Month: May 2022

Gen Z ladies need to find Jesus

From Insider:

Women on TikTok say hookup culture will ‘be absolutely decimated’ if Roe V. Wade is overturned

Some women say they will deny casual sex if they do not have abortion rights after news broke that the Supreme Court is poised to overturn Roe V. Wade.

“In case you’re a man who doesn’t care about roe v wade just know that if abortion gets banned hookup culture will be absolutely decimated,” TikTok user @moneymollusk wrote in a video, which has received more than 1.2 million views in a single day.

“What women would have mediocre sex with a drunk rando if he could potentially father their child,” she continued, noting that the video is directed at “all the pro-life men who love Plan B.”

This is one video that was posted in the article:


The fuck is wrong with Gen Z women? Why are they fucking guys who live off hot pockets and Juul pods?

Have some God damn standards.

I swear if you stuck a dildo on a literal sack of garbage, there’d be a line of girls lined up around the block to fuck it then complain about it on TikTok.

“I hooked up with garbage sack next to a dumpster in the alley behind the Chinese restaurant and he never texted me back.”

I hope Roe gets overturned just so these women can take a break from the dick.

These women need to find Jesus and contemplate their life choices for a while.

No mean Tweets but Antifa can intimidate SCOTUS justices


The NY Post is reporting that radical activists have doxed the six conservative Justices and are staging protests outside their homes.

A real Presidential administration would protect the independence of the Judiciary by preventing intimidation and threats.

This President administration is going to allow the radical Left to threaten Court Justices because it disagrees with the Court.

As our inflation rate hits banana republic levels, so does our political system.

The Executive is now letting the mob try and cower the Judiciary into submission.

Great preservation of those democratic norms.

Remind me again which side promotes segregation


Remember that in colleges, and some high schools, across the country, there are Lavander or Rainbow graduation ceremonies just for LGBT students.

The Left celebrates that.

So which side is promoting LGBT segregation?

Hint, the same side that promoted every other fotm of segregation and not the one the President is attacking.


OK, hear me out on this one.

I realize that I have a lot of traits that can be considered as “Conservative” and also a good quantity of other thoughts and principles that could be tagged as Liberal. That should make me a libertarian But fuck if I want to be associated with the clown show that the Libertarian party and a lot of the organized movement is right now.

So, how does Unincorporated Libertarian sound?

The one time I will agree with Brady

This billboard seen in the wild in rural, deep Red, North Carolina.


I guess they realized that an anti-gun ad wouldn’t go over well in an area where open cary in the Wal-Mart is normal and half the vehicles have some sort of gun brand, pro-gun, or NRA sticker on the window.

Nevertheless, I give credit where credit is due.

This is a good ad and I agree with it completely.

Store your guns safely.

It keeps them out of the hands of children, criminals, and other people who shouldn’t touch them.

That saves lives.

Michael Bane’s Podcast: Obituary for John Ross. (UPDATE)

If you don’t want to hear the whole podcast, go straight to 00:28 12. He summarizes pretty well the importance of John Ross in shaping what we know as Gun Culture today. It is hard for the young generation to understand how much our rights were under attack and what kind of abuses were done in the name of “gun safety” and “preventing gun violence”. Most will know about Waco, possibly Ruby Ridge, but there were many others that never made it to the Big Media Newscasts. Basically, if you owned too many guns (number was never determined) or the “wrong type,” you were considered fair target for abuse, incarceration or elimination.


There is a shot of Gentleman’s Jim in my future. Probably tonight after work and ahead of the long weekend.

UPDATE: I forgot. If you are too busy or too lazy to listen to the podcast, the great news appears to be that John Ross’ last book “Cold Resolve” is in the hands of the publishers.

And I am getting one no matter what.

Center Of Mass Car Gun Safes Upgrade.

Reader Ratus was not happy with the simple lock that came with the COM safe (and probably the same goes for many others of the type) so he upgraded the lock.  I am copy and pasting his original email and links here.

Okay, I’ve got some updates for you, it can be done but it’s not exactly a drop in replacement.

I will not call it a “pick proof” lock, but it requires a specialty pick and practice vs the stock one that could be picked almost any type of wire

So, I received my locks from eBay from two different sellers, but only one out of the three fits.

Also, the replacement is slightly taller.

Of the one that fits it’s a different tail piece then the current square one. So you can reuse the stock hook.

But, with about 15-20 minutes with a hacksaw and a file I made it work.


This when I found out that it is slightly taller than the stock one.

A trip to Lowe’s fixed that with the addition of a washer to take up the difference.

It works and still holds the same amount as before.  A nice feature is that it’s key retaining in the open position, so you can’t leave it unlocked and think it’s locked.

A Dremel would probably be faster, but I wanted to see if it could be done with the most basic of tools. Of course a vise is very helpful, too.

All together it’s just over $10 with tax for everything.

I’ve attached an album, you can use everything except the pistol photo.

Also, I don’t get anything from the ebay seller.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Lock upgrade – Google Photos

5/8″ High Security Abloy key style Finland Tubular Cam Lock (key retaining) | eBay

Hillman 2 3/4-in Steel Machine Bushing in the Spacers & Machine Bushings department at


Thank you very much, Ratus. I keep saying this blog has some of the best readers out there and you guys keep proving me right.