Month: March 2022

Anti-gun Nebraska State Senator is as awful as you can imagine

I used to live in Omaha, it’s a lovely city.

It is a Blue bubble in a Red state.

I had a Nebraska CCW permit.  It’s a pain in the ass to get, requiring 8 hours of class and live fire qualification.  Then you have to go to the main Sheriff’s office for fingerprints.   They are open limited hours so you have to take time off of work.

It cost me a few hundred dollars and was time consuming.

I’m glad to hear Nebraska wants to ease up on the restrictions.

Enter State Senator Megan Hunt.

Yes, that’s some anti-American, anti-Founders, Woke word salad.

None of it address the CCW issue, it’s not a cogent argument, it’s just a rant.

This has gone around the internet, but it doesn’t capture her ture awfulness.

She slandered Jake Gardner after his death and praised the mob for killing him with lawfare.

If you are not familiar with the Jake Garner story, it’s much like the Kyle Rittenhouse story except it went the other way.

Gardner was defending his father and his bar from a violent mob during a Black Lives Matter riot after the death of George Floyd.

He was forced to draw a weapon and shoot James Scurlock in self defence.

The police and prosecutor determined it was self defense and no charges were filed.

The mob threatened to riot again and a special prosecutor was brought in who slandered Gardner and crushed him into the ground with unethical practices.

The message was “if you defend yourself from the mob, we’ll use the law to crush you, you have no defense from the mob.”

Eventually the torment by the special prosecutor drove Gardner to suicide.

The suit alleges Franklin conspired with Kleine and two retired Omaha police detectives who were on Franklin’s team to make false and misleading statements to the news media. Franklin’s statements, the suit says, “included implications that Mr. Gardner was a racist” and “also falsely stated that it was Mr. Gardner’s own words that showed his intent to kill.”

The statements, which the lawsuit contends impacted Gardner’s right to a fair trial, “caused Mr. Gardner to lose all faith in the justice system and become paranoid and afraid for his life,” the lawsuit states. “As a result of this extreme emotional distress, Mr. Gardner committed suicide on Sept. 20, 2020.”

The was the same as the Rittenhouse trial, except Rittenhouse had an orgy of exculpatory evidence that Gardner did not have.

Senator Hunt is clearly on the side of the mob, slandering Gardner and reveling in his death.

She’s not anti Second Amendment.

She is hard-core anti-us and everything we stand for.


I’m convinced this is Russian disinformation

First was Colbert:

Now it’s Bette Midler:


Is there not one PR person on Hollywood calling up celebrities saying: “Look, I know you want to look like you are caring but the American people are really struggling with the economy.  Telling them to pay more in gas is a bad image and you shouldn’t do it.”

I’m starting to believe that this us Russian disinformation.

I can’t think of something that will turn the American people against Ukraine faster than doubling their gas and food bills and telling them it’s a sacrifice for Ukraine.

Answer: Being 100% honest


That’s not a typo, it’s a Freudian slip.

The Woke Left in campus hates Jews and has significantly increased anti-Semitism on campus unger the guise of anti-Zionism and pro-Palestinian rights.

I think we have angered the Old Gods



Did not like Mean Tweets? You wanted an “adult in the White House”?

Here is the price somebody else had to pay because of your politics and your propaganda.

PALO ALTO, Calif. (KRON) — A photojournalist witnessed Tetiana Perebyinis and her two children in a civilian convoy attempting to flee from war-torn Ukraine when they were killed by Russian mortars.

Perebyinis worked for a Palo Alto-based tech company, SE Ranking, which has many employees based in Ukraine.

Perebyinis and her children, 9-year-old Alise and 18-year-old Nikita, were killed Sunday by Russian mortar artillery as they attempted to flee from their small town of Irpin.

New York Times photographer Lynsey Addario said she could not believe her eyes when Russian soldiers began firing at the civilian convoy in Irpin.

Addario shot a disturbing and gut-wrenching photograph of Perebyinis and her children’s bodies lying lifeless on a street. A church volunteer who was helping the family was also killed by the blast.

Journalist witnesses a mother, her 2 children killed in Ukraine | WKRN News 2

Dear Lynsey: You and the rest of your coworkers at the New York Times and Taco Stand share the same responsibility as Putin for these bodies and the rest of the bodies being collected in this war.

You are the fucking baddies. Pray there is no Heaven or Hell after death because I foresee an eternal Miami Everglades weather for the rest of times for you and your kind.