Month: June 2023

Brady must lie and peddle systemic racism to sell gun control.

I just caught this one in Twitter:

The poor child was surely shot by an evil White Supremacists, right?

The two young men are accused of killing 15-year-old Hadiya Pendleton on January 29.
Police said Ward and Williams were gang members seeking revenge against the people who had shot Williams in July, men against whom Williams had refused to press charges when police arrested them.

He and Ward thought they had spotted members of a rival gang at the park when police said Ward sneaked up on Hadiya and her friends and began shooting. Williams was the getaway driver, Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy has said.

Ward later confessed to shooting Hadiya and two others in a case of mistaken identity, according to McCarthy.

2 charged in Chicago teenage girl’s killing plead not guilty | CNN

The biggest murdered of blacks are, unfortunately, other blacks by a staggering 88%.

If your cause is righteous, why lie? 

Gen Z woman are broken


This is the product of being saturated online and having no perspective of the real world.

I’m a materials engineer. Materials engineering is consistently in the top 5 salaries for batchelor degrees.

It took me having a PhD, PE with eight years experience to break $100,000 in salary.

Mid career salaries for engineering (20 years experience) is about $150,000.

A $650,000 salary is a senior partner in a law firm or medical clinic with 30 years experience experience.

These women have no idea what men of their contemporary age make, except for the tiniest fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percentage of terminally online influencer bros.

Social media was a mistake and a generation is broken.

Friday Feedback

Last night, I pushed out my first article using the new citation engine. Please let me know if you have any feedback on it, thank you.

Hagar has a couple of articles out this week. Great engagement, as always. She has at least one more article ready to go and more in the queue.

I also want to apologize, the meme I posted that I got from e-mail was modified from the original, cutting off the original creator’s marks.

Bring a gun to a machete fight

Being a Florida boy, born and raised, I have a lot of familiarity with machetes as yard tools.

There is nothing more effective at trimming palm fronds than a machete.

Anything that can hack through the tough stems of a palmetto can hack through you.

Machetes as a weapon scare the fuck out of me.

This is a machete attack in Scotland.


This is how it was reported in the UK:

Footage shows brutal machete attack in Glasgow as source claims victim ‘lost limbs’

Limbs, plural.


Despite what anti-gun idiots say, blades are a terrible threat.

It’s not just “a knife” or “a machete.”

It’s something that can take arms off.

If someone comes at you with a blade, especially a big one like a machete, distance and a gun is your friend.



O.F.F. v. Brown, Order denying Preliminary Injunction and Summary Judgement

The Judge Said What?

B.L.U.F.A District Court judge decides that it isn’t law that is being questioned but facts.

In the Beginning

Finding that this case implicates important and unsettled questions of law, this Court exercises its discretion to deny both Defendants’ and Plaintiffs’ motions. This Court additionally finds that the record contains genuine disputes of material fact, which would benefit from full development through trial. Accordingly, Defendants’ and Plaintiffs’ Motions are DENIED.
Oregon Firearms Federation, Inc. v. Brown, No. 2:22-cv-01815, slip op. at 2–3 (D. Or.)

The key takeaway is genuine disputes of material fact. Post Bruen there is no real material fact to be determined with regard to presumptively protected conduct. This case is a challenge to Oregon’s measure 114, which contains a LCM ban.


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Biden expanding gun rights was not on my bingo card

Could Hunter Biden be the next poster child for Second Amendment rights?
The president’s son is under investigation for potentially breaking the law banning drug users from owning guns – but the law’s constitutionality faces growing challenges.

Hunter Biden could soon find himself in a surprising position: at the cutting edge of the fight to strengthen the Second Amendment.

The president’s son is the target of a Justice Department investigation scrutinizing his purchase of a gun in 2018 — a time when he has said he was regularly using crack cocaine. Federal law bans drug users from owning guns.

Since Bruen, most courts have still upheld the law banning drug users from owning guns, according to Jeff Welty, a professor at the School of Government at the University of North Carolina who closely tracks gun cases. But several have ruled against it.

Just a week after Bruen was released, a federal district judge in Utah ruled that the prohibition on drug users owning guns was unconstitutional because of its vagueness. Judge Jill Parrish noted that the statute itself doesn’t define the word “user” and also doesn’t say how the timing of people’s drug use affects their right to own guns. Parrish’s ruling — which the government has appealed — was based on the Fifth Amendment, not the Second, so it did not cite the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision. But Bruen only strengthens challenges to the drug-user prohibition.

You can see where this is going.

The Biden Administration is going to go to bat to defend Hunter.

They are going to use Bruen to argue that he may have been addicted to crack, but banning a crack addict from buying a gun is unconstitutional.

Yeah, Trump banning bump stocks and Biden legalizing buying guns as a crack head wasn’t on my bingo card.

Now I want someone to give Hunter a suppressed, full auto, SBR so the Biden Administration can get SCOTUS to declare the NFA unconstitutional.