Month: February 2022

I want vengeance for the children


Covidians are a cult as savage as the Aztec, going through elaborate rituals sacrificing the lives of children to save themselves and their own prosperity.

May God have mercy on them because the rest of us should not.

Buttigieg is as much of a scumbag as you think he is

If Obama had a son he would be Treyvon Martin.

If Biden had a clean cut gay millennial son, he’d be Pete Buttigieg.

EXCLUSIVE: Pete Buttigieg accepted $250,000 and gifts from mayoral campaign donors who were later awarded $33million in city contracts, raising concerns of ‘pay to play’ as Transportation Secretary doles out $210billion in infrastructure plan

Transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg’s top political donors received millions of dollars in city contracts after giving thousands to his campaigns while he was mayor of South Bend, Indiana.

Buttigieg’s political action committees took money from 23 companies who then got jobs from South Bend’s Board of Public Works whose members he appointed, documents obtained by reveal.

On two occasions, the former presidential candidate received donations the same day the companies were awarded contracts.

Other city contractors gifted the mayor cigars, alcohol and golf trips worth hundreds of dollars.

The companies, their executives and spouses donated a total $253,750 to Buttigieg’s campaigns, and received a total of at least $33,310,426 in city contracts between 2011 and 2019.

Government watchdogs say the pattern of donations and contracts could present the appearance of a ‘pay to play’ scandal – and raises concerns over the $210billion earmarked in the bipartisan infrastructure bill for Buttigieg to dish out in discretionary grants as transport secretary, part of a $1.2trillion budget.

‘The pattern of contracts and donations appears to be a huge conflict of interest,’ Taxpayers Protection Alliance president David Williams told

‘This really doesn’t bode well for the secretary of transportation when he has access to almost $1.2trillion in infrastructure money.

‘This is alarming, and very concerning, because this is the swamp personified. You don’t have to be a Rhodes Scholar to look at this and think that something’s wrong here.

‘Was there a quid pro quo? Was there some sort of backroom deal for these projects? taxpayers deserve answers.’

I thought Mayor Pete got his Cabinet position because he fucked another man in the ass and the Left needed LGBT representation.

That may be true but Buttigieg is also in the Biden vein of corruption.

Biden didn’t pick an LGBT diversity hire.  He picked an LGBT bagman who could deliver on pay-for-play.

The twisted and ignorant vision of crime virgins.


Let’s take it point by point, shall we?

1- The vast majority of burglaries take place when the thief assumes nobody is at home so to suggest they’re asking for a death sentence is asinine.

The problem with this assertion is that the author assumes the intentions of whomever breaks in are peaceful (the action of breaking in already contradicts that) and that our posture should be one of, if not submissiveness, at least immobile pacifism.

2- housing policy is inherently racist and poc have a greater difficulty to access quality housing so this idea that we should give the residents of a house free reign to just shoot whoever steals from them has serious implications and will inevitably hurt marginalized people

I have to say I have no idea what provoked this train wreck of thought. But we would do well to remember that once not too long ago, firearm ownership was verbotten to those of low income and having to live in government-provided housing. A couple court decisions invalidated such dangerous policy and allows those “marginalized” people to defend themself with the proper tooling against home invaders.

3- If you’re not willing to show that you’re on the property or have the capability to use lethal force you’re not giving the burglar a decent chance to escape the situation and save their life.

I can tell these are people who really do not know the criminal element and truly believe all burglaries are done by poor people looking for a loaf of bread and a gallon of milk to feed the babies they have at home. We do not have the legal ethical or moral obligating to inform the criminal element when we are not home so they can come and steal our stuff. The onus of getting killed because they broke into an occupied home with armed inhabitants lays 100% on his future corpse.

4- a significant amount of burglaries happen in affluent neighborhoods and in that case I’m on team burglar frankly.
First, I believe she/he/it/they/wtf is wrong and even if that is the case, what we have here is a cute little Starbucks Socialist thinking she/he/it/they/wtf belongs to the People’s Party and do not own a BMW so they are not rich. The problem has always been that there are people poorer than you that see you as rich and thus, they have the right to remove your poseesions and maye take a joyride with your body orifices.

5-most burglaries aren’t going to end with someone dying but you shooting to kill guarantees that someone suffers so keep that in mind

Death is an unfortunate by-product of a criminal breaking into a wrong house or selecting a victim that is not a victim. And my guess is that once dead. he won’t be suffering much. I cannot account for his soul’s travels to lower regions.

6- this idea that a burglar knows the risk if they choose to break into your house is ludicrous. The rate of deaths by burglars getting shot isn’t very high lol

I am reading and I am trying to figure out if it is burglars dying during a Home Invasion (That is what breaking into an occupied home is called, by the way dear she/he/it/they/wtf ) or if the occupants or a home die during a home robbery invasion. I am going to assume is the latter and say that in my case, I will use my firearms to keep the chance of being killed or injured by some idiot who got in my house without permission to zero by the proper application of ballistic therapy. Why? Because I do not know their intentions, nor I have the time or the inclination to ask them before I make a life-saving decision.

And truthfully, may they never find out what is to deal with the criminal element. They will be in therapy for decades and very possibly in chemical dependency forever.


You broke in the wrong house, Bubba. (Happy Ending)

A man with connections to Lehigh Acres who was wanted in connection with the shooting of a Taylor County Sheriff’s Office deputy Tuesday night is reported dead.

Gregory Mediema, 33, has listed an Arbordale Street address in Lehigh Acres as a residence. The alert said Miedema was last seen near U.S. 19 South Deer Run Road in Perry, between Tallahassee and Gainesville.

Tallahasee television station WCTV Wednesday reported that the Taylor County Sheriff’s Office says a suspect was killed during a home invasion in Steinhatchee in southern Taylor County.

That suspect’s body was found near the same car that was listed in a part Florida Blue Alert issued late Tuesday night.


Man with Lee County ties reportedly killed, was wanted in shooting of Taylor County deputy (

Sunshine State does not play around.  Good for the homeowner and somebody make sure they take him/her out for steak and beer.


Stop pimping your pedo bait daughter and this sh*t won’t happen

Last week I wrote a post about a story from Florida that was absolutely fucking insane.

The 15-year-old daughter has three TikTok accounts and an Instagram and sells selfies that are pedo bait cheesecake.

One obsessed fan becomes a stalker and tries to kill her, dad blasts the pedo straight to hell.

Then, because we’re living in Sodom and Gomorrah, the family encourages the daughter to keep doing her thing because she makes $1,700 per video.

Guess where this story goes…

‘Ava is genuinely afraid for her safety’: TikTok star, 15, whose cop father shot dead armed fan on their Florida doorstep is now due to testify against ANOTHER stalker – but will stay on website where she makes $1,700 per video

The 15-year-old TikTok star whose father shot dead an armed stalker trying to break into their home last July is set to testify in a Florida court on Monday in a bid to fend off another stalker as her family continues supporting her social media endeavors.

She has since been pulled out of school and her family moved to a new house in the state, but not before another boy began following her around and watching her every move.

The boy, whose identity was withheld because he is a juvenile, had been texting Justin before the deadly gunfire exchange, Ava and her family told the New York Times. Another classmate also sent Ava a video the boy had made of himself firing a gun at a shooting range.

Ava’s lawyer, James Scarmozzino, filed a petition in Collier County Circuit Court seeking an injunction for protection against stalking and a hearing is set for this Monday, where Ava will testify.

‘She is genuinely afraid for her safety. It is a shame that it too often seems it takes a tragedy for everyone to ask: Why didn’t we act sooner?’ Lanny Davis, an attorney for the family, told Fox News, adding that the family hopes to obtain video evidence connected with the new stalking case.

Meantime, the teen and her parents have defended Majury selling selfies to Justin and revealed she will stay on TikTok where she makes $1,700-a-video despite safety risks.

Holy fucking shit!!!

It happened again.

She sells soft core pedo bait cheesecake to boys who want more and then stalk her.

I know that we’re not supposed to victim blame in modern society but I certainly fucking will.

One brush with death didn’t teach the family a lesson so now it’s happening again.

Look, you play with fire and you can get burned.

In this case the fire is emotionally unstable horny teenage boys.

I cannot for the life of me figure out why her parents are continuing to let her do this?

Are they getting their rocks off on their daughter’s videos or are they skimming money off her accounts?

Honestly, and this is part of the problem I have, this is too much money for a kid.

High school kids are supposed to make minimum wage part time.  Little bits of money they can’t get into real trouble with.  Money that teaches them the value of hard work.

Big money makes kids stupid.  Trust me, I grew up with trust fund kids.  Look at child actors and how fucked up they are.

If she makes one video a week that’s $85,000 per year.  An adult salary and the emotional maturity of a teenager is a bad combination.

This whole situation is fucked.

Absolutely fucked and someone else is going to get hurt.  Maybe several people including the daughter.

I absolutely believe that kids should not have social media and should not have sponsored or monitized social media accounts.

The J.Kb administration will ban them.

This is why.

And this family is fucking atrocious and mom and dad are one my chipper watch list because something ain’t right here.