Month: May 2022

The Ubalde Lame Ass Excuse

I have seen some in Social Media sort of excusing the inaction of LEOs in Ubalde as a result of the Black Lives Matter and ACAB movements.

It is not an excuse or even an explanation.

I understand you do not want to ruin your career and life for a shoplifting incident that goes left rather than right. Or even responding to certain neighborhoods where you know no matter what, you will be accused of mistreating a criminal who just slashed the hell out of a woman.

But if you stand outside a school while a shooter is killing kids, do not do shit including disobeying orders not to intervene, your community is better off if you give up the tin and the roscoe and take a job somewhere else.

You are supposed to draw the line and say: “This is where it stops.” Not bring a moral eraser because politics castrated you.

It’s always the places you can’t have a gun is where you really need one – Asian man on a subway

This was one of the protesters screaming at the NRA in Texas.


The thing is, he’s right.  So why should I give up my guns?  Does that make me stronger?

I know my limitations.

I have a bad back and bad knees.  I don’t want to get into fist fight.  I’ll get my ass kicked.

There is an old cowboy quote that perfectly sums up why I carry: “God created all men, Sam Colt made them equal.”

Take this incident from NYC:


This Asian man is seemingly the victim of a hate crime at the hands of two savages who both have several inches on him.

One holds him while the other beats him.

Clearly the Asian man is weaker than his attackers.

One of Sam Colt’s inventions, or one of its descendents, would have made him equal to two bigger, stronger, taller men intent on harming him.

It’s just too bad that in NYC the weak are denied the right to carry and are easily preyed on by stronger thugs.


Perhaps the most horrible story Uvdale yet

Take a blood pressure pill before going any further.

Mom of Texas school massacre victim is told her daughter could have lived after being shot through the back but she bled out in the 40 minutes it took for cops to storm classroom – as DOJ launches probe into police response

The mother of a Texas school shooting victim was told by first responders that her daughter may have survived the massacre if authorities had acted quicker.

The fourth-grader, who was among the 19 students killed at Robb Elementary in Uvalde on Tuesday, bled to death after being shot in her kidney.

‘Her child had been shot by one bullet through the back through the kidney area,’ State Sen. Ronald Gutierrez told CNN Sunday morning. ‘The first responder that they eventually talked to said that their child likely bled out. In that span of 30 or 40 minutes extra, that little girl might have lived.’

That little girl bled out slowly while the cops fucked around in the hallway waiting for SWAT to show up.

Remember that the Chief of Police Pete Arredondo held his officers back because he assumed all the kids in there were already dead.

Well they weren’t.  Some were still alive and bleeding out.

This is why it’s so important to rush in and stop the shooter right away.

Not just to keep him from killing more people but to rescue the wounded and begin bleeding control and life saving medical care.

We saw the exact same thing in Parkland.  The delay cost lived as wounded students bled out.

I can’t imagine what this mother must be feeling.

To know her daughter could have survived if the police had gotten her out and to a hospital sooner but they stood around while her daughter bled out.

If some mourning parent were to killdozer his way through every Uvdale officer’s home, starting with Chief Pete, I’d pop some popcorn and enjoy the show.

The Heysel Stadium Disaster, May 29, 1985.

It was the final game for the European Cup of soccer that year. It matched Liverpool of England versus Juventus of Italy. It was also the peak time of the Hooligan Era, the infamous British soccer fans known to express both their pleasure and displeasure for the game by using all the violence they could muster. And that they did on that day ending with the death of 39 people.

I was in Venezuela then, barely a couple of weeks after finishing my studies in the US and still living in the “That won’t happen to me” frame of mind. It took two mass gatherings I attended, one as spectator where somebody got shot by the cops in front of me and another working as assistant sound engineer where the crowd became very rowdy and almost destructive while we were in the middle of it, to finally make me realize that big crowds were not the safest animal walking the Earth and that it should be avoided at all costs.

Since then and with a very few exceptions, I refuse to attend any kind of gatherings with more than 50 people. Exceptions are the perhaps’ twice a year religious attendance and only if I am within feet of an exit. The other exception was and still is any organized shooting match as I have never found any other group of people that would not engage in mass stupid behavior like shooters. Mostly because we all pretty much share the same frame of mind.

DC goes even more out of touch with regular Americans

A City Fights Back Against Heavyweight Cars
Oversized pickups and SUVs are exacting a deadly toll on urban streets. Here’s how one US city plans to push back.

Imagine that you, a city resident, are contemplating swapping out your mid-sized sedan for a full-sized pickup truck. And not just any pickup truck; your eye has fallen upon a heavy-duty one, like the Chevy Silverado HD or the Ford F-250. These are machines intended for towing and hauling, but they’re increasingly popular as passenger vehicles in the US, despite their massive proportions. At 6,695 pounds, the F-250 is 23 inches taller and more than twice as heavy as a Honda Accord.

If you’re a city or state leader, you have a limited arsenal of tools available to discourage residents from operating these behemoths on local streets. A proposal from the District of Columbia would add a new one: The city is poised to require owners of vehicles weighing over 6,000 pounds to pay an annual $500 vehicle registration fee], almost seven times the cost to register a modest sedan. No other US jurisdiction has created such a forceful financial disincentive against the biggest, heaviest car models.

“You can’t ban sales of these things,” says Mary Cheh, a D.C. councilmember who developed the new fee structure, “but you can make them pay their own way.”

In other words, a D.C. resident registering a heavy-duty pickup or SUV who would have paid $775 over five years in the old fee structure will now have to fork over $2,500. Notably, no exception is available for residents claiming that they need a heavy-duty truck or SUV for their work.

DC Councilwoman hates pickup trucks and intends to tax the shit out of them to dissuade ownership, even among working people who might need them.

Tell me just how out of touch DC is from regular Americans.

The BSO passes to torch to Uvalde as the worst cops in the country

I didn’t think it was possible for a police department to be more cowardly and inept than the Broward County Sheriff’s Department after Parkland, but the Uvalde Police managed to pull it off.

Uvalde school district police chief, Pete Arredondo, who ordered cops NOT to engage Texas gunman is a former 911 dispatcher with an unremarkable career who was elected to city council just days before massacre

Uvalde’s school district police chief is under fire for refusing to let his officers engage the active shooter at Robb Elementary School, after the gunman barricaded himself in a classroom as kids cowered inside and called 911.

During a bombshell presser Friday, Texas Department of Public Safety head Steven McCraw slammed Chief Pete Arredondo for failing to engage 18-year-old Salvador Ramos, mistakenly believing the teen had finished his killing spree and was hiding out from cops.

‘With the benefit of hindsight, from where I’m sitting now, of course it was not the right decision. It was the wrong decision, period,’ McCraw said.

Holy fucking dog shit!

The Chief of Police thought that the shooter had killed all the kids in the classroom and decided that since they were already dead his officers might as well just wait for the tactical team to breach.

That’s horrible but it gets worse.

Look at the timeline of the shooting:

There were active 911 calls from inside the classroom while the police were held back.

Actual fucking proof that there were still people alive inside the classroom while the chief assumed they were all dead.


Now let’s add this little piece of information:


So every Uvalde officer has had Level IV body armor, paid for by the federal government, since 2018.

Every officer had the gear they needed to breach but didn’t because fuck it, the kids are already dead, why risk their lives.

But wait, there’s more.

Uvalde school police hosted active shooter training in March

The Uvalde school police force hosted an active shooter training session on March 22, according to a department Facebook post.

“Our overall goal is to train every Uvalde area law enforcement officer so that we can prepare as best as possible for any situation that may arise,” the post reads. “We have hosted several of these courses and plan to continue to do so.”

These feckless fuck-shits just trained on what to do two months prior.

They had the training and the equipment and failed beyond all comprehension.

Heads should roll for this.