Month: March 2022

My administration will seize the endowments


This man graduated from Harvard Law, the top law school in the country.

Harvard has a $5 Billion endowment.

My administration will seize their endowment, their campus, and all their assets, and turn it into a vocational training institute and public library.

Something actually good and beneficial for America.


And the real reason the Left does not want Campus Carry…

They can get away with silencing speech by threat of bodily harm.

The organizer of an event held by a conservative student group was forced to hide in a closet after the event was disrupted by protesters Wednesday night.

Kelly Neidert, a member of of the Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) chapter at the University of North Texas (UNT), described being forced to take refuge in a janitorial closet after left-wing protesters forced an early end to an appearance by Jeff Younger, a Republican candidate for a seat in the Texas House of Representatives. Younger’s child, James, was the subject of a custody battle between Younger and his ex-wife, who claimed James was transgender.

“I was forced to hide in a janitor closet with the lights off while antifa searched for me,” Neidert posted on Twitter. The incident was the latest in a series of harassment, which included a petition demanding her expulsion and death threats.

‘I Was Forced To Hide’: Conservative Event At Texas College Attacked By ‘Antifa’ | The Daily Caller

(IANAL warning) I believe that even in Texas, when a mob attacks a single individual, Disparity of Force allows for the use of Deadly Force against them. What is the excuse they keep using? Oh yes! armed students “will have a negative impact on the free and robust exchange of ideas.” I don’t seem to see a free and robust exchange of ideas here, but I may be mistaken.

Never forget Fascists like you unarmed so they can be unopposed.

And another question: why do campus conservatives are such a bunch of pussies? It is long overdue that they should start applying the Chicago Way on these assholes. What? Afraid they are not going to like you? News Flash buddy: They don’t already that includes the faculty. The only reason you are still at school is the income you represent and the possibility of losing a lawsuit due to discrimination.

Grow a pair, would you?

When reality bites your ass.

In Ukraine, many transgender women are unable to leave the country because their government IDs still mark them as male – and men are forced to stay and fight under the country’s conscription laws. Women also fight in Ukraine’s military, and people are not expelled for being gay or transgender, although they are not necessarily welcomed.

LGBTQ refugees fleeing Ukraine face discrimination in countries with anti-gay laws | WBUR


Ouch! That has to hurt.

I thought women, even trans women, were capable to do the same thing men did and in Ukraine, they actually are. Ukrainian women are actually serving in the military and fighting. Others are not in the military but taking a partisan role.

The Trans community is now tagged as cowards disguising themselves to void doing their duty.

Hat Tip MannyL

Snitches get stiches


The firearm community starts for, or should stand for, freedom.

When someone for our community turns out to be a Faucist collaborator they deserve the same fate as Belgian fascist collaborators.

These people need to be persona non grata in our community and go bankrupt.

Fuck ’em.

George Takei can go f*ck himself with his patriotism

He’s worth $14 million.

Five dollars for a gallon of gas and a pound of chicken might not affect him but I don’t collect royalties and appearance fees from a TV show 53 years ago to feed my kids so no, this isn’t patriotic to me, it’s a kick in the dick.