Stupid branding is stupid
Kamikaze drone is the latest.
If there is not a human inside knowingly crashing the aircraft against a target, it is not kamikaze. It is remote-guided weapon.
Then gain maybe the controls explode and kill the operator back in base when the drone reaches its target. Maybe the “news” people know something I don’t know.
I bet the Biden Administration is about to or already shipping Patriot Systems to Ukraine. Stupid and expensive you say? Par for the Pedo Joe and his controllers.
“The only one professional enough….”
Dumbass doing dumbass shit.
This cop is lucky he still has an arm…#johnwayne #cowboy #m&p9 #idiot
— Mrgunsngear (@Mrgunsngear) October 17, 2022
If he is really a cop, I hope his agency terminates his dumb unsafe butt.
Every part of this story about Trump and the Jews is shit
I go onto Twitter to find “American Jews” is a trending topic.
My first thought was “oh fuck, what happened?”
As it turns out Trump shot his mouth off on some other social media platform about America Jews and Israel.
He’s not really wrong.
The loudest and most amplified voices in the Jewish community are the Woke, Leftist Jews who are Woke anti-Zionists.
I see more Rabbis with social media with Pride flags and pronouns in their bios calling for solidarity with their “Palestinian Brothers and Sisters” than I do see unapologetic Zionists.
Stating Jews should have fealty to Israel (as theologically accurate as that should be) treads on some very antisemitic tropes.
Then the internet Jewish community decided to respond in a way that makes me hate the living fuck out of them.
I have to say, Holocaust education in the US is the most partisan bullshit ever taught.
Every Jew who responded was a fucking TDS Leftist.
American Jews would allow themselves to be frog-marched into gas chambers or in front of firing squads by Antifa or Students for Justice in Palestinian while saying this is all Trump’s fault.
They have no perspective beyond “the Right is fascist.”
And about half the responses also contained Anti-Zionism, with Jews explaining why they hate Israel and have no loyalty to it for reasons of Apartheid or Palestinian solidarity.
What Trums said was bad (but not entirely wrong) and the Jews rushed in to justify every possible reason for anyone vaguely on the Right to fucking hate their guts.
I wanted to yeet half the Twitter Rabbinate out a helicopter for being to the Left of Che.
If there is ever a Right wing mass attack on the Jewish community, these fucking Jews will have brought it on themselves.
God dammit, do I hate everyone involved in this.
Bruen v. 4473
The other day my lady walked into the liquor store and bought a couple of bottles of wine. They required her to show her ID before they would sell alcohol to her. They didn’t make a record of what she bought and her official ID.
The other day I picked up meds for my wife. At the drive through window I gave her name and date of birth and they handed me some controlled substances. They didn’t even ask for my ID. Last spring I had a cold, I purchased some cold meds from that same pharmacy. I had to show my ID before they would sell to me. They did record it so that they knew how much cold medication I was purchasing.
If you walk into a store to purchase a firearm they require you to show your official identification, answer questions that extend beyond “are you a prohibited person”, fill in your current address (which must match what’s on your ID) and then the FFL records the make and model of everything you purchase. If you purchase more than two pistols (or assault weapons?) within a week he is required to file a multi-gun purchase report with the BATFE.
The form 4473 must be kept for 20 years. If the FFL retires during that time the 4473s are transferred to the ATF where they are suppose to just be kept but today they scan into a searchable database.
What law in 1791 required that you identify yourself before you purchased a firearm?
What tradition of gun laws in 1791 required a shopkeeper to keep records of who purchased what?
Is the GCA unconstitutional as it currently exists? We’ve already seen one judge strike down one part of the GCA. Is there more coming?
That NYC brand.
Remember when New York City mayor Eric Adams said this:
NYC Mayor Eric Adams:
"We have a brand, New York has a brand. When people see it, means something. Kansas doesn't have a brand, but New York has a brand."
— TheBlaze (@theblaze) September 27, 2022
I’m not sure what brand he was thinking about but outside of NYC, what it means is this:
NYC subway murders jump to highest levels in 25 years: data
— New York Post (@nypost) October 11, 2022
I saw in a Friday Feedback that we talk about New York City a lot.
A theme of this block is push back.
Some people with an agenda push too far and then there needs to be a return to normalcy with push back.
Trump was push back.
New York City is a cultural epicenter of America. Many influential people think that NYC should be a model for America, or that NYC values should be the dominant values in America.
Documenting just how much of a shit hole NYC is facilitates that push back.
I want that every time some fuck-face from New York talks about New York values and how it’s so great and America should be more like that, for 300 million Americans who don’t live in or around New York to scream at the top of their lungs: “New York is a violent shit hole of crime and garbage where decent people should not live, so take your New York values and cram them up your ass and sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.”
I want a push back that sticks New York in it’s place.