Two years ago, I began my diet.
The official day when I began reducing food intake was May 1st, 2020. I figured it would be easy to remember being a Communist Holy Day and they specialized in starving people and all that.
And after 2 years, here is where I stand:

190 pounds gone.
Yeah, I am pretty proud of my weight loss. I am done actively trying to lose anymore, but just stay between 210 and 215 depending on the season of eating. (Trying to lose weight in cold weather is next to impossible! Your body is like I WANT BISCUITS, SAUSAGE AND HOT CHOCOLATE! STAT!) and I have to by pants again which is becoming annoying even if I carry IWB.
And yes, I am gonna pig out (once) in celebration and take the missus for honest to God BBQ next weekend. Any recommendations in the Murfreesboro area?
UPDATE: I found a “Before” pic. As soon as I can get the missus to take a pic of the “After” version of me, I’ll post both.