Month: March 2022

No mean Tweets for $5 a gallon

Pain at the pump: Americans are warned to budget for $5-A-GALLON gas as oil prices surge during Russian invasion of Ukraine and US national average rises to $3.61 – up $1 from a year ago, according to AAA

Americans can expect to see gas prices to rise to $5 a gallon in the coming weeks, as the cost of oil continues to rise in the days following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, experts say – and some parts of California already are.

‘We’re getting closer to seeing our first ever major city gas price average reach $5/gal,’ Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy, tweeted Monday, as the national average soared to $3.61, which has since spiked to $3.72 as of Thursday.

The national average as of Thursday is $3.72 a gallon, up 37 cents from February and about a dollar from a year ago, AAA data shows. The increase for the year can also be attributed to inflation and supply chain issues, which were then exacerbated by the Russian invasion.

De Haan says that Americans will see the average rise to $4/gallon before the end of March – nearing the highest-ever recorded national average of $4.11, recorded in July 2008 during America’s Great Recession.


When I bought my Mustang in 2020, I could fill the 13 gallon tank at Costco for about $20.

I just filled her up again and it cost just shy of $50.

I remember filling up the old Chevy pickup with a 26 gallon tank under Obama for $100.

More than $60 to fill up a small car is such and absolute kick in the dick to middle Americans.

And it’s only been a year.

Fuck this administration and everyone who voted for it.

It’s always the places you can’t cary where you need a gun the most – NYC poop attack

This is gross:


I am not a lawyer so this is not legal advice, but if I were on a jury and a defendant said “he smeared shit in my face so I shot him,” I’d vote to acquit.

People get hepatitis that way and I’d consider giving someone hepatitis to be “grave bodily harm.”

And of course this guy has a criminal history a mile long.

And without me even having to tell you, you know he’s an antisemite.


And also you knew that after he attacked a Jewish man in NYC, he was released on his own recognisance.

None of what I’m saying is shocking because deep in your gut you had an idea of what sort of person is allowed to roam free in NYC to attack women by rubbing human shit in their faces.

It’s like he’s a stock NPC in the “Life in the Big Apple” sandbox.

Here’s the crazy Jew-haying vagrant with an extensive criminal record who assaults people with shit.  He respawns regularly on the subway.

At least in sandbox games you are allowed to be armed to defend yourself against barbarians and monsters.

In the Big Apple sim you just take the shit to the face.



Chipper slowly

This story made me angry.

Horrific video shows toddlers watch as daycare worker attacks boy, 2, and breaks his leg as parents blast soft sentence which saw abuser handed PROBATION

Disturbing security footage shows the moment a Las Vegas daycare worker breaks the leg of a two-year-old boy, manhandling the child as other horrified toddlers watch.

Elicia Miller, 32, was charged with child abuse for the May 2021 altercation at Creme de la Creme daycare, which saw her pick up the unidentified child and slam him to the ground, grappling with him until his leg snaps. The video was first obtained by the 8 News I-Team.

Miller, however, will not serve jail time for the incident, after confessing and pleading guilty to attempted child abuse in June, receiving only probation, 50 hours of community service and an anger management class as a result.

The footage shows a seemingly distressed Miller violently scooping the child off the floor of the daycare and carrying him across the room, his limp body dangling side to side as she holds him by his armpits.

The staffer then slams the child to the floor behind a piece of furniture, obscuring the camera’s view of the altercation, where she appears to grapple with the struggling child.

Hours later, the boy’s father arrived at the establishment to pick up the child, finding him distraught and shrieking in pain. He told KLAS that Miller told her of a physical encounter between her and his son, and apologized as he put his son into his car.

This was the condition of the boy’s leg.


That is a completely displaced femoral fracture.

Not just does that hurt in a way that words do not describe, it is potentially lethal as the bone can sever the femoral artery.

Also, the leg is significantly shorter than usual.

Believe me, I understand fully displaced fractures.

I’m going to be entirely honest.

If I went to pick one of my kids up from daycare and saw that 9-1-1 would be dispatching an ambulance for my son and a coroner for the daycare staffer.

I am a man of principles. One of my principles is that if you hurt children you die.

This woman deserves a slow chippering.

Whatever judge decided that she doesn’t deserve jail time can follow along right behind her, because there is no excuse for letting a monster like that free.

I will not forgive or forget either


Dear Gene, this is why I’m not a conservative anymore


Gene, I would like to respond to your thread.

This is exactly, 100%, why I am no longer a conservative.

You, and people like you, have figured out how to weaponize our conservative values against us.

Now I’m a Chipperchetist.  That’s a Right Wing authoritarian populist who is violently anti-Communist, anti-pedophile, and pro-woodchipper.

I still hold true to many of my conservative values but unlike conservatives I will enforce my values.

For instance, you said:

For the 5,645th time, the 1st AMD protects the GOVERNMENT from restricting your speech.

It does not shield you from consequences of your speech or shield you from other people from exercising THEIR freedom of speech.

You are correct, except this was a public college, therefore a government institution.

By allowing the public to have the hecklers’ veto, the father’s 1st Amendment rights were violated.

Those students should have been removed or waffle stomped into silence, along with administrators that allowed them them to silence the father.

Second, you said:

The party of small government, freedom, and personal liberty is very loudly bragging about telling families what they can or cannot decide for their own children after consulting with doctors and psychologists.

I don’t care that a bunch of pedophiles and political activists with MDs support transitioning children.

These people are no different to me than Dr. Mengele and the Nazi eugenicists, the Japanese doctors of Unit 731 who performed vivisection on prisoners, or the phrenologists who explained why black people and Asians were inferior because of the shapes of their heads.

There have always been ideologues in lab coats who would use their medical credentials to legitimize their perverted and evil beliefs.

Anyone who can look at a child and say “this young person needs to be castrated, sterilized, and have a double mastectomy to cure his/hers/xirs emotional issues” is not a valid medical professional or has the best interests of the child at heart despite whatever diplomas they have on the wall.

No government should be so small that it cannot stop a pedophile’s scalpel from mutilating the genitals of a child.

My government is big enough to both protect the child and shove the pedophile surgeon through a woodchipper.

But your conservative values.”

Yes.  I have them and I will enforce them against you Leftists with the same alacrity that you enforce your values against us.

Do you understand now?