Month: October 2022

Tuesday Tunes

Is a newborn racists? According to the left the answer is “yes”. If you are white, if you are “cis”, if you are male you are born hating.

This does not match reality. Nobody believes that a black man is any less capable of a white man. Nobody believes that a woman is any less intelligent than a man.

People have the opportunity, in these United States, to grow and become anything they are able to do.

This does mean that I don’t expect to see very many female lineman climbing poles and pulling heavy cables into place.

20 years ago you never saw a woman flagman, today they are common.

Regardless, people are not born hating others. They need to be taught to hate others. Sometimes that is done by the people you are with. All you have to do is visit an inner city community and you will quickly learn about hate. We’ve seen the videos of 5 year olds hating on a cop just because he is a cop.

He had to be taught that.

You are also taught to hate by the people that hate you. When a group constantly attacks you, you will learn to hate them.

So the question is: Who taught the left to hate?

P.S. I use the rhetorical “nobody…” to mean “not part of a third world shit hole country.” Yes, I know there are exceptions.

This is a real killer.

KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) — Ugandan officials have reported 11 more cases of Ebola in the capital since Friday, a worrisome increase in infections just over a month after an outbreak was declared in a remote part of the East African country.

Nine more people in the Kampala metropolitan area tested positive for Ebola on Sunday, in addition to two others on Friday, Health Minister Jane Ruth Aceng said Monday.

A top World Health Organization official in Africa said last week that Uganda’s Ebola outbreak was “rapidly evolving,” describing a challenging situation for health workers.

Ugandan health authorities have confirmed 75 cases of Ebola since Sept. 20, including 28 deaths. There are 19 active cases.

The official numbers don’t include those who probably died of Ebola before the outbreak was confirmed in a farming community about 150 kilometers (93 miles) west of Kampala.

Uganda reports worrisome increase in Ebola cases in capital | AP News

So, with incomplete numbers, we know that this latest Ebola outbreak has an almost 40% chance of killing your ass. The Wuhan Flu A.K.A. COVID has a 2% (or less) chance to kill you.

Things to ponder.


This won’t stop until somebody stops it


I keep saying that it is time to legalize the use of force to protect property.

These people do this knowing that if they do get caught, the political powers that be won’t punish them.

But fundamentally this is terrorism.  “Drive a car we don’t like and we’ll continue to attack it, costing you time and money, until you get a car we approve of.”

We should not negotiate with terrorists.

If someone is fuckinh with your car, either to steal your catalytic converter or because they don’t like your MPGs, you should have every right to stomp the shit out of them.

That’s your car, you work to earn the money to buy it, they don’t have the right to damage your property for any reason.

If law enforcement can’t stop this, you should have ever right to do so.

Link Dump

This is just a bunch of links that I collected and didn’t write about.