LAPD and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives arrested two other suspects with two of those shotguns and later learned they were part of a missing shipment of 46 shotguns.

Federal firearms licensees are required by law to report the theft or loss of firearms in transit. The federal government instituted new rules in 2016 after data showed that from fiscal years 2010 through 2014, law enforcement recovered more than 6,600 guns that were traced back to dealers who claimed to have never received their delivery but did not report the theft or loss to federal authorities.

This happens in Chicago too.

Guns are transported like any other freight.  A stack of guns going from a central warehouse to regional distribution center will go by pallet.

When criminals raid trains for freight, they can come across those sorts of shipments and it’s a gold mine for them.

What makes this do infuriating is that California has some of the strictest gun control laws in the country.

Union Pacific has complained to the state about the lack of enforcement and prosecution around train robberies.

The guns ending up in the hands of criminals end up there because California’s soft on crime policies encourage gun theft from trains.

California put legal gun owners’ balls in a vice but just less gangs steal pallets of guns from trains.

They don’t care about gun violence or guns on the streets.  They just want to keep guns out of your hands because they hate you.

When Progressive teach Holocaust history – Update

“Go fight among yourselves” as if the Holocaust was anything remotely resembling a fight, opposed to an organized, mechanical slaughter?

I mean… everything that Woopi Goldberg was faculty wrong.

But that doesn’t matter to Woopi.

In her universe anyone with white skin is white and therefore it’s impossible to be racist against them.

The Nazis might have written tomes on how the Jews were of a different race than the Aryans, but Whoopi just need to see a bunch of white people in camps to know it had nothing to do with race.

This is where the Progressive Left takes you, into a perverse form of Holocaust denialism to justify its own racial ideology.

I just hope the ADL doesn’t try to lecture Woopi because they have her the green light to vomit this bullshit.



Woopi Goldberg went on The Woke Show with Stephen Colbert to continue her diatribe of Woke antisemitism.

Again, she demonstrates her ignorance of history and her own bigotry.

She looks and just sees white people. All the same just being white.

The Nazis had a codified set of laws governing race, the Nuremberg Laws, and spread propaganda on how to identify Jews on sight.

But note how she keeps saying “as a black person.”  She is unable to get out of the oppression Olympics mindset.

The enormity of the largest ethnic genocide in history and she is the victim as a black person because those were just some white people doing white people things and blacks are the only true victims of racism.

And yes, this is a form of Holocaust denialism. She’s not denying that it happened, only most of the motivation, dismissing it as white people fighting.


Rage, rage against the dying of the monopoly

Some Tweets:

The media peaked just right after 9/11.

There were countless local stations that were all affiliates of three corporations and half a dozen national cable channels.

People turned to the media for information in the early days of the Global War on Terror.

A handful of news networks and agencies had a monopoly on information.

Then technology happened.

Smart phones, social media, podcasts, information distribution was democratized.

The major networks we’ve proven to be serial liars, from WMDs to the Trump/Russia collusion and pee-pee tapes to Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation and Nick Sandmann’s libel settlement.

All of this hoopla against Joe Rogan is the old media monopoly tantruming as control of information is wrenched from their grasp by amateurs.