Month: May 2022

It was not a Gun Free Zone sign that stopped a mass shooter yesterday.

The one you are not hearing about in Charleston.

Police said a woman who was lawfully carrying a pistol shot and killed a man who began shooting at a crowd of people Wednesday night in Charleston.

Dennis Butler was killed after allegedly shooting at dozens of people attending a graduation party Wednesday near the Vista View Apartment complex. No injuries were reported from those at the party.

Investigators said Butler was warned about speeding in the area with children present before he left. He later returned with an AR-15-style firearm and began firing into the crowd before he was shot and killed.

“Instead of running from the threat, she engaged with the threat and saved several lives last night,” Charleston Police Department Chief of Detectives Tony Hazelett said.

Officers did not go into detail, but said Butler did have an extensive criminal history.

Hazelett said no charges will be filed against the woman.

Police: Woman with pistol killed man who shot at crowd of people in Charleston | WCHS (

The proper placement of rounds on an active shooter by an armed civilian at the location solved the problem with a minimum possible amount of damage. The only law that can stop a mass killing from happening is the one that says “you can carry anytime, anywhere as the Second Amendment intended.”

The Federal Bureau of Ineptitude humps the dog once again

REVEALED: Female online gamer reported fellow player – now suspected to be Salvador Ramos – who threatened to ‘shoot up a school with an AR-15’ to the FBI just hours before Uvalde elementary school massacre

A female gamer reported a fellow online player to the FBI after he threatened to ‘shoot up a school’ when he lost their game – just hours before 18-year-old gunman Salvador Ramos killed 21 people in a Texas school massacre.

In the game, four players are assigned the role of ‘The Survivors’ who must hide and survive another player: ‘The killer’. If caught, the survivors are impaled on hooks and sacrificed.

But she became disturbed when she heard a male gamer playing the ‘killer’ launching a furious tirade when he lost and ‘started saying they were going to shoot up a school’.

Parents challenging school boards who teach their children gender confusion and let drag queens come in for on-campus pride events are run through the wringer as potential domestic terrorists.

A young man is reported for threatening to shoot up a school and the FBI can’t find its dick with both hands.

Clearly protecting children from mass shooters is a lower priority than protecting the people who want to provide chest binders and fake penis packers to your children from you



Uvalde PD: Heads must roll.

Figuratively or literally. At this point I really don’t care.

Stolen from Greg Ellifritz in Facebook

This is looking worse and worse.
They let the guy go for up to 90 minutes because they said they didn’t have a key to the classroom door that the killer locked.
This is the prime example why I no longer train police agencies or write articles about best practices in police response. The cops don’t care and refuse to learn lessons from past tragedies.
We’ve long known that cops responding to school shootings need breaching gear. This became apparent after the 2006 Nickel Mines school shooting (link in comments).
I wrote about cops needing breaching tools in the first month I started my website. That article (linked in comments) was in 2012. Since then I have written 18 different articles on my site about the importance of breaching capability for responding cops.
We’ve known since Columbine (1999) that cops need to make immediate entry to stop the killing. Yet these cops waited for swat.
20+ years of death and tragedy has taught us nothing because most are too lazy to seek understanding.
The problems these cops faced are not new. Ample information is freely available to the officers who want to learn how to best handle these incidents. But cops remain ignorant and their bosses are never held accountable.
You are on your own.

West Nickel Mines School shooting – Wikipedia



This is how you create a white identitarian movement in STEM and tech

Drake State hosts free STEM Bootcamps for teens this summer

Drake State Community & Technical College is giving local teens an opportunity to learn this summer as they announce free educational programs.

The school says the STEM Bootcamps will give students a chance to develop new technical skills that could lead to science and engineering careers.

Among the lineup of summer classes are Machine Tool, Engineering Design and Welding. In fact, the school says the response has been so overwhelming that more boot camps have been added this summer.

That sounds really cool.

If my son was older I think he would love that.  Hell, I would love that.  Summer camp in machining and welding would be awesome.

The Drone course is for ages 14 and up. Starting on June 25, students can learn the basics of unmanned flight, safety, an overview of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rules and hands-on exercises in basic drone operations.

That’s even more awesome.  A summer camp where you can start to learn to be an FAA rated drone pilot.  How ridiculously cool is that.

In Systems Engineering, teens 15 years and older can participate in hands-on simulations of rockets and spacecraft to demonstrate STEAM principles in a fun and stimulating day-long adventure. The Systems Engineering Bootcamp begins on June 25.

What budding aerospace engineer wouldn’t love that?

These free boot camps are sponsored by NASA’s Minority University Research and Education Project.

Drake State says all racially or ethnically underrepresented students (Hispanics and Latinos, African Americans, American Indians, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders) and female students are eligible.

And there it is.

This is sponsored by NASA and a public college, both are taxpayer funded, but fuck you white man if you think you will be sending your boys to this free STEM camp.

You have too much privilege.

Even if you’re working class and/or Bidenflation is kicking your ass and you have a hard time affording to send your kids to camp, your sons don’t need any help or support.

Maybe it’s good that they shouldn’t be allowed to go to STEM camp, it will keep them from getting their hopes up that they will ever have the opportunity to succeed.

It’s no secret that Google has a “white men need not apply” policy.  More and more white men feel that diversity programs in STEM and tech companies are discriminating against them.  And we know that the official policy of the DNC for its IT department is “no straight white men,” which mirrors the way the Democrats handed out COVID relief.

Too many white men launched rockets into space two generations ago so now white boys don’t need to be included in any STEM related activities, I guess.

Naked discrimination like this, especially by taxpayer funded resources for children, won’t cause any social backlash.

Teenage white boys who would love to go to STEM camp but are told they they are not welcome will be perfectly adjusted and not hold any resentment or feelings of social isolation.

It’s not like there is a morgue full of corpses in upstate New York caused by a white young man who was socially isolated and left alone with nothing but feelings of hopelessness and the internet to radicalize him.

Let’s keep trucking along with advertising awesome sounding programs and then telling white boys it’s not for them and they can fuck right off to sit at home all summer and let their minds rot playing games online.

I don’t see this ending badly at all.

Great job guys.  Really fucking spot on.