Month: September 2022

Another J.Kb Administration policy


Under my administration, all “health officials” will be required to pass a PT test. If you can’t do at least 50 push-ups, you shouldn’t be managing people’s health.

“Your Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services for Health is a personal trainer who owns a gym.”

“And he’s fucking ripped. Clearly he knows more about keeping people healthy than the pudgy fuck he replaced.”

Tuesday Tunes

1570 James Stewart, 1908 King Carlos I of Portugal, 1919 General Emiliano Zapata, 1963 John F. Kennedy, 1968 Martin Luther King Jr., 2003 Zoran Đinđić were all assassinated. Other than some coups these are the very few that were assassinated with rifles.

Yet this is the thing that terrifies security details. It is the thing that TV and movie plots are made of. The lone gunman in his perch taking that multi yard shot from outside the parameter and killing their principal.

A good sniper is almost impossible to spot prior to the shot and is often not seen after the shot. The gun barrel pushed out the window advertising the location should never happen. A real sniper knows that it is patience that is his strength.

This country is full of men and women that have rifles perfectly capable of taking a deer at 500 yards. There are people that are capable of long distance shooting where they hit targets at well over 500 yards. The M-16 with a 20 inch barrel is perfectly capable of putting rounds on a man size target at 500 yards with iron sights.

In 1966 some asshole climbed the University Texas clock tower with multiple rifles and started shooting at people. He shot for 96 minutes, killed 15 people and injured 31 people. Civilians and police rushed to take him out. Civilians with rifles in their cars started returning fire to try and prevent the asshole from shooting as the police rushed up the tower to finally take out the shooter.

Unlike the cowards of Uvalde, these men rushed to the sound of gun fire.


The face of evil on Instagram

There is not enough pain and suffering a human being could be put through with all the worst tortures inflicted by all the most brutal civilizations to properly teach these people a lesson.

But one day, God willing, we will have the opportunity to try.

And if that day comes, fear not for my my mortal soul, because I am sanctified in the knowledge that we will be doing God’s work.


On Thursday, September 1st, 2022 the President of the United States initiated combat with half the country. Bullets are not flying and we pray they don’t while preparing for the worse.

The term is dehumanizing. It is the act of making somebody or some group of people less than human. The Hutu of Rwanda described the Tutsis as “cockroaches”. What do you do to cockroaches? You exterminate them. The Hutus murdered 800,000 “cockroaches”.

After WWII anybody that disagreed with the ruling party became non-people and were shoved into the gulag archipelago pipeline. Many died on the way to the gulags. Many more were worked to death or starved. Ukraine was the breadbasket of the Soviet Union. There were posters throughout Ukraine reminding parents that it was bad to eat their children.

Stalin took all the food from Ukraine and shipped it to the cities and starved the people of the Ukraine to the point where there were “dinners” where neighbors got together to eat meat. And there was one less mouth to feed at that dinner than there was the day before.

Stalin murdered 100 million unpersoned people.

The Germans dehumanized the Jews. They were insects, rodents, dirty, unclean and dangerous. They were the reason you got sick. They were the reason that you were poor. They were the reason you couldn’t buy food. They were unpersoned.

On Thursday, the puppetmasters had Jill lead her husband to the podium. They lite the stage like some dystopian nightmare. Our president stood there raised his fists and told the world “MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”

That anybody that is republican is a threat to this country because “the Republican Party is dominated, driven and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans.” You are not asking questions because it is your right to question your government. It is your right to state your opinion.

According to Biden you do not respect the Constitution. You do not believe in the rule of law. Because you do not surrender to mob rule.

So our President stood before the world and called us a threat. He quoted another as saying we are a clear and present danger to this country. These are words that can justify actions. It is the groundwork of potential horrors to come.

Two days later we see the echos, Lofgren says Trump’s Saturday rally ‘proving’ Biden’s case on MAGA Republicans

“President Biden did caution Americans about extremism in his speech in Philadelphia, and the ex-president is proving his case,” [Lofgren said]. “To call out law enforcement as vicious enemies, I understand that he identified an FBI agent by name on his social media, probably exposing that law enforcement official to threats that we’ve seen.”

Keep your powder dry and your muskets ready.

Unpossible mass killing in Canada


Ten people stabbed to death in Canada.

I bet Canadians are ecstatic that Castro Jr. banned handgun imports and has been ramping up gun control.

That totally prevented two bad guys from killing a lot of people.

Bullcrap: Gun rules, 2nd Amendment rights can coexist by Jerry Taylor.

Guest editorial at the local birdcage dropping catcher:

The “Indian Crisis” at Wounded Knee.

The Japanse-Americans’ Crisis of WWII.


The Kent State Crisis.


And just recently, the President of the United States, with a backdrop of Marines, declared millions of us enemies of the state, an obvious crisis.

So, short answer is: We can coexist as long as you mind your own fucking business and leave us alone. Go after the real criminals, both the scum in the streets and the government officials which keep allowing crimes and killings by street thugs to be committed, make their lives miserable. Unless, of course, you are part of that clique which is yet another reason why we won’t give up our guns.