Month: November 2022

An Advertisement for Ammo.

I don’t know anything about this company other than the email they sent us.  I looked at their site briefly and saw that they had all sorts of calibers listed but they were out of the calibers I expected them to be out of so not a “We have everything!”

I can’t find Jack’s name in our user list nor do I remember him commenting.

If you buy from this guy and it is a scam, please let us know and I’ll mark this post with a warning.  If you buy or have purchased in the past, let us know as well.

Good luck.

Hi AWA and J. Kb,

I’m looking to partner with a couple gun-friendly bloggers on a Black Friday promotion and thought you might be interested.

Basically, we’re offering ammo below cost on Friday – like $.20 per round 9mm delivered. I think a lot of your readers who shoot would find value in knowing about the deal and I’d like to make it worth your time too. If I can send you some ammo to shoot yourself, please let me know. I’m certainly not looking for a handout here; I’d much rather partner with authentic bloggers than some spammy, bot-created drivel that reaches out to me.

To give you an idea of what we’ll have, here are our featured deals:
• 9mm Ammo – 500 rounds 115 Grain FMJ – $100 (.20/rd delivered)
• 5.56 Ammo – 500 rounds 55 Grain FMJ – $160 ( .32/rd delivered)
• 40 S&W Ammo – 1000 rounds 180 Grain TMJ – $270 (.27/rd delivered)
• 45 ACP Ammo – 1000 rounds 230 Grain TMJ – $380 (.38/rd delivered)
• 380 ACP Ammo – 1000 rounds 95 Grain FMJ – $270 (.27/rd delivered)
• 22 LR Ammo – 3330 rounds 36 Grain CPHP – $200 (.06/rd delivered)

The ammo will appear on our specials page at 9 a.m. (ET) Friday morning. ( Last year most calibers sold out before Cyber Monday. Because of the pricing, we can’t name the manufacturer but all of these will be brass-cased options so most shooters will be comfortable knowing they’re getting a great deal.

If you think there’s any room to work together, please let me know. We’re a young company and I would like to find help spreading the word if I can afford it.

In any case, thanks for considering us; I hope your Thanksgiving is a good one.


Biden vs. Semiautos


Okay… so what is hr going to do about it?

Any ban on semiautomatic guns will be declared unconstitutional in seconds.

This is an old man shouting at a cloud.

Even his handlers have to know this.

So other than being a crotchety old bastard  what’s his end game here?

Another Bruen win

Shall Not Be Infringed!

On November 22, 2022 Judge John L Sinatra, Jr issued a preliminary injunction against NY State’s CCIA.

Another one of New York’s new restrictions imposed in the immediate aftermath of the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision is the private property exclusion.  That new provision makes it a felony for a license holder to possess a firearm on all private property, unless the relevant property holders actually permit such possession with a sign or by expressed consent.

The Supreme Court’s cases addressing the individual’s right to keep and bear arms — from Heller and McDonald to its June 2022 decision in Bruen — dictate that New York’s private property exclusion is equally unconstitutional.  Regulation in this area is permissible only if the government demonstrates that the current enactment is consistent with the Nation’s historical tradition of sufficiently analogous regulations.  As set forth below, New York fails that test.

This is the second injunction by Judge Sinatra, Jr finding parts of NY States CCIA unconstitutional.  He is teasing out these injunctions and more are expect.

In addition he told the state to pound sand when they requested a hold for 3 days in order for them to appeal.

Here, a stay pending appeal is not warranted. As discussed above, Plaintiff’s constitutional rights are being violated absent a preliminary injunction. The State has not established irreparable injury in the absence of a stay. The balance of hardships and public interest weigh in favor of Plaintiff, also as discussed above. Finally, it is Plaintiff who has demonstrated that he is likely to succeed on the merits. As in Hardaway, legislative enactments may not eviscerate the Bill of Rights. Every day they do is one to many.

It is highly likely that the state will appeal to the 2nd circuit court where it will be heard by a panel of three judges. Depending on the make up of that panel the injunction may or may not be stayed. A betting man will be on the 2nd circuit issuing a stay.

Judge Sinatra, Jr is referencing Judge Suddaby’s discussions in Antonyuk and Judge Suddaby references Judge Sinatra, Jr’s discussions.

These two judges are working toward the same ends. It would not be surprising to learn that they are actually talking to one another.

Next steps in this case:

The State will appeal. The 2nd circuit court will issue a stay. The case will move forward. The judge will find for the Plaintiffs. The State will appeal. The 2nd circuit court will empanel a three judge panel on an emergency basis which will find for the State. Christian, FPC and 2A Foundation will appeal to the en blanc (full 9 judge court) which will agree to hear the case on a non-emergency basis 6 to 12 months in the future. The Plaintiffs might appeal for a stay from the Supreme Court but that is unlikely to happen. A year or so will go by with the State delaying the entire time. Finally the 2nd circuit court will hear the case.

The optimist says that the full 2nd circuit finds the CCIA unconstitutional. If not, the second best would be that the 2nd Circuit finds for the state in full which is then appealed to the Supreme court. A worse case would be for the 2nd circuit to find for the Plaintiffs in some very very limited way, making it more difficult to appeal.

Christian et All v. Nigrelli and Flynn (CCIA) preliminary injunction. (PDF)

Sweet home Chicago….

It is a joy to see that crime is gone from Chicago. We should all have the same type of politicians and politics because we will be safe from the human blight of felonies.
end sarcasm>

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