Month: October 2022

Our military leadership showing you who they are


This is the man who was put in charge of the post Hurricane Katrina response.

There was lots of documented looting after Katrina.

Honore had the US military confiscate legally owned firearms from law abiding citizens.

Now, in retirement, he’s downplaying and justifying looting and criticizing a governor who is reminding people that in Florida, law abiding gun owners have the right to protect themselves.

Looting good, law abiding citizens defending themselves with firearms bad.

This is our military brass.

Califonia is an evil, Woke, fascist hell-state

Three stories out of California.

Total COVID obedience:

California’s Misbegotten Misinformation Bill

Introduced in February 2022 by California assembly member Evan Low and now awaiting the signature of the governor, Gavin Newsom, the bill designated as AB 2098 would allow state medical boards to punish physicians who spread misinformation or disinformation regarding Covid-19 and its treatment options. The bill defines “misinformation” as “false information that is contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus contrary to the standard of care” and “disinformation” as misinformation provided with “malicious intent or an intent to mislead.” Jokes about a Covid-19 “ministry of truth” aside, the bill represents an alarming push to create scientific consensus through government force rather than open debate and the gradual accumulation of evidence.

What is the “scientific consensus?”

Remember Fauci said don’t wear a mask, then do wear one, then wear two or more, then only N95, then only kids need to wear them, now who the fuck knows anymore?

What about vaccines that were 100% effective at preventing transmission of the virus, only after boosters, every few weeks, that don’t actually stop the transmission of the virus?

“Scientific consensus” appears to be exactly what a government board thinks at a specific instance in time.

Doctors have no choice but to obey or be punished with attacks on their professional licensure.

There is no room for experience or inquiry.  Obey or be destroyed.

Genital mutilation sanctuary state:


Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco)’s legislation to provide refuge for trans kids and their families, Senate Bill 107. It will take effect on January 1, 2023. SB 107 will protect trans kids and their families if they flee to California from Alabama, Texas, Idaho or any other state criminalizing the parents of trans kids for allowing them to receive gender-affirming care. If these parents and their kids come to California, the legislation will help protect them from having their kids taken away from them or from being criminally prosecuted for supporting their trans kids’ access to healthcare.

SB 107 has three main components:

1) It prohibits the enforcement of a law of another state that authorizes a state agency to remove a child from their parent or guardian based on the parent or guardian allowing their child to receive gender-affirming health care. The bill would prevent California’s law enforcement from cooperating with any individual or out-of-state agency regarding the provision of lawful gender-affirming health care performed in this state. As a result, families will be able to come to California to avoid having their trans children taken away from them.

2) It bars compliance in California with any out-of-state subpoena seeking health or other related information about people who come to California to receive gender-affirming care, if the subpoena relates to efforts to criminalize individuals or remove children from their homes for having received gender-affirming care. Some states are considering legislation that would extend their criminal prohibitions even to residents who travel out of state to receive gender-affirming health care.

3) It prohibits law enforcement participation in the arrest or extradition of an individual that criminalizes allowing a person to receive or provide gender-affirming health care where that conduct is lawful in California and to the fullest extent permitted by federal law. It will declare that it is California’s public policy that any out-of-state criminal arrest warrant for someone based on violating another state’s law against receiving gender-affirming care is the lowest priority for law enforcement in California.

So a child who has been convinced they are transgender can run away to or be kidnapped and transported to California and California will allow that child to have gender affirming hormones and surgery (chemical and surgical mutilation) and will block parent from out of state from stopping it.

How long until some groomer teacher or groomer influencer transports a child to California for mutilation against the will of the parents?

Remember that Scott Weiner is the California state senator who wrote the bill that made it no longer a felony to deliberately give someone HIV and to remove gay pedophiles from the sex offender registry.

California has gone all in on child sexual mutilation.

California colleges go Judrnfrei:

Berkeley Develops Jewish-Free Zones

Nine different law student groups at the University of California at Berkeley’s School of Law, my own alma mater, have begun this new academic year by amending bylaws to ensure that they will never invite any speakers that support Israel or Zionism. And these are not groups that represent only a small percentage of the student population. They include Women of Berkeley Law, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association, Middle Eastern and North African Law Students Association, Law Students of African Descent and the Queer Caucus. Berkeley Law’s Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, a progressive Zionist, has observed that he himself would be banned under this standard, as would 90% of his Jewish students.

Putting legal precedents aside, major universities generally require student groups to accept “all comers,” regardless of “status of beliefs.” They also adopt rules, aligned with federal and state law, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of various classifications such as race, ethnicity, heritage or religion. Those who adopt such rules may not exclude Jews from these protections.

The real issue here is discrimination, not speech. By adopting anti-Jewish bylaw provisions, these groups are restricting their successors from cooperating with pro-Israel speakers and groups. In this way, the exclusionary bylaws operate like racially restrictive covenants, precluding minority participation into perpetuity.

So pretty much all Jews who are not Leftist yevsektsiya are not allowed to speak on campus at the behest of all the other Woke identity groups.

So what has California become?

Medical practitioners must obey government boards as to what they must and cannot say about a disease or treatment or they will lose their license.

Children cannot be protected from ideologically motivated doctors mutilating them surgically.

(Note the contradiction here.  Doctors will be punished for questioning the efficacy of a COVID vaccine but not for saying that a boy can become a girl, inverting his penis, sewing it to a length of resected bowel, and calling that a vagina.)

Jews do not have equal rights or are welcomed onto university campuses.

I feel like I’ve seen this in my history books before and it wasn’t good.


Words Have Meaning: “Good gun owners” == Gun Control

The history of the NRA is storied. It started as a civil rights organization and stayed that way for a very long time. Sort of like the ACLU. Both have morphed.

The ACLU is now a slave to the left. Where there was a time in their history where freedom of speech and assembly meant they would defend a bunch of self proclaimed Nazi’s marching in a jewish neighborhood, today they are only interested in left leaning causes.

The NRA morphed as well. They became a “sportsmans” organization. As long as there wasn’t a threat to $2000 double barrelled shotguns and deer rifles they were ok with it. Carry laws didn’t really affect what they perceived as their base so they didn’t engage.

That changed in the 70’s with the membership takeover. The members had seen their dues go to pay for weak lobbying. They took over and demanded that the NRA fight for all gun rights. And they did.

They became a one issue organization that would fight to stop any gun control law.

They were also smart about it. If they knew they were going to lose, they did their best to create something that wasn’t a complete shit show. An example of this is the NCIS system. As originally proposed, the “background check” was a full on gun registry with built in wait periods that would become unreasonable.

Consider that a NCIS check will give you a denied, delayed, proceed in less than an hour in most cases and when things are really busy, it might take 3 or 4 hours. Then compare that to how long it takes to get permission to purchase a suppressor.

Is the background check to buy a suppressor really that much more extensive than that to buy a firearm? Not really. But they can extend the process at will. There are many stories of people begging for permission to purchase an NFA item to wait months before they get a “rejected for paperwork”. I.e. they filled out some part of the paperwork incorrectly and now they have to resubmit.

In the case of NICS, the NRA saw what was about to happen and helped to create NICS. While we don’t have to like it, the NRA made the default “proceed” if there was no answer within a given time. This required the government to do its job in a timely fashion. I.e. if they didn’t get a denial to the FFL within that time period, the person was going to be able to take possession of their firearm.

In recent time the NRA has fallen on hard times. Mostly the doing of the board. There appears to be some highly questionable financial going ons. In addition, NY State has taken aim at the NRA and is trying to sue them out of existence.

Which brings us to this article:
Good gun owners unite: A new group could help break the deadlock on firearm-safety laws

Another example of the “strange respect” that conservatives receive for five minutes when they surrender to the left. We see it all the time when some GOP senator or representative sides with the left. The left fawns all over them. Ten minutes after they are no longer needed, the bus comes roaring in to drive over them.

According to the NY Daily News, you become a good gun owner when you support “firearm-safety laws”. When you are interested in “responsible firearm laws”, when you value the right to keep and bear arms but “understand it must have sane limits, then you too can have that strange respect.

The problem with this sort of article is that they use polling data that is extremely misleading.

The overwhelming majority of gun owners are in favor of universal background checks, of raising the minimum age to buy guns to 21 and so-called “red flag” laws to remove guns from potentially dangerous people, a new NPR/Ipsos survey finds.
— npr

The poll in question:

This NPR/Ipsos Poll was conducted June 15-21, 2022, using the probability-based KnowledgePanel®. This poll was based on a nationally-representative probability sample of total American adults 18+ who are gun owners (n=1,022), Republican Americans 18+ who are gun owners (n=445), Democrat Americans 18+ who are gun owners (n=183), and Independent Americans 18+ who are gun owners (n=389).

Translation, they surveyed 1022 self reported gun owners of which 445 reported to be Republican, 183 said they were Democrats and 389 said they were Independent.

The poll can be found at Ipsos site

Q3, part k: “I own firearms because they give me a feeling of power?” is sort of interesting.
Q8: “Do you think it is more important to protect gun rights or control gun violence”

This question tells you that the poll is slanted. Unless they are asking about controlling hammer violence as well, this question is very slanted.

I’m firmly in favor of controlling criminal behaviors. Putting a stop to violent criminals as soon as possible.

Q9: Do you support or oppose Universal background checks for all gun sales, including those at private sales and at gun shows?

Interestingly democrats are at 90%+ for all options that are about restricting the rights of gun owners and are only at 53% for hardening schools (slanted rephrase of the question, by me)

It is worth looking at the original poll. There are results that don’t match what I “feel” are the correct answers.

The take away from all of this is that polls don’t always tell use what we want to hear. The media is still lying.

A lesson on situational awareness at a Jewelry store

Again, I need to clarify.  There is a different between victim blaming and doing a forensic analysis of a crime to understand the lessons as a warning to others.

Store owner, 68, pistol-whipped, hit with hammer in sickening 20-minute attack: video

Sickening video shows an elderly jewelry store owner getting pistol-whipped and stomped on the head — before he was hit “full force” in his skull with a hammer during the brutal, 20-minute robbery, according to kin.

Footage shared by the 68-year-old Delaware store owner’s family shows a man dressed all in black — including a mask — initially pretending to show interest in the jewelry at Solid Gold in downtown Wilmington on Sept. 15.

But then he suddenly grabs the Korean American store owner near his throat — and appears to hold a pistol to his head.

Despite his victim not appearing to resist, the black-clad thug then slams the weapon into the elderly man’s head.

Still not done, the attacker clambers over the counter — and starts stomping on the seemingly unconscious man’s head.

Here is the relevant part of the video footage?


Why would anyone trust someone in a full goodie, hat, mask, and gloves in their store?

Especially a store like a jewelry store after all the robbery and looting of jewelry stores that we’ve seen?

Everything about this person’s appearance screams “criminal” and “looter.”

It looks from the video as if the store has a double door security entrance.  This person should not have been let in.

It’s noble to be trusting but at the sane time it’s important to be situational aware.

This is also a situation in which lawful gun ownership is important.

Jewelry stores are high on the list for robberies.

No one questions why every employee in a gun store us wearing a loaded gun.

I’ve seen more than a few times the guy behind the counter in a convenience store packing heat.

I don’t understand why a jewelry store owner and employees aren’t strapped the entire time they are on shift.

If you own or manage a business where you know you are a likely target of crime, act accordingly.  Don’t let in suspicious looking people and if your staff can legally be armed, let them.

Stuff I was thinking.

We have people that have no problem subjecting a child to hormone injections, chemical blockers and disfiguring surgeries in the name of Gender Politics. But substitute “child” with “puppy”, and you will have a mob at your doorstep ready to burn you alive for cruelty.

You can’t even treat chickens with antibiotics anymore and the same for injecting hormones in cattle. But it is OK to Mengele the shit out of a prepubescent kid till it is a manufactured freak of political medicine.