Month: June 2022

The Devil is real and he wears a dress around children

Because Satan is real and has influence there was a drag show for children in Texas.

(I feel dirty even typing that)


At least one of these individuals is a teacher (in training).


We know what evil is going on because this event was recorded and protested by good people on the right who cannot stand to see children groomed this way.

And grooming it is.

This I found both horrific and absolutely plausible:


Why would a mother do that to her child?

Because the value of being seen as an ally with an LGBT child is worth the cost of the damage done to the child.

What is utterly mind boggling to me is just how many drag events aimed at children are happening across the country.

Libs of TikTok has done an excellent job cataloging a few of them:


Overt gender confusing sexuality blasted at children is evil.

This is the state of what’s going on in the culture wars.

If you took a child to a titty-bar you would go to jail  but this is encouraged by taxpayer funded institutions like schools and libraries.

This needs to be criminalized and people should go to prison for this.

Cover Garment Sale (Update: SOLD!)

ALL SOLD! Should be mailed soon !

Thank you!



Before I dump it in Ebay or a garage sale, I figured I give you guys a chance.

Smith and Alexander vest. I think I used it 3 times. Very light and confy. S&A did vests for concealed carry and it is generous that way. size 1XL. $25 + $5 shipping


IZOD Saltwater “blue lines” (I call it that). Also very light and soft fabric (Chambray). Size 4X. $15 + $5 shipping


IZOD Saltwater Ble and palm tress (again what I call it) Chambray also. Size 4x. $15 + $5 shipping

Let me know in the comments, first come, first served unless you guys want to go auction…LOL

Why am I “quitting” the Blog?

I feel I owe a bit of an explanation to the readers that have been faithful through so many years. So, get ready to be bored to tears.

  1. It has become a chore: I have been having to force myself into coming up with content that is “fresh.” We know everything runs in cycles, and I am just not in the mood to start again to explain stuff I explained every 3 to 5 year all over again.  It is boring and I am no teacher.
  2. It has been a serious financial drain. The missus kinda gave me an idea on what has been spent, even with the good graces of the readers and their donations and we are talking something close to mid to upper four figures through the years. It was my decision to offer content free as in no ads since back when I got started, you either had ad companies determining what went in your blog (which may not be what you think you should be pushing) and then they just quit accepting Gun blogs.  Also, many people thought that if you took an ad by a company, you were less trustworthy because there was a financial incentive for you not to be truthful or at least disclose fully what you truly thought.
  3. This blog sucks time and lots of it. Not only writing but researching, editing and coming up with stuff. I want to start using my time for other things including some rest. I have been involved for 3 years now in a future project that is related to the Second Amendment and lately I realize I need to make time because of the sudden influx of input I need to deal with. Something has to give and I believe this project will shake and tumble a lot of political misconceptions. I feel that will be more influential that repeating myself for the 1,623th time about the same controversy we have been dealing with since Monica had her dress stained by Bill.
  4. And I need to get out more. Living in South Florida made for everything to be almost as far as I was living in Alaska. Being in Tennessee now at least gives me the possibility to go to places and attend events that would have required lots of time and money to visit. Holy crap! I may get to go to the NRAAM next year in Indianapolis! It is only 5 hours away which in the past it would have meant I only got to Gainsville, Fl.

Will I disappear from the blog? certainly not. The domain name will remain with me till I croak and I will post something or other. As for frequency and content? No idea. Maybe once a week, maybe one big dump of posts once a month. I have not decided yet.

So I am passing the torch to JKb and AWA. They are young and full of vigor and maybe more attuned to the newer generation. I’ll be the grumpy old fuck reading their posts, the comments and shaking my head like old farts are supposed to do. It is going to be their fuck ups (hopefully very few) and triumphs (In the thousands, I wish) with an occasional “WTF were you guys thinking ” commentary.

And to all my readers, you guys have no idea how grateful I am for allowing me to share my thoughts through these many years and the help you provided to keep me afloat. It is humbling to feel such devotion and I hope I was able to help you somehow.

Thank you, thank you and thank you.

BTW, Final date is initially set for July 4th, but then again it may transition before that.

PS: And to answer a comment I saw earlier today, I am NOT pursuing a modeling career. LOL.


Big changes (pt. 2)

It’s hard to put into words the gratitude I have for Miguel for inviting me to write on his blog and giving me the freedom to express myself.

It’s been a pleasure being able to write and hear back from you faithful readers in the comments.

I’m sad to see Miguel step back but I completely understand it.

Even though we do this for fun, we feel an obligation to you to bring you content and then there is the logistics of keeping the blog functional.  Sometimes that does feel like work.

Miguel has gone over and above bringing this content out of his own pockets, with the help of some donations.

When Miguel brought up his desire to semi-retire he asked AWA and I what we wanted to do.

The unanimous decision was to keep the blog going under the same name.

One change that we agreed upon was to partially monetize the blog.  Our goal is to make it a self sustaining site, so that we can bring you content for years to come and have our costs covered.

From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you loyal readers for years of following us and for your comments, feedback, and tips.

And I hope that you choose to become members so that we can continue this site for years to come.

Thank you


Big Changes…

14 years ago came to life. It was started as a way for Miguel to express himself in a world driven by a media narrative of gun control and guns are evil.

Miguel came from a country where freedoms were limited. The right of self-defense was stomped out by the government. It was stomped out until the only people with guns were the government and the gangs approved of by the government.

He found a new life in the United States. He worked hard to become successful and he quickly learned to love his new country. He became a citizen. He learned more about our country than most native born citizens ever do.

And he exercised his rights, with firearm ownership, with carrying his firearms and becoming his own first point of defense. He became vocal and a member of the press with his own blog.

He found a kindred sprite in J.Kb. and the two of them authored over 21 thousand articles over the years.

Three years ago Miguel was having trouble with his website and a reader and frequent contributor to the comments reached out and offered web services. Miguel named him Anonymous Web Angel or AWA.

AWA brought Troglodite Services to the assistance of With the generous donations from you, the readers, he was able to pay for those services.

Shortly there is going to be a transition. Miguel is tired, he is going to take a step back from the running of the site and of being responsible for most of the content on the site.

He is passing that mantel to J.Kb. with the help of AWA.

As part of this process we are going to be trying to get the site to pay for itself. We are not going to use ads as we just can’t find a good ad network that will work with a pro-gun site. Frankly, we hate the sorts of ads that get shoved in front of our readers. Instead we are going to do this with a membership option.

We will be offering different levels of memberships for different options within the site. We are going to make some posts or parts of posts for members only.

  • .22lr – Plinker: Will allow people to make comments on posts
  • .45ACP/9mm – Pistoleer: Will allow member to read any post
  • .330Blackout – Sniper: Will allow member to mark comment for moderation
  • 5.56×45 – Shooter: Will allow member to contribute articles for the site.

Thank you again for being our readers and all you have done to make this blog successful.

Please give us your feedback down below in the comments

Miguel, J.Kb. and AWA