Month: November 2022

I am still trying to make up my mind about the COVID Amnesty.

Something between piano wire necklaces and 100 doses of any true flagellation device to the backside followed by a saltwater bath. And, of course, any monies made pushing more lockdowns, masks and booster shots should be impounded and used to fix as much as possible the damage done to the country, especially kids. From the pharma assholes that saw a chance to make billions in snake-oil mRNA shots to the News Media enablers to any pundit in social media who wished people death for failing to have their toddlers wear mask in a public place.

I have a special order for two Florida Pro Covid assholes:

First is Daniel Uhlfelder who was the top DeSantis Derangement Syndrome spokesperson and tried to bully people into going back to lockdown by parading like the grim reaper.


And the second one is the fake scientist and stalker Rebekah Jones who accused the state of Florida of fudging the numbers of COVID-related deaths to make DeSantis look good.


I will settle for them taken and dropped in Cuba so they can enjoy the restricted Socialist state they wished and pushed so hard for. Oh yes, if the drop is from 5,000 feet, even better.


A sad case to justify Bruen enforcement in California


A father and daughter stabbed to death outside of a Kohl’s while shopping.

A crazy vagrant with a knife destroyed a family.

The police were utterly incapable of stopping this as California politics has lead to a massive increase in crazy vagrants turning California into a Third World shithole.

This is why the right to self defense and concealed carry is so important and must be enforced on states after Bruen.

We need to give good people the tools and ability to defend themselves when the politicians turn their neighborhoods into violent hell holes.

Site Outage

Our datacenter did a forced upgrade of our infrastructure today.  It was expected to be a few minutes of downtime but due to an error on their part we were unable to connect to our data stores.

This has been resolved.  We are back up and running.

Sorry for the outage,


What’s coming down the pipe

It’s been two days since this was Tweeted:


The comments and quote Tweets keep coming.

I’ve seen threads about this.

Almost every single one has been a “fuck you, no” followed by list of damages and grievances by those harmed by COVID lockdowns.

I’ve seen the phrase “crossed the Rubicon” a lot in describing what the state did to the people.

The anger by those who suffered against those who caused the suffering will not be satiated with elections and ballots.

The only thing that will curb this is blood.

Either proper Nuremberg type trials that put the lead Covidians in Federal prison, seizes their wealth, and runs them; or the people will move in the direction of frontier justice.

Live and let live will not be an option.

I see what’s coming down the pipe and it looks copper jacketed.


Changing the Narrative

Years ago my daughter and I were discussing the Constitution and I asked her to quote the second amendment.  She picked up her history/social studies text book and read it to me from the back of the book.

“A well regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms in the militia will not be infringed”.

I freaked.  I knew that was wrong.  So I actually looked in her text book and it indeed had the second like that, but with “[in the militia]” in brackets added.

My daughter, a highschool student, thought that the words in brackets were part of the second amendment.  I had to pull up a real copy of the constitution on my laptop in order to prove to her that somebody had added those words.  That it wasn’t in the original.

The next day I started calling around and finally ended up talking to the superintendent of the school district.  He told me “The students know that brackets indicated words that were added.  We added the words to help clarify the meaning. ”  He went on to indicate that they had added words throughout the constitution.

When I reviewed the text book I found one other added word [of] and it did not change the meaning of the phrase.  But there were multiple words added to the2nd.  The children reading that textbook would have no way of knowing that they were not reading the correct translation.

Most students entering high school today can’t read the constitution.  They do not read cursive.  They have to trust that the version they have is a true copy, just using block or typeset characters. This will become a bigger issue over time. “He who controls the past controls the future.”

[Darcy] Geissler [of Fairfax County, Virginia] told the principal directly in an email, “When I was in law school, our first assignment on persuasive writing – a skill necessary to be a lawyer – was on whether or not a misspelling in a deed was sufficient to pass title. Not exactly a sexy or emotional issue. We were not handed Roe v. Wade, the 2nd Amendment, or climate change, even though we were law students with significant education and life experience.”

“The reason we were not given hot-button issues when first learning to write was because in order to learn persuasive writing, it is imperative that the skill not be clouded by the issue before the skill is learned,”

The problem is that everything in the education industry is geared to messaging.  In some cases this is good.  In k-5 what this means is that a lesson in math is used in reading is used in history and back again.  It is designed to teach basic skills and to help the student learn from those base lessons.

Unfortunately, today there is a different narrative being pushed.  Not to get children to think, to analyze critically the information they are given, but to instead think the way that the industry (and teacher) want the child to think.

In a YAF talk, Michael Knowles spoke about “groomers”.  The point he made was that if a 8 year old boy tells his teacher that he is really a girl and he is going to use the girls bathroom from now on, the teacher/school has to make a choice.  Regardless of the choice they are going to be teaching a narrative.  They can teach the woke narrative that a boy can be a girl and a girl can be a boy, or they can teach the boy that “no you aren’t a girl, use the correct bathroom.”

For us, it isn’t a difficult choice, for many on the left, it isn’t a difficult choice.  The problem is that we have different answers and the education industry is filled with leftist.

The schools spend many learning hours per year teaching students how to respond if the fire alarm goes off.  Yet somehow they manage to do it without creating soul crushing fear in the students.

Today they spend as much or more time teaching children how to respond to “active shooter”. And they have managed to instill terror in students and parents alike.

At the local high school a student was recently removed by the police during the school day.  The boy had been playing airsoft with some friends.  One of those “friends” snapped a picture of him holding an AR-15 airsoft rifle.  That “friend” then added text to it something like “I can’t stand it, I’m going to bring my rifle to school and see just how many I can kill before they stop me.”

It was a prank.  Yet everybody knows about it and there was panic within the school system.  And kids were scared.  This is not the way to live.

The narrative thus is “guns are bad unless you are a Hollywood Actor shooting up people in the movies”.  Only the cops are good enough to carry guns.  Only the military should have arms.  6 rounds is ok but 7 is a killing machine.  A 10 round magazine is “safe” an eleven round magazine is only for killers.

The cops need 18 round magazines with two reloads but you can do it with just 5 rounds.

Nothing makes any real sense but the narrative goes on and on.  Always evoking fear to get people to give up just one more bit of freedom.

So Facebook finally nuked me

It did not matter that I asked for a review on a content they found offensive the second they “temporarily” suspended and then a couple of times more, they simply kept the bullshit that I did not ask for a review, they went ahead and killed it.

And of course, I would never start a duplicate account and behave the same way I was behaving. Nah, Nevah!


Tuesday Tunes

It is the summer in late 60’s. Two kindergarten boys roll down the slope between their houses and come to a stop. They climb back to the top and look up at the beautiful blue sky. They pant from running around the yards playing cowboys and indians.

One of them turns to the other and says “What are you going to do when you are drafted? Are you going to Vietnam or are you going to Canada?”

The other boy thinks hard, “Dad is in the Navy. I’m going to join up and be an officer like him.”

“I don’t know what I’m going to do. I might go to Canada.”

War just was. Two young boys discussing what they were going to do in 13 years when they were drafted to go fight in a war that the government refused to call a war. A war that had been going on for decades, even before the US got involved.

The media was peddling the same narratives, the US military was evil. That our soldiers committed atrocities on a regular basis. Just a few years later, in April of 1971, John Kerry, future presidential candidate, testifies in front of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee about the horrible atrocities he witnessed.

At every turn the media delivered a story of failure.

Still a young boy was ready to go to war to defend his country. He didn’t understand all those big words, but his father was fighting for his country and he would go do his father and his country proud.

A small truth that is forgotten, an 18 year old man drafted and sent to Vietnam in this time period had a better chance of living than his civilian counterpart back in the states. Car safety was not as good as it is today. Many young men lost their lives on the streets and highways of this country. More per capita than lost their lives in Vietnam.

Please don’t misunderstand me, war is horrible. It does things to the body and mind that most, thankfully, will never experience and few will understand. I still thank those vets when I meet them. I’ve talked to them when the war was still fresh in their minds. I have huge respect for those that fought and continue to fight for our country.

Note also that my respect is for those that fight for our country, not all that are members of the military fight for our country.