Month: August 2023

Dear Shannon: You poor deluded broad.


Moms Demand was founded in December 2012, since then and till today, according to the FBI 300,664,553 NICS Firearm Background Checks have been performed.

This blog in particular has been up and running longer than your multi-million dollar, Bloomberg-funded astroturf group and I know I did it with a loss for long time. I know many other blogs and influencers that did it the same way and are still alive and kicking your ass.

We have done more for real Gun Safety than you and your Xanax and Wine frustrated hausfraus.

You and yours have thrown all kinds of lies, innuendos and propaganda with the full support of a complacent Media, yet we haven’t wavered.

Nor we will.

No get off the podium and go get another dose of Botox. Do lose the cheek implants, you look like hell.


Policies are not laws

You guys don’t make it easy. The rabbit hole nearly ate me alive. At issue is how people are sentenced after they are convicted of one or more crimes. This is about U.S. v. Matthew Raymond Hoover yet touches on a cert denial at the supreme court just a few weeks ago.

We read about the number of criminals that are being set free on a catch and release basis. This is happening in the prosecutor’s office. The prosecutor looks at the person being charged and decides on what charges to bring. PoC in blue city, low charges, white cis, higher charges. The prosecutor looks at what the cops say they are charging the person with. He then decides what the actual charges will be.

Example, a white female, 85 years of age, no criminal history, walking in the people’s house taking pictures. Charged by the special investigator with unlawful entry and interfering with an official proceeding. The prosecutor, looking at the totality of the person, the person’s history, the charges brought to them by the special investigator, decides to charge her with all of the above as well as incitement. He tells the court that she is a flight risk.

Counter example, a black male, 19 years of age, two felony convictions, a long history of gang involvement, multiple charges of violence against person. The cops picked him up for stabbing a pregnant white woman, at the scene, with the bloody knife in his pocket. He has previously attempted to evade arrest when warrants were issued. Including out of state flight. The prosecutor charges him with illegal possession of a weapon recommends that he be released with no bail.

This is “prosecutorial discretion”. It means that when the suspect gets to court, the court will try him for illegal possession of a weapon. That’s it. The attempted murder will never be heard by the court.

This is not what this article is about.

This article is about what happens after the suspect is found guilty.

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It was an Object Lesson for ALL Americans.

Once again, let’s say it and get out of the way: Craig Robertson broke the law when he issued threats against POTUS. It carries a sentence of five years and/or fined for the offense.



Now, was the full tactical raid warranted? Let’s see what we have: an obese 75-year-old man who people say need to walk with a cane was at home, under surveillance and well away from POTUS in both time and distance. Same as with Waco, they could have arrested him easily anytime he stepped outside days before the fateful day, but they rather do a full kinetic entrance with flash bangs and the whole guns blazing like he was Jason Bourne incarnated.

“But Miguel! He was armed when they got in!” No shit, Sherlock. Are you going to believe that somebody busting through your door at dawn are just people with no evil intentions? Somebody yells “Federal Agents! Search Warrant!” and you blindly assume it is truly Law Enforcement because criminals don’t lie about things like that?  No, you assume the worse and go to guns, Castle Doctrine and all that. And I hate to think this way and I hope I am wrong, but I suspect that the Feds were actually betting on that particular response to have the guy shot and eventually killed. Legally.

The lesson? If you Dear Citizen dare to oppose this Administration, bad things may happen to you. It will be very public, and we will legally get away with it.

Prepare accordingly.

What actually draining the swamp looks like

The MAGA chant in 2016 onwards was: “Drain the swamp.”

Then, in 2020, Trump handed Fauci and the swamp the keys to the country.

Trump and MAGA ceaselessly accuse DeSantis of being a RINO in bed with the swamp.

At the sane time, DeSantis is draining Florida’s proverbial swamp.

DeSantis suspends another elected prosecutor in move derided as ‘politically motivated’

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday once again suspended an elected Florida prosecutor from office, this time removing a central Florida Democrat that the Republican governor contended was too lenient with criminals and was endangering the public.

The move drew sharp criticism from the target of the suspension — State Attorney Monique Worrell — as well as Democrats, who called DeSantis a “dictator” and said his actions were designed to draw attention to his struggling presidential campaign.

DeSantis, during an early morning press conference from the state Capitol where he announced the suspension, cited several examples of where he contended Worrell had failed to pursue minimum mandatory sentences for criminals or did not fully prosecute both adults and juveniles who later went on to commit other crimes. One of those the governor highlighted was a 17-year-old who allegedly shot and killed his pregnant girlfriend just months after he had been initially charged with gun crimes.

“We had a duty to act to prevent this dereliction of duty,” DeSantis said. “Prosecutors do have a certain amount of discretion about which charges to bring. What this state attorney has done is abuse that discretion and has effectively nullified certain laws in the state of Florida.”

But why now?

What was the tipping point?

A name that should be all over the news but isn’t: Daton Viel.

Just a few days ago, Daton Viel shot two Orlando police officers and put them in the hospital in critical condition.

That’s bad.  The whole story is worse.

Why was gunman Daton Viel on the streets?

The man who Orlando Police said shot and critically wounded two of their officers Friday night could have potentially been taken off the streets months before the violent attack, court records reviewed by News 6 suggest.

Daton Viel, 28, was killed during a shootout with the Orlando Police SWAT team early Saturday morning.

Viel had an extensive criminal history, records show, with his most recent arrest occurring a little more than four months before the police shooting.

Authorities arrested Viel on March 27 after investigators said DNA evidence linked him to the December 2022 rape of a 14-year-old girl in Orange County.

Viel posted a $125,250 bond and was released from the Orange County jail on April 14 to await trial on charges of sexual battery and molestation, records show.

At the time of the alleged rape in December 2022, Viel was under the supervision of the Florida Department of Corrections while serving probation for crimes he committed in Georgia, including aggravated battery and arson, state records show.

At the time Viel was released from jail in April, court records show the Florida Department of Corrections placed him on electronic monitoring that included a GPS bracelet.

On June 13, six weeks after a Georgia judge issued an arrest warrant for Viel, Florida Department of Corrections officials learned Viel had cut off his electronic monitoring device and moved out of his aunt’s Apopka home without notifying his probation officer.

During a news conference discussing Viel’s criminal history, Worrell placed full responsibility for the shooting of the two Orlando police officers on Viel, and avoided blaming other public servants.

“All of our agencies are doing the very best they can to handle a lot of cases with very limited resources,” said Worrell. “Hindsight is 20-20. There are any number of things that can be done on any given day that could make an outcome different. In this case, those things weren’t done. And here we are today.”

Then there is this:

Man accused of shooting 2 Orlando officers had previous run-ins with law enforcement, records show

Records show the man accused of shooting and critically injuring two Orlando police officers has a history of run-ins with law enforcement.

Daton Viel, 28, led Orlando police on an overnight pursuit.

Leading up to his death, Viel had been running from law enforcement under several other charges.

According to court records, he had a run-in with police on campus at the University of Central Florida.

This man was a known violent offender, sex offender, on parole with a cut-off ankle monitor, and still was allowed on the streets where he shot two cops.

Then the prosecutor who let him out on bond had the fucking audacity to blame the cops for getting shot.

It’s telling that Orange County Sheriff John Mina and Osceola County Sheriff Marco Lopez both supported DeSantis’ actions.

Upon Worrell’s removal, Mina released this statement:

“Our focus at the Orange County Sheriff’s Office is to protect our community from violent criminals. We rely on our partnership with the State Attorney’s Office to ensure those offenders are held to account and kept off our streets. We look forward to working with Judge Andrew Bain in his new role as State Attorney,” Mina said in a statement.

And from Osceola County Sheriff Marco Lopez:

“The criminal justice system only works when law enforcement investigates and arrests those who commit crime and the State Attorney’s Office prosecutes those offenders. We welcome Judge Andrew Bain as the new State Attorney and look forward to our offices working together for justice. The victims of crime in Osceola County will always come first,” Lopez said in a statement.

The politics here are that Worrell was a Leftist who was soft on crime that allowed a known offender with a repeat history of violence to shoot two cops, who she then blamed for getting shot.

She deserved to get fired for making Florida more dangerous.

That’s draining the swamp.

Why competition is important?

Last night I was able to go to one of our local ranges that offers a Gun & Run match either in pistol or rifle depending on the week.

It was Long Gun Day so I took my Ruger PC 9 which I have shot, but not run under stress (for me and the gun) in order to see how truly bad and rusty I was (been over a decade since I did any “tactical” rifle) and also to see if the gun and gear are truly reliable. The results were both expected and perplexing.

First, sweet Jesus, I am not only old’er’ but with a brain that deluded itself to think I was a much younger and more trained person. On the first stage, my brain and my body were having a spat: while the Gray Matter was shouting “faster! faster!” my Knees and Back were “Would you shut the eff up? This is as good as it gets unless you want to facepalm.” And this is after losing all the weight and doing gym for almost 2 years.  It makes me shudder to think about how worse I would be otherwise.

Now, to the stupid part. One of the lessons of participating in a match is that you are forced to run a course of fire you did not design and therefore not an exercise you subconsciously choose because you are good at it. Enter hubris: The first stage I shot unsupported while I should had known better. I mean, not even a hasty-hasty with the sling as told in Appleseed Project,I just went Hollywood Stupid and the paper showed it. It was my worst and horrifyingly bad, bottom of the barrel score and so bad I ended the worse shooter overall because of it. Lesson learned and for the next two stages I did use the sling properly and was reflected on paper again: I went for the depths of scoring Hades to somewhere below the middle of the pack on each stage.

On the gun & gear side, I had two double feeds out of otherwise reliable and accurate gun. I was slow in recovering at first because it has been so long it took me a too long moment to recall the clearing procedure. Good news, the PC9 is just a joy to have to recover from a double feed. Half the back of my brain is pestering me about the issue being the fault of one of the Magpul Glock 27 rounders while the other pessimistic half is arguing that maybe 27 rounders are not simply too reliable for this gun. I did run the last stage with a Magpul 15 rounder and not a hiccup. I guess I will have to start burning ammo trying to duplicate the malfunction and find a cure, but I did segregate the possibly offending magazine just in case.

Speaking of magazines, by watching other shooters I found out that AR mags, no matter the maker, are not too happy about landing on hard surfaces. Some lost ammo and others had ammo halfway out and one particular magazine which caught one round on the rim by the mag lips and pointing at a 90ish-degree angle (See the re-enacting pic below).  Lesson learned: Be nice to your AR Mags.


And the best part of the match was that I got to shoot among fellow shooters and had fun at it. Even with the issues, I left the range with a smile on my face and even got home before sundown fully relaxed.

I call it Ballistic Therapy and it indeed works.

PS: Murfreesboro desperately need an outdoor range.

PS2: I did double up on ear pro. I don’t have a lot of hearing left, but I would like to keep what I got.

Friday Feedback

I finished moving a new client onto our servers yesterday. They had been cracked and abused. Thank you to Miguel for that client.

On different fronts, I’m fighting with PyQt6. For whatever reason, the QMediaPlayer will not reliably play an MP3 or WAV. Lord help me if I want to change the start position. This is very frustrating for me because I’m at the 80% mark in a transcription program with a GUI.

You tell it to fetch a recording of a hearing before a court. It figures out how many speakers are recorded, when they are speaking and the duration of their segment. It then uses external guidance to do a voice ID of the different speakers before finally generating a transcription of the audio.

The issue? There is a part of the interface where you connect different speakers to named people. It allows you to listen to a segment of the audio and make comparisons.

For example, I have two cases where there was only one judge in common. That means that there should only be one match between the two cases, and that match should be the judge. There were two matches.

It turns out that both cases had the same court manager. So my software picked out the fact that there were actually two people speaking in both cases, which is cool.

Regardless, I’ll make it work. It is what I do.

There are numerous things happening in different cases right now, but I’m looking at Dayonta McClinton v. UNITED STATES which was recently denied certiorari. Not because the case has anything to do with the Second Amendment, but because Sotomayor, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, Alito, and Barrett are in agreement.

The case is about a man who was charged with murder and robbery. The jury found him guilty of the robbery charge and not guilty of the murder charge. Under the sentencing guidelines, McClinton should have been looking at 5 to 6 years.

At the sentencing hearing, the state told the court that McClinton had been charged with murder. The court used the accusation, of which McClinton had been found not guilty, to increase the sentence to 20 years.

If you are interested, please let me know in the comments.

The comments are open, go for it.