Month: April 2022

I cannot share a country with people like this


Young children are the demographic that is both the least affected by COVID and most harmed by masks.

There is absolutely no valid medical reason to do this and ample medical and developmental reasons not to do this.

The reason this us being done is to groom little kids.  This conditions them to get used to oppression and obedience for capricious and arbitrary reasons.

It is a message: “you very ability to draw air into your lungs unhindered is subject to our whims.”

I do not want to share a country with people that would commit this sort of child abuse at an institutional level.

I want to separate from them and then commit war crimes against them.

Where a “heathen” may have been seen.



This Saturday, there is going to be a big production of Easter Egg hunting where somebody you may or may not know works. As you can imagine, preparations are being made and people are giddy about it, but the fly in the ointment has been this odd Hispanic Catholic who cannot seem to be getting in the spirit.

When asked why he was not as excited as the rest of the associates, the answer was:

“We are commemorating the torture by lashing and death of Jesus on the cross followed by his resurrection. I fail to see why and how that is done by having a party where collecting fake eggs stuffed with weird things and candy delivered by imaginary giant rabbit (a mammal by the way) is the proper way to go about it.”

No adequate response was given to the person.

Lots of people to the chipper here


The teacher, the school administrators, the school board, most of the other teachers….

Here is the thing.

Did not one adult in the school at any point say: “Guys, maybe having a teacher bring his fetish to school and do a full blown drag routine in front of a bunch of middle school kids in the auditorium is a bad idea.  Like, what will parents say if they found out?”

Was there not a single, solitary voice of reason?

Because if not, if no other teacher or administrator thought that, or worse, thought it but was afraid to say it, then the entire system is broken and needs to be held accountable.

When the lack of Law Enforcement gives you confidence to be a barbarian.

Criminals in certain jurisdictions know Law Enforcement is overworked, legally semi-castrated and simply stopped giving a damn. Add to that the fact that Civilians cannot prepare themselves with the proper tools for self-defense and one of the consequences you have is criminals just acting like rampaging Mongols.

I no longer believe this is an unintended consequence of misguided Left-Wing policies, but a well thought out plan to create more crisis and be able to obtain more power to “curb” the violence they allowed to roam free.  It worked wonderfully in places like Venezuela where criminal violence (along with draconian Gun Control) is used to maintain the population in fear enough to be easy to control.

If it worked for Chavez, why would not work for Biden and his Puppet Masters?

Hat Tip Mal Roadkill

Play stupid games (AKA behaving Floridian): Not-Quite-Bulletproof Edition.

Story sent by Ziggy89.

A Florida teen was killed and two of his pals were arrested after taking turns shooting live rounds at each other while wearing armored vests, police said Friday.

Christopher Broad, 16, was found suffering from at least one gunshot wound inside a home in Belleview on Sunday. He was rushed to a local hospital where he died from the injuries, cops said.

An ensuing probe revealed that Broad and another boy, Joshua Vining, 17, were taking turns “shooting each other while wearing a vest which contained a form of body armor,” the Belleview Police Department said in a statement.

Christopher Broad killed by pals shooting each other while wearing armored vests (

I get the feeling they ordered a vest from one of them deep discount online Chinese stores and got what they paid for. Or maybe they decided to shoot a caliber well above the specified rating of an old vest?

Still, what on earth posses somebody to stand in front of a gun and taking a round for fun?

Shelter In Place – Part B

In the best of all possible situations, you are at home and are going
to shelter there. As I said in Part A, my lady prefers to sleep in her
own bed. If you are in your own home, you should be able to sleep in
your own bed.

So what is needed to shelter in place?

You need to be able to:

  • stay out of the elements, wind, snow, rain, sun
  • stay warm when it is cold out
  • stay cool when it is hot out
  • stay clean and healthy
  • stay hydrated
  • stay fed.

If your home is undamaged, it is currently keeping the elements at
bay. Unless something happens to break your home, it will continue to
keep the elements out.

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