I saw these Tweets:
The second Tweet captures a lot of the responses and gut feelings a lot of people seem to have.
It disgusts me. I feel for those kids. I used to be one of them.
Not all kids who go to expensive private college prep schools are shitheads.
Not all parents who send their kids to schools like that are shitheads either. Most are loving parents who want to give their kids the best opportunity for success.
Many of those kids, especially the ones who take lots of honors and AP classes are hard working kids who want to succeed in life.
It’s easy to hate these kids because their parents have the money to send them to a private school, but that’s the ugliness of envy.
I feel bad for the kids who worked hard to get good grades and high AP scores just to be turned down from college after college because of their identity.
I say that for private school white kids today just as I’d say that about Asian kids, Black kids, Jewish kids, or anyone else who is a high achiever but a victim of discrimination.
And that is the point. California dropped the SAT requirements for UC college admission, which essentially made admission entirely subjective.
As such the UC system is engaged in full blown discrimination, throwing out white kids and “white adjacent” Asian kids. The UC admissions department sees its purpose as correcting social inequity through “positive” discrimination.
First, this utter discrimination and segregation will destabilize California further. Parents who can afford to move out will, for their children’s future, and will take their taxes with them.
The ones who can’t move will become a hotbed of resentment.
Second, lots of kids will be admitted to UC schools who are unqualified and unprepared for the classes they will take.
One of two things will happen, either the schools will accept a lot of drop-outs and flunk-outs, or the schools will lower their academic standards to graduate these kids who shouldn’t have been admitted in the first place.
I suspect the latter as this is what the public school system has been doing.
Consequently, UC schools will become worthless diploma mills. Employers outside of California will not hire graduates with UC degrees, outside of a few specialized programs like science and engineering at Berkeley.
The end result is the destruction of the UC system, the alienation of White and Asian parents who care about their kids futures, the flight of White and Asian parents who can afford to leave the state, a system of segregation and academic apartheid.
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