Month: April 2023

Things that go Bump in the dark, Cargill v. Burr

B.L.U.F. Those scary ammosexuals want to go bang fast but that’s scary because going bang fast is scary. So let’s ban scary bump stocks and get taken to the Supreme Court for infringing on the core civil rights of The People

The question

This case is not a second amendment case though it is a constitutional case that impacts us. Mr. Cargill (good guy) is sueing to overturn the ATF’s bump stock ban. He is asking the court to determine if:

  1. Did the ATF violate Article I, §§ 1,7 and Article II §3 by amending congressionally approved statutes
  2. Did the ATF violate Article I §1 and Article II § 3 non-divestment
  3. Did the ATF violate Article I §1 and Article II § 3 separation of powers
  4. Did the ATF violate Article I §1 because they did not have the constitutional authority to ban bump stocks
  5. Did the ATF violate the Administrative Procedure ACT 5 U.S.C. §§ 706(2)(A),(C) by exceeding their statutory authority
  6. Did the ATF violate the Administrative Procedure ACT, 5 U.S.C. § 706(2)(A) by making an arbitrary and capricious rule

This was case was filed on March 25, 2019.

What this comes down to is that Mr. Cargill is asking to court to find the final rule banning bump stocks to be enjoined because the ATF did not have the authority to make that rule the way they did.

Cargill demanded a trial by jury but it looks like only a bench trial was granted.

District Court Findings

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We need a 2A for cars

If the Venn Diagram for people that hate guns and the people who hate pickup trucks isn’t a perfect circle, it’s pretty fucking close.

The people who hate trucks talk about truck owners the way the people who hate guns talk about gun owners, i.e., exactly how radical Leftists talk about anyone they don’t like.

“We need to send those people to a gulag until they agree with us or are dead.”


See, he doesn’t like trucks so the government should just crush people’s hard earned money and then send them to prison.

I’m tired of these people ranting about shit like this.

I have two pickups and two safes full of guns, please try something so we can finish this once and for all.

Chicago: Meet the new boss, possibly worse than the old boss.

[Brandon] Johnson defeated Vallas 51.42% to 48.58%, with 99% of precincts reporting. At the end of Election Day, there were over 555,000 total ballots cast.

The newly-elected Democratic mayor ran on a more progressive platform than Vallas. He advocated comprehensive reform at all levels, hoping to bolster communities through improvements in mental health services, affordable housing, and education. He also placed an emphasis on promoting detectives to combat the city’s rising crime rates.

Johnson was endorsed by several national lawmakers, including Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), as well as the Chicago Teachers Union, which donated millions to his campaign. He defied several polls taken prior to the election that showed Vallas with a slight but steady lead over him.

Johnson’s win will set the Democratic-controlled city on a slightly more progressive path than in previous years. A win for Vallas would have meant stricter policing methods and a more fiscal approach to the city’s declining education rates.


Chicago mayoral race: New mayor elected in runoff after ousting Lightfoot | Washington Examiner


He is a pro Defund Da Police member till he was running for Mayor where suddenly he saw the light.

I fear Hey Jackass will not run out of material anytime soon

If your cause is just, why do you cheat? Oregon

Last year the people of Oregon, by a bare majority, voted in a truck load of infringements. These included permit to purchase, gun registries, magazine bans, and many other Bruen FU’s.

This was Measure 114. The measure was so bad that even the political class didn’t want it to go into effect immediately.

It did.

Having gone into effect, it was challenged. Because it was a direct infringement case the suit was filed in the federal district court of Oregon. In one of the first cases, Oregon Firearms Federation, Inc. v. Brown (2:22-cv-01815) the district court first denied the motion for a TRO and for a Preliminary Injunction.

The plaintiffs(Good Guys) appealed the District Court’s decision to the Ninth Circus court. This appeal was withdrawn by the plaintiffs.

A number of other cases where joined with this as the lead case.

While all of this was going on in the district court, another case was filed in state court. That state court found FOR the plaintiffs(good guys) and enjoined part of Measure 114. The state appealed to the state supreme court which declined to hear the case.

What this means is that all or part of Measure 114 is enjoined from being enforced. It is stopped.

Of course the state can’t have a lose on any infringement.

They decided to “moot” the cases currently in district court. There are things that the legislature can do which will allow them to claim that the dispute before the court no longer exists.

If the cases reference Measure 114 then if it becomes a bill/regulation it might moot. If some of the wording changes, it might moot the cases.

This is exactly what the legislature in Oregon is doing:

SB 348 sets out a procedure to apply for a permit to buy a gun and requires state police to complete a background check before a gun can be sold or transferred to a permit holder, starting July 1, 2024. It also would ban the sale or purchase of magazines holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition, except for use by military or law enforcement officers. The large-capacity ammunition ban would become effective on the date the bill is signed into law if approved.

The bill goes further than Measure 114 by also raising the age for gun buyers, increasing the waiting period to obtain a gun and increasing the fees to obtain a gun permit.
Legal challenges to state gun control bill would be restricted to Marion County, new amendment says

There are more infringements but they threw in this kicker:

A last-minute amendment to a state gun control bill that largely mimics voter-approved Measure 114 would restrict future legal challenges to the bill to Marion County Circuit Court.

The move is aimed at avoiding so-called “forum shopping,” the practice of pursuing a legal claim in a court that is likely to treat it most favorably.

The state calls it “forum shopping” if you are filing the case in your home county. The state isn’t “forum” shopping when they pick the state court where challenges must be filed.

There are a number of things going on in these cases, hopefully we’ll see some good progress soon.

Dear Chief LEOs: Stop calling your officers untrained and stupid.

Miami Dade PD Director and Orange County (Pedo Mouse County) Sheriff, trying to make politics by calling their officers untrained dunces.

Is there a cop in the US who does not approach a suspect without thinking he or she might be armed? If so, why are they wearing body armor all the time and not only when they have a confirmed call of an armed suspect?

Dear Chief LEOs: STUF. Stop embarrassing your agency and its members with cheap politics.