Month: June 2022

DA encouraging murder to own the NRA

This is Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner:


Clearly he hates the NRA and blames them for Philadelphia’s murder spike.

But let us look at some facts:

Philadelphia’s D.A. Sees Little Value and Much Injustice in Gun Possession Arrests

Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner, a reform-minded Democrat, questions the effectiveness of two commonly proposed solutions to this problem: restricting the supply of firearms, a strategy favored by many Democrats, and prosecuting people for illegal gun possession, which has bipartisan support. The latter approach, Krasner says, is not only ineffective but unjust and racially discriminatory.

For people who are legally allowed to own firearms, carrying one without a license “is only a felony in Philadelphia,” Krasner notes. “The exact same offense in every other county in Pennsylvania (carrying a firearm without a permit to carry) is only a misdemeanor offense….The legislature’s decision to more punitively criminalize
and subject to more collateral consequences only the residents of its most diverse city is inequitable and obviously racist.” That policy, Krasner argues, reflects “the money and power upstate legislatures’ jurisdictions obtain from incarcerating Philadelphians in their prisons.” He condemns “a commerce in the bodies of Philadelphians held in upstate prisons for doing what is not even a crime in the jurisdictions where they are held.”

But wait, there’s more:

Arrest This Development
Led by Philadelphia district attorney Larry Krasner, progressive prosecutors are treating young felons with kid gloves.

Krasner’s office has established a new unit that will move some 18-to-25-year-old defendants into “rehabilitative programming” instead of seeking criminal punishments. As Krasner’s data dashboard demonstrates, “rehabilitative programming” is just a euphemism for dismissing charges. Krasner promises that the program will be limited to nonviolent offenses, including drug trafficking and other offenses. (The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that gun crimes will not be included, but Krasner has previously stated that prosecutions for illegal gun possession are “not only ineffective but unjust and racially discriminatory.”

The police seem to be doing their jobs, but like Law & Order says:

In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: The police, who investigate crime, and the district attorneys, who prosecute the offenders.

The second one in Philadelphia is not doing its job.

Philly gun arrests are on a record pace, but convictions drop under DA Krasner

In 2021, police are making arrests for carrying an illegal gun on a pace nearly three times that of 2017, according to an Inquirer analysis of police data and eight years of court dockets.

If the current pace continues, police will make more than 3,000 arrests this year for illegal gun possession — by far the most on record.

Meanwhile, people accused of illegally carrying guns have seen their chances of getting convicted in court plunge from 63% in 2017 to 49% two years later.

Put plainly, people accused of carrying illegal guns in recent years have had better than a coin flip’s chance of beating their case in court.

Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw said Philadelphia’s criminal justice system has become a “revolving door” for repeat gun offenders — leaving more of them on the street with their weapons, with little reason to fear the consequences of being caught.

Although she declined to single out District Attorney Larry Krasner, her top partner in Philadelphia law enforcement, Outlaw echoed a point that the Inquirer analysis revealed — that conviction rates for being caught with an illegal gun dropped after Krasner was sworn into office in January 2018.

The leading demographic of both victims and perpetrators are young black men.

Krasner has decided that prosecuting young black men who are carrying guns illegally is too harsh and racist.

As a result, there is an incredible spike in murders of young black men with illegally carried guns.

Here is a perfect example:


Lives would have been saved if men like this were put in prison when they were caught with illegally carried guns, but that would be racist so they are let go to get more guns and actually kill someone or get killed themselves.

Here is how bad it is:

State Investigating Krasner’s Failure To Prosecute Gun Crimes

The Judiciary Committee of the state House of Representatives, now considering a proposal to impeach Philly D.A. Larry Krasner, has already commissioned a comprehensive multi-year audit aimed at exposing Krasner’s horrendous record of prosecuting gun crimes.

The bill, which called for authorizing an in-depth six-year study of all gun prosecutions in Pennsylvania from 2015 to 2020, was passed by the state House on Nov. 17th, by a 133 to 67 margin. Although the bill calls for a state-wide study of gun prosecutions, the language of the bill, as well as the rhetoric of its sponsor, clearly targets Krasner’s D.A.’s office.

The state is (or was) investigating how badly Krasner is doing his job.

My tinfoil hat might be too tight but I’m suspicious that withe the alacrity that Kasner has attacked the NRA, is he deliberately encouraging murders and mass shootings to tip gun control in his favor?

He wants to take down the NRA so is piling up the bodies necessary to he to do that?

Is this the model across the country?

I think it might just be.

The term used to be “sluggish schizophrenia”

This is just one example but I’ve seen many Tweets like this:


We in the gun community are often called crazy and told that we should have no say because of it

Under the Soviet Union, political dissidents were often diagnosed with sluggish schizophrenia.   It was a convenient lie to explain locking up someone who couldn’t be disappeared, like war hero or other known individuals.

The Left loves to rehash the old Soviet tactics.

There is nothing actually psychologically wrong with these gun owners, but the Left will call they crazy to deny them their rights or a voice in public.

Mark my words, soon we will see ammosexual go from insult to pathological condition like sluggish schizophrenia used to be.

Just when the Uvalde cops could not get any more despicable…

First they handcuffed her, and now, she says they’re trying to shut her up.

A Uvalde mom who was handcuffed after urging police to rescue her kids from the deranged gunman who slaughtered 19 children at Robb Elementary, claims law enforcement has warned her to stop telling her story.

Once the handcuffs were off, Angeli Rose Gomez jumped over the fence and rushed to save her two sons on her own.

Gomez claimed she got a call from someone in law enforcement, who said if she kept speaking out about the botched police response to the massacre, she’d be charged with a probation violation for obstruction of justice, CBS News reported.

Angeli Gomez says she was threatened by Uvalde, Texas cops (

What is next? It was the Uvalde cops who gave the rifles and ammo to the shooter at discounted price?

It’s gonna be fireworks when one of these goes off here

US officials push back on reports of dark web javelin missiles: ‘Russian disinformation’

U.S. officials have deemed reports of Javelin missile sales on the dark web as little more than further Russian disinformation.

“We have no evidence that corroborates this claim,” Eric Pahon, Pentagon Spokesman, told FOX Business. “In addition, the source cited is a known Russian propaganda and disinformation network.”

Reports first started appearing on social media, showing screenshots of supposed sales on the dark web asking for $30,000 for an FGM-148 Javelin — the famous “fire and forget” anti-tank guided missile system.

The posts claim that the sales come from Ukraine, implying that the weapons have been diverted from official sources.

The Biden Administration says it’s not true and that it’s Russian Propaganda so you know it’s fucking real.

And why wouldn’t it be.

Give some poor Ukrainian a few million in missiles, why wouldn’t he sell some to buy his way to a nice place to live elsewhere in Europe?

The same thing happened in the Middle East.

Refugees in Sweden have been throwing fucking grenades at each other smuggled in from Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and elsewhere.

I can’t wait for some Javelins to make their way to some Banana Republic, then up through Mexico, across our southern border, and then used in a American target.

You know that will be turned into a referendum against law abiding gun owners somehow.