Month: October 2022

The male privilege in this TikTok


A lot of people commented on just how useless this girl must be at Twitter that her day includes all of this bullshit and wine drinking.

But I wanted to point out something that everyone else seemed to miss.

The macha tea, wine one tap, yoga room, everything about that workspace seemed like a spa for women.

During her meeting, I didn’t see any men.

Where are they?

I suspect that they are in a cubicle farm somewhere being code monkeys.

85% of computer science and programming majors are men.

I highly suspect that in Silicon Valley, male privilege is being one of the core competency programmers slamming out code all day and never seeing daylight while all the useless people are enjoying company provided Macha and red wine in a day spa made possible by your work.

When school shooters tell you their motivation, listen to them

This article about the recent school shooting in Missouri is a master class in everything wrong with the our media, politics, and public discourse.

St. Louis school shooting suspect had AR-15-style rifle, 600 rounds of ammunition: Police

A 19-year-old former student was armed with an AR-15-style rifle and more than 600 rounds of ammunition when he opened fire at a St. Louis, Missouri, high school on Monday morning, killing two and injuring several others, according to authorities.

The suspect, who also died during an exchange of gunfire at Central Visual and Performing Arts High School, was identified by police as Orlando Harris, who graduated from the high school last year.

Harris, who had no criminal history, left a handwritten document in his car speaking about his desire to “conduct this school shooting,” St. Louis Police Commissioner Michael Sack said at a news conference Tuesday.

Sack said Harris wrote: “I don’t have any friends, I don’t have any family, I’ve never had a girlfriend, I’ve never had a social life.” Sack said Harris called himself an “isolated loner,” which was a “perfect storm for a mass shooter.”

The shooter gave his motivation right there.

He was a loaner with no friends and no social life.

The media heaps fame and notoriety on school shooters.

Our society puts fame above all else.

For a loaner and a loser, becoming a school shooter is a way to become famous and well known, a center of public attention.

“It’s very easy to get guns,” Sack said at a news conference Monday. “I’ve said it before — the gun laws in Missouri [are] very broad … they can carry them openly down any street, and there’s really nothing we can do.”

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre addressed the shooting at Monday’s press briefing, saying, “We need additional action to stop the scourge of gun violence.”

“Every day that the Senate fails to send assault weapons ban to the president’s desk, or waits to take … other commonsense actions, is a day too late for our families and communities impacted by gun violence,” she told reporters.

But politicians and the media, evident from the headline of this very article, focus on the guns and everything but their power to and willingness to make a school shooter famous.

Our system encourages broken boys to do horrible things to get their names on TV and then the powers that created this system everyone but themselves.

If we’re going to restrict people’s Constitutional rights to stop school shootings, before we create one more gun law, we should ban the media from reporting on school shootings to eliminate the fame factor for school shooters.

Friday Feedback

We’ve started a weekly link dump at the suggestion of some of our readers from last week.

A couple of longish articles went out.

The goal of this blog remains the same, to bring attention to gun related issues, to have a platform for our passions, to talk about things of value to this community.

We are actively seeking more articles from you our members. Send them in and we’ll see if they can be published.

What articles did you see this week that were of particular interest to you?
Do you have any links to stories you’d like us to look at?

Dear Florida: Do not go Chest Thumper.

Perfection is the deadly enemy of results.

Republican lawmakers in Tallahassee are now showing strong signs of support for the unlicensed carry of concealed handguns by law-abiding Floridians, according to sources familiar with the discussions. However, these same lawmakers strongly oppose the open carry of handguns or other weapons.

Gov. Ron DeSantis has promised to sign a constitutional carry bill if the Republican-controlled state legislature can get one to his desk, and now it appears as though we are closer than we have ever been before.

While this is definitely a step in the right direction and might be seen by some as cause to celebrate — finally — it is not the “Gold Standard” of constitutional carry seen in other states, which allow their law-abiding citizens to carry firearms openly or concealed without a permit or license. In other words, these states allow their citizens to decide for themselves how to exercise their constitutional rights.

Florida lawmakers considering watered-down constitutional carry (


The gun laws’ history in Florida has been a constant war of attrition. We (I still consider myself a Floridian) have made slow inroads, but made them even when the Media and Liberal strongholds were against. It was only when the Chest Thumpers appeared in our mist that the forward movement was stopped.  Wethere we liked it or not, we faced a huge PR campaign against us. The bombardment tagging us as dangerous and killers was constant, so we had to fight it and the Chest Thumpers parading themselves fishing with rifles and kitted like they were going to war played into the image the Gun Control cabal was good at advertising.

It is the old question: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at the time.

Get Constitutional Carry and then keep moving. Don’t get greedy and assure the win.

And just because you won’t get OC this time, do not throw a tantrum and crap on Constitutional Carry.  Every time we lose because we act like toddlers, the enemy score propaganda victories.

Asymmetrical Warfare

In 1337 the “Hundred Years’ War” started. Great armies marched to meet each other in the fields of battle. They fought and 2.3 to 3.3 million men died.

In 1792 the French Revolutionary war started. It lasted 7 years and between 1.2 million and 1.4 million men died in the fields of battle.

In 1803 the Napoleonic wars started. Somewhere between 3.5 million and 7.0 million men died in the fields of battle and in the misery of being on campaign.

Between 1955 and 1975 somewhere between 0.9 million and 3.8 million people died in the Vietnam War. There were around 300 thousand soldiers killed in Vietnam, 58 thousand Americans and 254 thousand South Vietnam.

What was the significant change between the previous wars and Vietnam?

Asymmetrical Warfare.

The civilians and the enemy combatants wore the same clothing. They wore the same footwear. They ate the same food. The man sharing a meal with a soldier might be stalking that same soldier later that night.

During the 20 years of “The Troubles” in Ireland 8 to 10 thousand people were active members of the IRA. By the 1980’s it was believed that there were around 450 active members and 300 support members. Yet this small number of dedicated people were able to keep the British at bay.

This equates to around 9/100,000 at the low point and 10/100,000 at the high point. If there was this level of asymmetric warfare in the US that would be around 30,000 active participants every year. Even with people rotating in and out.

In 2021 there were 38.5 million hunting licenses issued. If we assume 12/100,000 this would be 4632 people with the right equipment in hand to take a deer sized target at 100 to 200 yards. Not to mention all the other firearm owners that don’t hunt but are proficient with their firearms.

So at a low end we would have somewhere around 5000 and at the high end about 50,000 actives in the such warfare in America.

All of these people look just like the people they are living with. We saw what this was like in Iraq and Afghanistan. In addition there is a higher probability of members of the resistance existing unseen within the government/military complex.

We look at what people with minimal industrial knowledge were able to accomplish. Their ability to make hand crafted firearms, their ability to create IEDs. All of that knowledge from people that don’t have the same level of education as most of the people that read this blog.

If it comes to conflict it will be asymmetrical. One or two man teams working to harass and torment occupying forces. Supply lines that are long and undefended. Convoys traveling on wide open express ways with good sightines to them from good cover and concealment.

People with the money to buy and train with tactical gear.

As more than one person has stated “I’m not about to trade MY AR-15 for a milspec M-4 or M-16, my rifle is much better than that.”

Fourth-Generation War and Other Myths
Fourth-generation warfare
Fourth Generation Warfare
Military History and Fourth Generation Warfare
The Guerrilla and How to Fight Him FMFRP 12-25

The Perfect Storm of Orlando Harris – Charles Bogardus.

Facebook buddy posted this and I figure is worth passing along.

Our media, with the help of anti-gun activists, are responsible for the creation of Orlando Harris.
“I don’t have any friends, I don’t have any family. I’ve never had a girlfriend. I’ve never had a social life. I’ve been an isolated loner my entire life. This was the perfect storm for a mass shooter.”
I’m not sure what his grades were like, but I’m guessing that he was ushered through our “educational” system with few actual useful skills. Maybe he had high self-esteem – that seems to be the goal of many “educators.”
There are quite a few people who have high self-esteem, who are very confident, who actually navigate through much of life, and I still have to wonder how they are able to find their way home at the end of the day.
Harris was likely told that he was special for most of his life (not “that” special – self-esteem special).
He didn’t make friends. That’s a lot of kids. He didn’t have a family support group. That’s also a lot of kids. Hell, I never got laid until I got to college. Quite a few folks are actually that way, locker-room braggadocio aside… I’m the guy who will take a book to a party. But I never considered shooting up a school.
Why do I think Harris chose that venue for his violent temper tantrum? Some of YOU told him to. You described him to the nth degree on news programs. You PERSUADED him that he was the perfect storm for a mass shooter.
And why did he pick a school? Easy. It would get headlines. It was a safe gun-free zone. He probably knew that he wouldn’t be opposed by on-site “security.” And some of YOU kept reinforcing the concepts of the school shooter. You helped fuel that perfect storm.
You have created the Gun-Free Zones – the very places that have a magnetic draw for the deranged maniacs in search of fleeting fame at any cost. And you’re going to demand more of them. And you’re going to say that they must be fortified, their defenses bolstered with the help of millions, if not billions, of tax dollars.
And some other nutcase, who you are helping form even now, will penetrate the Gun-Free Zone, and unleash mayhem.
Because they know that all within have eschewed self-defense in a quasi-religious fervor, and that they will be unopposed by their victims.
You wanted a “safe space.” Educators don’t seem to understand the concept of self-defense – look at how those who are bullied to the point where they fight back are punished.
You created a “safe space.”
And the only people who are truly safe are the insane predators, who WILL take advantage of it.