Month: March 2022

Mom is looking to cash in on 15 min of fame

Earlier today I posted this video:


Here is a still of one of those students:


That kid looks so happy to have his mask off.

Now we see him with his mother:


Now the boy claims he felt pressured to take it off and didn’t want to.

Yeah… bullshit.

The only pressure is from mom taking this and making herself into a victim.

How much do you want to bet she’s going to (if she hasn’t already) set up a Go Fund Me and is in contact with activist lawyers and try to mill this for money and fame abetted by the DeSantis hating media.

What a shit show.


NRA haters are not having a good day.

And I am including Gun Control and some Gun Advocacy groups and people.


A court in New York handed a prominent Second Amendment advocacy organization a victory Wednesday in an ongoing legal battle over its existence, among other allegations.

New York Supreme Court Judge Joel Cohen ruled that Attorney General Letitia James could not seek to dissolve the National Rifle Association in a ruling issued Wednesday.

“The NRA is a prominent advocacy organization that represents the interests of millions of members who have stuck with it despite the well-publicized allegations in this and other cases,” Cohen wrote in his ruling. “The State-sponsored dissolution of such an entity is not something to be taken lightly or without a compelling need.”

“In short, the Complaint does not allege the type of public harm that is the legal linchpin for imposing the ‘corporate death penalty,’” Cohen added.

NRA Scores Court Victory Against AG Letitia James In New York | The Daily Caller

It was a frivolous enterprise and got spanked as such. Now, if the judge were to force the State of New York to pay for court cost and attorneys’ fees, the delight would be complete.


Hat Tip Willham

This is the best Presidential campaign video I’ve ever seen



DeSantis 2024: No more political theater.


What Da Fuq did Pedo Joe say in SOTUS?

Yesterday was a long and tiring day so I went to bed sometime around 8 pm (Senior jokes, I know they are coming.) So, this morning, after my gym time, I am heading home and pull over the gas station just to top off the tank and almost had a fit.

What did our steamed POTUS say during his State of The Sovie Union that made oil companies go “Fuck it, let’s raise prices before he goes even stupider”?

PS: Can we start early voting like in May? I wonder how many more Democrat legislators the urge will suddenly have the urge no to seek re-election and join the private sector.