Month: July 2022

We’re going to GITMO Boys

This is an exchange following yesterday’s shooting in Highland Park.


What do we do?

We donate money to politicians to protect our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

That makes us a domestic terrorist organization.

This Administration gets less popular by the day.

The Democrats’ platform is collapsing in real time.

Everyone can see it.

They are getting more desperate.

The more desperate they get the more aggressive they will become.

I suspect they will go from calling us terrorist to trying to treat us like terrorists soon, especially if the recent SCOTUS decision gets enforced like it should.



I thought authors wanted people to read their books?

I saw this thread and it blew my mind:



As an author, it is her right to put in or not put into her book what she wants to convey her story.

If she doesn’t want to include translations for artistic reasons, she can.

I’ve read many books where the occasional non-English word is thrown in without a footnote, but generally it can be understood contextually.

I don’t know her book.  I don’t know if it’s lightly peppered with Mandarin or if it is a true bilingual book and characters exchange whole sentences in Mandarin.

Of course, the problem with not providing translations and telling readers to look it up themselves is that a direct translation from a dictionary might not convey the meaning the author intended.  This is particularly true with colloquilisms.

You could look up the words “lock,” “stock,” and “barrel” in an English to Mandarin dictionary, but it won’t tell you what “lock, stock, and barrel” means.  The Mandarin reader would be very confused.

What I do know is that this racist screed is pretty fucking offensive and is a great way to turn people off from reading her book.

I wrote this book for Chinese immigrants like me so I’m going to use language that you white people don’t understand and I won’t provide you with translations to make you feel alienated, and fuck you if you wonder why I did that.

I wonder if she will provide translations in editions not sold to white people so other POC who don’t speak Mandarin can feel more included?

What this does is confirm to me more and more that Woke is all about tormenting white people.

The Woke literary movement has pushed thr “de-colonize your bookshelf” movement for years.  Telling you as a white person that you need to read stories from non-white people to understand their experiences.  Now it’s saying those non-white people who don’t write in English shouldn’t provide translation, so you are going to do the translations yourself and probably not get it right and not understand what the author was trying to say.  There is nothing edifying about that.  It’s just a torment to make white readers feel uncomfortable.  But fuck them, they’re white.

With this attitude, she might sell a few copies to Woke white people who will never read the book but want to be seen with it on their bookshelves.   But for the most part I think white people who see this will opt not to buy the book.

I thought the goal of a writer was to sell as many copies of their book as possible, to spread their story, but I must not be Woke enough to understand how telling the largest book buying demographic in the country to go fuck itself is part of that marketing strategy.

Compare and contrast

Go onto Twitter and pull up the blue check account of a politician and see what they Tweeted on the 4th of July.

AOC, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, Pete Buttigieg had no Tweets about Independence Day.

Ilhan Omar had one, that followed a long thread of her celebrating Somali Independence Day on July 1st.

Every Republican account I opened had at least one lengthy Tweet about Independence Day and most of them saying something about how awesome America is.

I know that Twitter is not the be all, end all of everything, but still, it is a tool that politicians use to connect with their constituents.

Make of this what you will.

Tuesday Tunes

I sit in the passenger seat of a VW Micro bus as my mother drives us home. Father has the duty and won’t be home till Monday. It is wonderful that dad is back. He was over there in Vietnam. But he was safe. He was on a big navy ship.

I’m a big boy now, 3rd grade. I think back to a day not so long ago when we were still in Virginia, not California.

John and I lay on the hill side. He and I were talking about The War.

“What are you going to do when you are drafted?” The kindergardener me asked.

“I don’t know”, John answers, “I might go to Canada.”

“I’m going to enlist in the Navy before I’m drafted.”, I say.

As kindergardeners we know that war is forever. That we will be going to war. And that we will likely die.

A year later my father is on his way to Vietnam. He’ll be safe. They aren’t shooting at ships. (They were)

But today, I am listening to a song on the radio as we drive towards home. Dad is home safe but he’s not here again. He is an Officer in the US Navy and I’m proud of him.

We pull into the drive way and I ask my mom to leave the radio on so I can hear the end of the song. It finishes and I ask her what the name of the song is. She doesn’t know and she tells me to call the radio station to find out. I go inside and find the radio station in the phone book and call.

The D.J. answers and tells me the name of the song. A 3rd grader knows a song that has touched him to his soul. Years later I call and ask the D.J. to play this song. The D.J. scoofs and tells me it is a horrible song and refuses to play it.

I hope you understand as you listen:

Highland Park shooter has been identified – Update

Bobby Crimo, 22, ID’d as person of interest in deadly Highland Park parade shooting

A person of interest has been identified in Monday’s deadly mass shooting at a Fourth of July parade outside Chicago, authorities said.

Officials ID’d the man as 22-year-old Robert “Bobby” E. Crimo III — who they said they believe is armed and dangerous.

Here is his picture:


And from his Facebook:


The UK Independent is reporting:

An online profile matching Mr Crimo’s age and description appeared to show he is a musician who performs under the name Awake the Rapper.

Now I could be very wrong, but this guy looks like a drug addled Antifa goon and is probably not an NRA member or white supremacist.

I will keep watch for further details.


Apparently it’s trending online that he was a Trump supporter because there is a picture of him at a Trump rally.

This is the picture:


He’s dressed as Waldo from the Where’s Waldo series of books.

He wasn’t there as a Trump supporter.

He was there fucking around for social media.


Taking bets on the shooter’s identity

Here are some recent Tweets:




Considering how much the Left is really hating on Independence Day and how much the Right loves Independence Day, what do you think the identity/political alignment of someone who shoots up an Independence Day parade might be?