Month: July 2022

On yeeting dudes at a distance

I found this article online.  It’s from 2018 but it’s still relevant.

New study on shooting accuracy. How does your agency stack up?

Researchers analyzed 149 real-life OISs recorded over a 15-year period by Dallas (TX) PD. In nearly half of these encounters, officers firing at a single suspect delivered “complete inaccuracy.” That is, they missed the target entirely.

In 15 incidents, the total number of rounds fired could not be determined. But in the 134 cases where researchers could establish that figure, they calculated the hit rate, “incredibly,” at merely 35%. In other words, more than six out of 10 rounds fired were misses.

“Unfortunately,” the study says, “the data do not provide a clear picture of what happened with these [errant] rounds, but, at worst, they struck other officers or innocent bystanders.”

Once again, “Hollywood entertainment [that] routinely depicts the police as sharp shooters” falls far short of combat reality.

From the earliest measurements in the 1970s, a wide range of researchers have documented that “police departments rarely ever achieve a 50% hit rate,” the authors report. Annual hit-rate averages in large departments such as New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Las Vegas, for example, have typically ranged from 22% to 52% over the decades.

“Given the amount of firearms training the police receive, it would be assumed that they hit their target more often than not,” the researchers state. But the truth is that “officers are routinely inaccurate in their use of deadly force.”

Among all 149 shootings studied, officers struck the suspect “with at least one round 54% of the time.” There was some fluctuation from year to year, but the overall prevailing trend was about a 50/50 split between hits and misses—“not very accurate,” the researchers note.

Here, officers fired 354 rounds at suspects. Half the officers “were entirely inaccurate,” including one who fired 23 misses! Overall, about one-third (35%) of all officers’ rounds hit the targeted suspect. Most of those who had “perfect marksmanship” fired only one round.

The distances at which these shootings occurred was not provided but we know that 61% of police shootings happen within 20 feed and 50% within 15 feet, so we can assume at least half the shootings from the article were within 5 yards.

So three things to note.

Cops suck at accuracy.  I understand that police shootings are stressful and I don’t want to to come across as a Monday morning armchair quarterback, but in a career where we pay people to carry guns and know how to use them in stressful and violent situations, we are not getting quality results.

This really demonstrates how impressive an 80% hit rate at 40 yards for self defense shooter is.

Since we do not have qualified immunity as civilians, we are responsible for every round we send down range.  It is incumbent on ourselves to strive for perfect accuracy.

We need to train and train under stressful conditions.

Nothing matches the stress of a gunfight, but every stressed in practice helps.

Find an IDPA or USPSA match and sign up.

If you’ve never done it before, you will suck.

That’s fine.  You will practice drawing, sighting, and shooting under the stress of a shot timer.  That is good practice (and fun as hell).

You will get better and you will be better than someone who has never done it before.

Get out there and practice so you will be ready if the shit hits the fan.

Blog Status

It has been another week. We are slowly finding our rhythm. J.Kb. is doing a great job and high quality content. Miguel is doing his hit and run postings. I’m just hanging on by my fingernails.

Status things:
We still plan to start using memberships in another week. I’ve been writing a new theme that will look like the current theme but provide the features we need under the membership model.

The site decided to purge all the nonces. This is how your browser tells the site that you are the same person on the same browser. Unfortunately it doesn’t really tell you this until you try and post a comment, at which point it gives a nasty message.

The fix is to go to the home page and reload.

As part of the move we prestaged the site to This allowed us to do testing and such. Unfortunately the process also turned all of the mentions in the database into This was most easily seen when clicking on the Gun Free Zone Banner.

This is fixed in the live site. There are still a few instances of the wrong name but nobody should see them.

Fixes in code but not on site yet:
It was brought to our attention that somebodies real name was used when they left a comment after becoming a member. This should not have happened. We’ve set it up to use your username as your display name for now and we’ve updated the code so that if you change your display name all comments you made as a member get the new display name.

WordPress, the software that runs this site, has a feature called “nickname”. If you set your nickname you can also set the your displayed name to your nickname. This will allow you to have a user name that is not displayed. Members can get to this feature by logging in and then going to the small bar at the top right that starts with “Howdy,” Use that to edit your profile and you can change your Nickname and your Display Name.

The stopper right now is we are adding the “Nickname” field to the registration and membership edit profile pages.

For members that are at the Shooter level, please feel free to contribute articles to the blog by sending to either awa(at) or gunfreezone(at) Contributions will be posted under your name.

Finally, we’ve added code so that we can make “Feedback” Postings. A feedback posting is open to comments from anybody.

This is a feedback posting so you’ll be able to give whatever feedback about the site you want.

Go for it. Please let us know what we are doing right and what we need to change.

Miguel’s Hit and Run: What would have happened to Elisjsha Dicken in Venezuela.

Same scenario, same shooting outcome. Elisjsha Dicken would have been arrested immediately and charged with cruelty and excessive use of force because he shot the bad guy eight times. Also probably charged with grievously endangering the public for the two shots he missed. And after a couple of years languishing in “preventive detention” in some shithole jail, he’s be found guilty and sentenced to at least 20 years.

Make Self Defense illegal and the guns become irrelevant.


David (media) Hogg Disrupts Congress

David was at Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS when the 2018 shooting took place. He walked out of a different building on campus and went home. His level of danger was a bit more than AOC’s on Jan 6th, 2021, but not much.

He has since turned this into a free ride at Harvard and a couple of scams. He recently started a pillow company that lasted just long enough for him to rack in money and then folded before delivering product. He also was upset about how hard it was to create an LLC in MA.

Guns are in the news so David is once again shouting “Look at me! Look at me!”

He disrupted a congressional hearing on Wednesday and was escorted from the hearing room by security.

Who invited him to the hearing? What are the charges being brought against him?

David Hogg disrupts House hearing on banning assault weapons

The importance of remembering history: They have been lying for decades.

We don’t want to ban your guns; we just don’t think you need (insert hated gun here) because (insert excuse here). This is just common-sense law.

Bumped into this wee bit of history. Go on, read it and tell me if anything sounds familiar as in very recent years or even this week.


This is a bit like the Environmental Movement: first it was the fight against Global Freezing, then came Global Warming and now it is Climate Change.

This was half a centry ago. The object is now different, but the language and intentions are the same: They wanted (and want) to ban ownership of firearms. Period. But for a few people back then, this full ban should have happened and today we would be living in a whole ‘nother Third World country. There was not one single Gun Rights group active at the time (The NRA’s Revolt at Cincinatti was still five years away and this is two years before the creation of the Second Amendment Foundation.   The Media controlled 100% of the flow of information and Gun Owners were not even interconnected at a regional level, probably not even a county level so there was no true concerted infrastructure.

That is scary.

I may come back in the future and try to find out more of what happened and who stood up for Constitutional Rights because they deserve a hearty applause and acknowledgment.

And what have you been doing lately about the latest version of the Assault Weapons (AKA any gun we don’t like is an Assault Weapon) ban?

We are not in 1972. You have capabilities now that were not even possible in Saci Fi books.

Use them.

Also, the Democrats know they are doomed for November and there is a fight between those who want to pass the AWB and poison the well and those who want to be re-elected or at least not lose too badly and feel this bill will bring consequences for many years to come. I fear the Poison the Well group will win, the bill will pass, and the Senile Pederast in Chief will sign it. I do not think it will survive SCOTUS and probably will blow back hard in their faces, but that may take years and the supply of guns and mags will be reduced sending prices ski high again.

Prepare accordingly.

Aleatory Ruminations for 7/22/2022

It is not a bug but a feature.

Make laws that keep predators free, Chum waters by inciting a “response” against the enemy, wait for results, pretend surprise and dismay. Rinse, Repeat.



7-Eleven offers $100K reward for arrest in deadly holdups – ABC News (

How about adding a zero and use it to remove some Liberal asshole who is into restorative justice and elect somebody who will do his/her duty and keep the fucking county from being taken over by the Reavers?

I know, gas mileage probably sucks, but I don’t care! I WANT!

Why does the Administration allow the harassment and possible attack of Conservative Supreme Court Justices? Beside the obvious attempts to coerce them into favoring a Liberal Non-Constitutional decision or at least not making a decision, if one of them gets killed by a properly chummed psycho, they get to install a Liberal justice. All a neat political profit.

You had one job…

Putin is the unhinged ruler with his finger in the nuclear button that the Soviets thought Ronald Reagan to be.  Ironic, isn’t?

The Pro-Choice demands are simply the continuation of the Liberal mindset principle that Stupid Personal Actions and lack of responsibility should not have consequences.


H.R.2814 Extra Gotcha

The contents of the Firearms Trace System database maintained by the National Trace Center of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives shall not be immune from legal process, shall be subject to subpoena or other discovery, shall be admissible as evidence, and may be used, relied on, or disclosed in any manner, and testimony or other evidence may be permitted based on the data, on the same basis as other information, in a civil action in any State (including the District of Columbia) or Federal court or in an administrative proceeding.

This little gotcha is scary. Consider this, you went into your LGS to buy that Glock, because Glock. While there you spot a used Kimber at less than 1/4 its normal price. You buy both.

By law your 4473 can not be used to create a registry. BUT there is a “multi gun purchase” form that must be sent into the ATF if multiple pistols are purchased within a certain time period.

It would not surprise me to learn that that information is in the FTS. It is the case that anytime a trace is done that information goes into the FTS. What else goes into the FTS is an open question.

This opens the FTS for use by the states as a gun registry.