Month: March 2023

Newtown Action shilling for cartels

In case you missed the news, the President of Mexico is trying to influence Americans to vote against Republicans who want to declare war on the Mexican drug cartels.

Personally, after killing hundreds of thousands of Americans with drugs, I’m all for tactically nuking the cartels.

Even if you don’t care about hard drug addicts on the streets, mixing fentanyl with prescription drugs and selling them on the streets where they are killing young people is worthy of getting your country obliterated by radioactive death.

The President of Mexico is obviously getting kickbacks from the cartels.  He’s a puppet leader of a failed narco-state.

But if you want to understand the state of American politics, know that the chair of Newtown Action is supporting the President of Mexico over Americans because guns.


I’ve seen videos of cartel violence in Mexico.

The cartels are using full auto military weapons.

The cartels are multi billion dollar international criminal enterprises, they are buying military weapons from corrupt Mexican military personnel, the Columbian military, and Asia.

The guns the cartels got from the US was from Obama smuggling them in with the Fast and Furious debacle.

But that’s inconvenient to the narrative that if we just shut down American gun stores, the cartels would run out of guns.

So anti-gun activists are siding with the cartel puppet in chief of Mexico against American citizens.

You shouldn’t be able to buy guns because that will somehow stop Columbian military officers from selling machine guns to the cartels.

Argument: It is not an “arm” under the Second Amendment?

B.L.U.F. An analysis/opinion of the State’s attempt to move certain arms out from the protection of the Second Amendment.

This is a long running argument from the anti-gun rights people. The gist is always of the “this modern thing didn’t exist in 1791 so it isn’t covered by the second amendment.” These same people are saying this on phones, computers, The Internet, which the firmly believe are covered under the first Amendment, even though those things would not have been known at the time of the founding.

The question is legitimate, so lets take it to an extreme.

Are Nuclear Weapons Protected Arms Under the Second Amendment?

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Smoked BBQ Meatloaf

I think I tried meatloaf once in college. It was cafteria meatloaf which needless to say was dry and flavorless. A total waste of good hamburger meat. A couple of weeks ago, I saw this video:

And I went ahead and tried it today.

I ran out of gas and did not realize it till the smoker was at room temperature which happened to ne in the low 50s. I believe that is why it “cracked.”

It does not look as pretty as the one above, but it tasted damned good and it was juicy. I have three more pans in the freezer with different combinations of amounts and seasonings reserved for future days.

Dear Lazy Florida Gun Owner: You never change, do you?

I read that there was some ruckus in the lastets committee meeting regarding Florida’s SB 150, permitless carry. I am watching it right now and I see that still 2 years after I left, Gun Owners are still too busy to show up and help pass good bills…or at least take up seats and wave in favor.

That Moms Demand still has a bigger presence in the Florida legislature is a fucking embarrassment.