Month: March 2022

Of course she did, you knew she was a Jew hater

Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Harvard group hosted ‘anti-Semitic’ speaker
Leonard Jeffries once compared Jewish people to ‘skunks’ who ‘stunk up everything’

President Biden’s nominee to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer was part of a Harvard University student group that hosted a speaker with a history of anti-Semitic remarks, Fox News Digital has learned.

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson was a member of the Black Students Association (BSA) her senior year at Harvard, according to her yearbook, when the Harvard BSA invited Leonard Jeffries, the controversial then-City University of New York professor of Black studies and Black studies department head, to speak.

The Harvard University chapters of Jewish advocacy group Hillel, the Gay-Straight Alliance, and College Democrats protested the BSA’s speaking event featuring Jeffries, according to a Feb. 4, 1992, article in the Harvard Crimson reviewed by Fox News.

The day before the Crimson article, student Jessica Yellin — who went on to become a chief White House correspondent at CNN — called on the BSA to take back its invitation, warning that it would offer “a Harvard podium to an avowed anti-Semite” whose “teachings are laced with vicious attacks on Jews and distorted interpretations of history.”

She’s a radical Leftist who belongs to a black identitarian grievance organization, you knew that they are a bunch of antisemites.

How many times do we need to see these racial groups bring in speakers who say vicious shit about Jews before the Jewish community gets it, radical Leftists hate us.

I hope some enterprising Republican Senator brings this up in her conformation hearing.

The Democrats don’t care, but maybe some Normies will.


This virtue signal pisses me off


The fuck guys?

There is an ammo shortage in the US, prices are sky high, and we’re giving a million rounds to Ukraine.

How about no.

I’m fine with given them Javlins because I can’t buy them but 5.56?

That shit stays here!

Update on the FirstSpear issue

FirstSpear issued a statement:


PSA: In April of 2020, a former employee used his FirstSpear email address to report another local business for violating covid policies. This employee was never in a leadership position and was never authorized to speak on behalf of FirstSpear, or use his FirstSpear email for his own personal agenda. We became aware of it in May 2020, only AFTER a local journalist posted the names and email addresses of individuals who submitted complaints to a government covid enforcement website. The FirstSpear employee who sent the unauthorized email was terminated prior to the end of May 2020.

Additionally, we reached out to the business that had been targeted by this rogue employee, apologized for any impact to their business, and assured them that the person who sent the unauthorized email was no longer with FirstSpear.

We are patriots who are passionate about supporting our military and first responders. Many employees throughout our organization served in the US military or worked in law enforcement.

As a designated essential business, we ran production non-stop throughout the pandemic, paid weekly bonuses to employees who could not do their work from home, and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to help reduce the spread of covid inside the factory and minimize disruptions to our customers.

Certainly, “ratting” out another business for violating covid policies is something we would never do or authorize.


The intrepid Mr. Floof has confirmed this:


I will retract my fatwa against FirstSpear.

I will say that business should be the first to sort through that list and blackball those people from employment.

In this case, the employee, by using his work email, did damage to his employer.

I apologize for my contribution to that damage before all information became available.

But reading those emails myself, many of those employees were ratting out their own bosses.  Clearly with the intention of getting their essential employer shut down so they could have a COVID stimulus paid vacation.

I’m big enough to admit that I made a mistake.

I would suggest to FirstSpear and other business, get out in front of shit like this and announce your firing of COVID Snitches before it harms your business.

I meant what I said, I do not want to return to normal with these people who shut us down and forced us to mask for two years.

I want vengeance.

Do you know what we need?

Lately I have found myself driving late at night in lonesome places or locations that do not feel warm/fuzzy. I said to myself “this trip calls for a long gun just in case” but I am only travelling with a pistol. And I got to think that a car gun safe but in take down rifle version would not be such a bad idea.

I don’t want the ones that we have already in the market that need to be bolted to the trunk or anywhere in the vehicle, but just two strong cables we could attach to hard points of our choosing and availability. That gives us the extra advantage to move the rifle between vehicles or having to make it public when you want to transport the rifle anywhere other than places nobody would bat an eye at the sight of a gun owner putting together an AR 15.    Add a carry handle and I would be a happy camper.


Socialist Pope has not condemned Tovarisch Putin

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) -Pope Francis on Sunday rejected Russia’s use of the term “special military operation” for its invasion of Ukraine, saying the country was being battered by war and urging an immediate end to the fighting.

“In Ukraine, rivers of blood and tears are flowing. This is not just a military operation but a war which sows death, destruction and misery,” the pope said in his weekly address to crowds gathered in St. Peter’s Square.

The comments were the strongest the pope had yet made about the violence although, as has been the case throughout the conflict, he did not condemn Russia by name.

Pope Francis says ‘rivers of blood’ flowing in Ukraine war (

Pope Francico “Peron The First” is not taking any chances to anger his fellow Left Wingers leaders. Obviously the threat of going to Hell is of little effect for those Atheist Socialists (Including the current resident of the Vatican) but he supposed to be in religious guidance of approximately 1.2 billion Catholics and that is not cheap chicken feed. There is influence to be made with that many people, but the Peronista Pope chooses to go in a poetic rambling over the victims  rather than hellish fire and brimstone against the Cossack evil.

I am not the only one that thinks like that.

ROME — The head of the Polish bishops’ conference has publicly condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and urged the head of the Russian Orthodox Church to use his influence with Vladimir Putin to demand an end to the war and for Russian soldiers to stand down.

“The time will come to settle these crimes, including before the international courts,” Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki warned in his March 2 letter to Patriarch Kirill. “However, even if someone manages to avoid this human justice, there is a tribunal that cannot be avoided.”

The Holy See has called for peace, humanitarian corridors, a cease-fire and a return to negotiations, and even offered itself as a mediator. But Francis has not publicly condemned Russia by name for its invasion or publicly appeal to Kirill.

Polish bishops condemn attack against Ukraine (

Polish Catholics do have an impressive track record against both Nazis and Communists culminating in possible one of the best popes we ever had. And Archbishop Gadecki called Papa Peronista to the carpet for being a weak-ass shepherd in times of peril. I could not agree more.



When you are tone deaf to what’s happening in the World.

I am guessing Shane here does not have TV or peruses news websites because this has been all over Old and New Media.


This is the most historic and gigantic anti-gun control “I told you so” in my lifetime. And I believe most Gun Control organizations are taking a PR sabbatical least they are seen as pro-Russian by advocating there is no reason why civilians should own anything else that a measly double barrel shotgun, peashooter sidearm and a box of ammo. And that only till decided it is time you are to go disarmed “for the good of the community.”

I did make Shane an offer for the uppers as long as they are untouched. I believe he is going to need some cash to continue with his dumbassery and I can get some builds made for a decent price.