Month: June 2022

Bloggers are an incestuous bunch

One of the difficulties I deal with is not stealing ideas from other bloggers. I’m sure I don’t read all the right blogs but I read a few of them.

Because of this I take a certain joy when I see another blogger that I read and respect commenting or liking an article I wrote.

But it goes in the other direction as well. There are bloggers that read GFZ and then create articles in response to what they read here.

So I got a huge grin on my face this morning when I read Miguel quoted over a Joe Huffman’s Blog

Christian Science Monitor: “Has the gun become a sacred object in America?”
[Via an email from pkoning.

Nice analogy! And he did an awesome job handling the questions of the CSM reporter.—Joe]
Quote of the day—Miguel Gonzalez

And I agree, Miguel did a great job.

Spinning the news: Human Rights Attorney Arrested

Gaston spent years as a human rights lawyer in Venezuela defending the political opponents of Nicholas Maduro’s regime — mostly students jailed for speaking out against the government plagued by corruption.

Gaston, whose full name is being withheld over fears for his safety, planned to surrender to border officials and seek asylum in the United States. Instead, he was arrested by troopers with the Texas Department of Public Safety upon his arrival and sent to an immigration detention center.
Human rights attorney’s worst fears realized in Operation Lone Star arrest

A Venezuela citizen decided to escape his third world shit hole. He had been doing real good work in Venezuela. Because of this he was fearful for his safety. He feared he would be arrested and disappeared, or worse.

So he headed north to the land of milk and honey.

He traveled from Venezuela to Columbia but that wasn’t good enough so he continued to Panama where he didn’t stop. Further north to Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador or Honduras, to Guatemala and into Mexico. At no time did he stop his travels, even though he was no longer in fear of being arrested and put in prison by the goons of Maduro.

He then crossed the border into Texas and was stopped by members of Texas’ Department of Public Safety.

Gaston is very very upset about this. He was arrested when he crossed into the United States Illegally. He was only arrested because he happened to cross at a point where land on the US side of the river was private property.

On private property the Texas DPS can make arrests. On public property only the federal law enforcement can make arrests. If he had been arrested by federal law enforcement he could then claim he was seeking asylum.

ABC news wants you to know that he is very upset.

“There wasn’t any there. No notice that said that was private property, or what,” Gaston said. “Neither that I have knocked down a wall nor that I have even penetrated a fence.”

There was a great big river that he had to swim across. Gaston knew darn well that he was crossing illegally. And he is very upset that nobody warned him that he happened to be crossing on to US private property.

The short of it is that Gaston is an illegal alien that was caught crossing into these United States illegally. He spent five weeks in detention before being released in the US where he is now seeking asylum.

I leave you with Mr. Gaston’s own words in regards to being detained for 5 weeks:

“I can tell you that this is the most terrible discrimination that a human being deprived of his liberty can suffer,” he added.

The Uvalde City Council is in on the CYA


Keep in mind that 40% of the city’s budget goes to police.

Forty per-fucking-cent of the city’s budget goes to a highly equipped police department that stands in a hallway with their every expense equipment for over an hour while a madman murders children then lies to the public about what happened.

No wonder the city government wants to avoid angry parents and citizens.

The city of 16,000 people has two police departments, one explicitly for schools, and that one did nothing.

The chief of the school police ditched his radio and went off the grid when trouble arose.

Everything about this is absolutely fucked and stinks of the worst sort of small town corruption.


Images from inside Uvalde are coming out


The Uvalde School Police lied.

They lied to the parents, the public, and Texas DPS.

They said they were not equipped to go up against a barricaded shooter and had to wait for SWAT.

They had rifles, ballistic shields, and hard armor vests and stood around in a hallway for over an hour they had more than enough firepower and ballistic protection to do their jobs but chose not to.

Utter fucking yellow bellied chicken shit cowards, every fuck one of them.

Since it is the first day of summer, I am reposting and oldie: Hot Weather is here again.

And our friends Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke will want to pay a visit. Don’t let them. Avoid overexerting yourselves and if possible, stay the hell away from the sun from 10 AM till at least 2 PM.

Hot Weather is here again. – Gun Free Zone

Cool off the head. Cold compresses to the back and top of the skull should help. One in each armpit and one below the sternum should help lower inner core temps. But if you suspect the damage is worse, seek help right then and there. Intravenous might be necessary.


Tuesday Tunes

Miguel already shared this one. I believe I’m the one that sent the link to him. So I’m claiming it back.

One of the comments I read was that the song was written to poke fun at people that believe in self preservation. They didn’t expect it to be adopted as a theme song.