Month: February 2022

Good for Applebees

This really happened:


This is how Applebee’s responded:

Applebee’s suspends ads on CNN after spot airs during Russian invasion reports

CNN is facing a wrath of criticism on Twitter after its coverage of Russia’s invasion into Ukraine saw ad Applebee’s ad inserted amidst the reporting. CNN’s live coverage of the Russia’s invasion in Ukraine on Thursday showed air raid sirens blaring in Ukraine’s capital Kyiv when the screen transitioned into a spit screen format to air an ad for Applebee’s. The ad, played to the jingle Chicken Fried by Zac Brown Brand, was played on a larger screen, while the still of the air raid footage remained in the left corner.

According to media reports, Applebee’s has since suspended its ads on the network. In a statement to Forbes, Applebee’s said it has suspended the ads on the network. “When we were made aware that our ad was placed in this manner, we immediately reached out to CNN to pause our advertising on their network,” Applebee’s said in the statement. “It never should have aired, and we are disappointed in the actions of the network.”

It added, “We are deeply concerned about the situation in Ukraine.” However, the damage online was done as Applebee’s got dragged into the conversation nonetheless.

Good for them.

CNN royally fucked that up and did damage to the Applebee’s brand.

I hope Applebee’s, the ad agency that created the add, and the Zac Brown Band all hire lawyers to fuck CNN into financial ruin.

Then Kyle Rittenhouse can drive the final nail into their coffin with libel suit.

I said there would be a rifle behind every blade of Ukrainian grass

Ukraine MPs vote to give permission for civilians to carry firearms

Ukraine’s parliament on Wednesday voted to approve in the first reading a draft law which gives permission to Ukrainians to carry firearms and act in self-defence.

“The adoption of this law is fully in the interests of the state and society,” the authors of the draft law said in a note, adding that the law was needed due to “existing threats and dangers for the citizens of Ukraine”.

Business brisk at Kyiv gun shops as Ukrainians rush to buy arms

Ukrainians are buying guns, ammunition and sniper rifles ahead of a possible Russian invasion, with long queues inside weapons stores on Wednesday.

With a state of emergency set to be unveiled, the country’s parliament approved a draft law that gives Ukrainians permission to carry firearms. Previously they were forbidden from leaving home with lethal weapons.

Most Ukrainians – boys and girls – learn how to shoot at school. About 400,000 people are estimated to have combat experience, following Vladimir Putin’s 2014 annexation of Crimea and the Moscow-supported armed uprising in the east.

But the threat in recent days of a possible attack on Kyiv has caused an unprecedented rush to buy arms. Gun shops have sold out of some weapons, such as AR-10 and AR-15 assault rifles, with business now exceptionally busy.

Ukraine president says he will give weapons to citizens who want to defend country

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Thursday that any citizen who wanted to defend the country from Russian attacks would be provided with a weapon.

“We will give weapons to anyone who wants to defend the country. Be ready to support Ukraine in the squares of our cities,” he tweeted as the conflict between both neighboring countries escalated.


I said there would be a lot of Ukrainians raised on the stories from babusya and didusʹ on what happened to the family under Stalin’s holodomor and would want their revenge.

It’s very hard to subdue a nation that is in active resistance where one in four or five civilians has a rifle and will take potshots at your troops.

The only problem is that the people now have to get guns.

We already have them.

This is why you don’t let politicians take them away.

So many lessons people need to learn from Ukraine.



Several bloggers, (yours truly included) have gone through the effort to provide for informational purposes only a collection of manuals and papers that include improvised weaponry among many other interesting subjects. Any Freedom-loving citizen should at least give a reading to whatever is available out there and just keep it in the back of his/her mind or in any appropriate memory storage device.

You never know when you will need this info.