Back from Appleseed.
The soul was willing, but the flesh was screaming in pain.
I left halfway the second day because my elbows were swollen and hurting after hours of prone on both days. My back gave up on me in the middle of shooting standing and obviously my accuracy went to crap. The transitions are a bitch and even though I was wearing elbow soft pads, I have a banana under the skin of my left elbow right now. Note made to research for hard elbow pads.

If you have been thinking about taking this class, do not hesitate and go for it. I can give you a long song and dance about how good they are and how much I improved, but instead I will show you my progress in three pictures.
And no, not even close to get the Rifleman patch. The timed magazine change stages murdered me with enough mikes to make it embarrassing. Of course I will go back again.
PS: I hit two out of the three Morgan’s shingles I tried.