Month: July 2022

Right Facts, Wrong Conclusion

When an article contains the following:

The new measure, containing 21 pages of carefully drafted verbiage, provides for pre-licensing background checks, mental health, social media screening and training in the use of a firearm, all of which will probably pass muster.

But the act also designates much of the state as a “sensitive location” where legally permitted guns will be legally prohibited. Sensitive locations must be “clearly and conspicuously identified with signage.” What makes a sign “clearly and conspicuously identified” will keep lawyers and judges busy for a decade.

You know you are in for a roller coaster ride of twisted logic.

The author is obviously looking at the new bill through the lens of a pre-Bruen decision. There is nothing in the text or tradition of the second amendment to allow for the sort of screening put into this bill. Nothing to allow for training requirements. The only place they have any hope is in the “sensitive locations”, but since they went overboard and made NYC a sensitive place, it is highly unlikely it will survive a judicial review.

He laments that there are so many different sensitive places it will be difficult to move through the city:

The six conservative justices have not thought it through. The court’s decision is virtually impossible to administer. The practical problems are enormous. If I can legally carry a revolver in my pocket and capriciously decide to approach a “sensitive location,” what do I do with the gun before entering?

And, if I can legally keep a gun in my apartment, and legally carry it on the street, how do I legally carry the weapon through the halls and public areas of the building without violating the law? The law says no guns on private property unless the landlord says OK

Finally we get to his real concern, his concern for the police.

And what of the burden on the police? It used to be that an officer, seeing someone with a bulge in his pocket in a high-crime area late at night, could “stop and frisk” the suspect for unlicensed weapons. But how does the cop distinguish between a licensed bulge in the pocket and an unlicensed one? Erased is the requisite “reasonable suspicion” that a crime is being committed.

The author is studiously ignoring the reality of the new law. The new law is not concerned about the burden on the police because their is no burden. If a gun owner manages to get a permission slip to exercise his right of self-defense there is no way to safely navigate through the waters of NYC. Everywhere he turns there is another mark on the map “Here be a felony”.

The law isn’t a burden on the police because it is a slap in the face of the Supreme court and every gun owner in the country. Having been told they must issue permits the state of New York has made it impossible to exercise the right to carry.

Is it any wonder that gun rights organizations are filling lawsuits left and right? How does somebody look at the fact pattern and decide that this is a burden for the police and not citizens?

— The Hill Is New York about to become the Wild West?

Miguel’s Hit and Run: It was bound to happen.

Word of advice: If your opponents are wearing leather vests with a patch that says “1%”, you are better off leaving the zip code.

Blog Status

Well we’ve made it a full week on the new server with the new versions of software and things haven’t totally failed yet.

The site seems to be responsive and we haven’t had any great issues yet:

For those of you that want to send in tips and links for J.Kb, Miguel and AWA to consider, hit us up at gunfreezone (at)

We should be starting the roll out of some changes for the comment section shortly. These will be a link next to the reply links to allow people to login or signup. We will also be putting a mark for our comment snipers. It won’t do anything right away but it is the first step.

We had a member request that we use “usernames” instead of signup names. We are going to take a look at the membership roll and see what can be done.

Next Friday we are going to roll out a Friday Feedback post that will have open comments, no membership required, for everybody to be able to give us feedback.

Thank you again to everybody that has signed up to be a member, your support is greatly appreciated.

If you want to support gunfreezone please consider becoming a member by Registering

The new Child Heroes

In Orwell’s magnum opus, 1984,  Child Hero was a child who rated out their parents to Big Brother for crimethink.

Today’s Child Hero recruiting borrowers a little more from Brave New World, but us fundamentally the same.


Instead of rating out parents, the new Child Hero rejects their parents and their parents’ teachings and becomes a self indulgent gender and sexually confused Leftist.

Everything that this freak criticizes is the sort of behavior that produces successful adults.

This is what the radical Leftists want, children separated from their parents to be dependent on the state.

Just this version comes not with the stick of Orwell’s Big Brother but the carrot of Aldous Huxley’s hedonistic and libertine Brave New World.

It is grotesque.

But don’t call it grooming, that hurts their feelings.

And I imagine that I am not alone when I say cone between me and my child and will always choose violence.

Gun Violence Prevention, Really

We are so use to the headlines screaming about “Gun Violence Prevention”. It almost always means that somebody is calling for restrictions on people that didn’t do anything. “To prevent gun violence we must ban assault weapons”. “To prevent gun violence we have to ban 18, 19 and 20 year olds from buying firearms.” “To prevent gun violence we must only allow criminal guns into sensitive places.”

It is always the same, these groups always have another rule to apply to you and I. They never focus on the criminal, they never focus on education, they never focus on safety. They always focus on restricting our gun rights.

One of the questions that sometimes gets asked of the groups claiming to be “gun safety” groups is to ask “How many gun locks have you given out?” “How many safety classes have you run?” “How many gun safes have you given out or discounts on gun safes?”

The answer for most is “None.”

From New Orleans comes a different story. A story of people trying to actually prevent accidental shootings.

In response to a two-year old shooting himself after finding his brother’s firearm a group is giving away gun safes. The brother’s firearm happened to be stolen so it is unlikely that any law would have prevented this tragedy.

Thanks to funding from the Centers for Disease Control, the program is partnering with the city’s health department to start giving away gun safes for free, trying to prevent more incidents like the one at Costco.

“You can buy a biometric lockbox that your fingerprint is the only thing that opens it, it might have a backup lock, for about $100, that’s small enough to fit in your car and I think that’s a little bit about education and just having more access to it,” Fleckman said. “We’re seeing it as a really big need now.”

Those gun safes will be offered starting next week only for patients at University Medical Center who are there for a gun related injury.

Later next month, there will be about 300 to give away to the general public. Locations and times are still in the works. Eyewitness News will bring you updates on how to get one when we receive them.
Free gun safes available soon through Tulane’s Gun Violence Prevention Lab

Unintended Consequences: Smart Thermostat version

We are a power hungry country. We use so much power and we are not even aware of it. The numbers can tell us exactly how power hungry we are.

The computer I’m using right now has a 1000W power supply, that’s because the original 500W supply wasn’t big enough. That doesn’t count the other computers that are part of the overall system, just this one computer. Let’s assume we are only using 750W of power.

This is 1HP. My knee mill uses a 1HP motor. My lathe uses a 1HP motor. My recut bandsaw uses a 1HP engine. These are big metal monsters. My computer is a 1HP computer. This should be mind boggling.

Our home has a 100A feed, it is rather old. Many new homes have 200A feeds. My grandparents home had 4 circuits and a 40A feed.

Our power consumption keeps going up.

And all that power has to come from somewhere. And it has to get to us.

The power grid does that. When politicians push electric vehicles they are adding to that pull on the grid. There isn’t enough power in the grid to charge the EVs that they want us to use. There aren’t enough transformers on the poles or big enough transformers on the poles for that sort of power pull.

But there is another part of the power grid that is sort of amazing. During times of lower demand they push less power into the grid. During the night people use less power and thus there is less need to push that much power into the grid. As people get up in the morning and start their morning routines they start to use more power and the power plants start to push more power into the grid.

Which brings us to this article:

Smart thermostats, which the paper said were present in around 40 percent of US homes in 2021, are programmed by default to have different night and day modes. In hundreds of thousands of homes across the US that means a sudden jump in electricity use right before residents wake up – if people aren’t changing default settings, which the paper suggests is the case.

Those hundreds and thousands of smart thermostats, typically configured to switch to day mode around 6am, “can cause load synchronization during recovery from nightly setpoint setbacks, increasing the daily peak heating electrical demand,” the paper said.
Smart thermostat swarms are straining the US grid

Yep, all those smart thermostats have clocks that are often very accurate and they all want to start at the same time. Thousands and thousands of homes all kicking in at exactly the same time.

Theodore Dalrymple explains the hiring of Sam Brinton

I have covered Sam Brinton before.

He is the gay, non-binary, Senior Executive Service (SES) at the DOE with the puppy play fetish who defends homosexual child prostitution and wears dresses to work, while managing our nuclear waste program.

A whistle blower published a letter that acknowledged that with Brinton’s education and lack of experience, he’s qualified to be a new hire at the GS-11 rate but no an SES.

Selected text:

This letter requests your immediate investigation into substantial irregularities in the recruitmentand selection processes for the career Senior Executive Service (SES) appointment at theU.S. Department of Energy of Samuel Brinton for a highly sensitive position as a senior executivemanager of the nation’s nuclear waste policy and programs. The position title is Deputy AssistantSecretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear EnergyAs Deputy Inspector General for the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM), yours is thecritical responsibility to assure that statutory and regulatory requirements are followed in the selectionand placement of federal employees. For this reason, this letter is being sent to you.

OPM has issued statutory-based regulations stating that SES career appointments “must be based on merit competition” and ensure that the executive management of the Government ofthe United States is of the “highest quality.” This appeal contends that these merit-basedrequirements have not been met by the review board in the selection of Samuel Brinton overother more highly qualified candidates, nor in the initial recruitment process.

Candidates for SES positions must meet the established OPM mandatory Executive CoreQualifications (ECQs), as well as other Mandatory Technical Qualifications (MTQs) specific tothe position. The foundation of all ECQs is based on the OPM defined “FundamentalCompetencies” for SES positions.Samuel Brinton has no prior federal government experience, no executive management or operationsexperience, training, or skills, nor does he meet ECQ criteria or the fundamental SES competencies.

His background is limited to select advocacy work and an academic background at thegraduate-degree level which together satisfy requirements for the competitive placement of aqualified GS-11 in federal career service, not a high-standing member of the SES.

The lacking core qualifications of Samuel Brinton for investigation should include, but not belimited to the following:

The ECQ for Business Acumen requires knowledge and experience in financialmanagement, human capital management, and technology management. SamuelBrinton has none of the business management experience, skills, or abilities necessaryin any of these functional areas that satisfy this ECQ.

The ECQ for Building Coalitions requires political savvy (e.g., “Perceives organizationaland political reality and acts accordingly”) as well as the ability to partner and influence.  Samuel Brinton does not have the executive-level judgment, experience, or skillnecessary to manage and lead resolution on the exceptionally sensitive issues involvingnuclear waste, nor does his personal or professional history demonstrate the exemplary professional character required of a high-level U.S. government public servant, especiallyone who would be serving in a public trust position, receive approval for a top security clearance, and have access to classified information.

“Interpersonal skills” – This fundamental ECQ competency requires that a member ofthe SES “Considers and responds appropriately to the needs and feelings of different people in different situations.” There is video-taped and published evidence that Samuel Brinton is biased in his treatment of others who do not share his gender-fluididentity and associated life-choice practices.

This is everything that I have said in previous posts.

So why is Brinton being hired this way?

It is more than just checking boxes.

I am reminded of this quote by Theodore Dalrymple:

In my studies of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is …in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A variety of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.

Imagine you are an experienced engineer or scientist at the DOE.

I have worked with these guys.  Believe it or not, many of them are conservative.  Engineers and hard physical scientists tend to be because our work is grounded in reality and data.

You are a MS or PhD, with a dozen years of federal experience.

All of a sudden this guy in his early 30s shows up in a dress, as your Deputy Assistant Secretary making the highest GS pay grade.

He has no experience, has never run a government agency before, and everything is flamboyant and aggressive about his non-binary nature.

You would be humiliated.

I suspect this was the goal.

To drive out that honest, conservative DOE engineers who couldn’t stand to have to go into a meeting and try and respect this unqualified freak as he stands there in a mustache and pantsuit, with them knowing there are pictures of him on the internet petting a man in fetish gear with a rubber puppy mask on and a rubber puppy tail sticking out of his asshole.

I expect to see the DOE hemorrhage people like the DOD did so all that is left are the ideologues who think Brinton is stunning and brave.